Comprehensive talk by Dr. @JoaoLCavalcante who who patiently walked us through #WhyCMR in Mitral Regurgitation.
First: different etiologies of MR where #WhyCMR may be applicable:
🧲Primary MR
🧲Arrhythmogenic MVP phenotype (including MAD)
🧲Secondary MR (work in progress)

Limitations of #echofirst:
🧲overestimation of MR by PISA, underestimation of eccentric MR.
🧲poor reproducibility if MR severity (inter- and intra-observer)
🧲Alas, there is no accuracy without reproducibility 👎🏻

#WhyCMR for Primary MR➡️
🧲CIRC ‘17➡️CMR severe-TTE moderate MR outcomes similar to CMR severe-TTE-severe MR.
🧲JACC ‘15➡️👎🏻correlation of MR estimates by #whycmr & #echofirst in pts referred to MV Sx.
🧲💪🏻 correlation b/w post-op LV remodeling & baseline MR severity by CMR

🧲AJC 2020➡️evidence for strong correlation between predicted and observed change in post-MR “correction” LVEDV based on baseline MR severity by #whyCMR. 🧲Greater superiority of #WhyCMR when quantifying post #mitraclip residual MR.

#WhyCMR in FMR:
🧲ongoing attempts at quantifying & characterizing significant FMR to help triage patients for appropriate therapies.
🧲FMR is a dz of the LV.
🧲Need better assessment of LV “health” and #echofirst with abundant limitations in this regard.
🧲Enter #WhyCMR

Thanks very much, Dr. @JoaoLCavalcante for such a detailed talk, from basics to more advanced and for answering my question about 3D ECHO.
Those interested in learning more, check out this upcoming workshop by @MHIF_Heart.