I’m a little freaked out by the way the director inserted what feels like inexplicably unnecessary Christian imagery into this remake...the Son of Heaven crucified on the tomb to his father, the Phoenix angel wings on Mulan.
And after massive protests, Xi suddenly rolls back Zero Covid policy with the standard “oh the virus has evolved/our policies have worked” stuff that govs everywhere have done. What are the “Xi can’t possibly pivot or lose face!” maximalists thinking now? nytimes.com/2022/12/08/wor…
I would’ve thought it would come with a massive vax push but Xi clearly thinks he has power firmly enough in hand that he can shake off whimsically ending a despised public health mandate—and the millions of deaths that will likely follow
A gift of @ewarren’s Op-Ed in the @nytimes, in which she gives smart, sound, detailed advice on what Dems should do now that we’ve held the Senate. Sharp analysis on how progressive ideas won voters over, and going further will win more, per her brand. nytimes.com/2022/11/12/opi…
Curious what part of
—reverse Trump tax giveaways to wealthy
—cut housing and child care costs
—end gerrymandering
—protect abortion rights as kitchen table issue not ideologically
—focus on economic well-being of families
—embrace populist economic policies
If anyone, ANYONE doubted that Trump's 2024 campaign (which is surely coming, now more than ever) was going to lean hard into China-bashing and inflaming anti-Asian xenophobia, stop doubting.
I continue to feel sorry for her assault but questions about her journalistic ethics began well before that and then erupted with her Benghazi coverage.
But now who knows how deep Qanon has its claws into her.
It’s quite possible, but it is absolute garbage that Newsmax is trotting her out there while trying to guide her to a coherent on message right wing talking point. Then again I’m sure they’d throw Kanye out there to spout unmedicated antisemitism if he were available.
Pence is no hero for not criming Trump into office, just like Romney and six other GOP senators are no heroes for voting to impeach him and Liz Cheney is no hero for helping investigate a deadly insurrection
But the bar is just so low for Republicans now—we celebrate Team Normal
The truth is of course that the Republican Party will never be normal again. When no more than a token handful of its members are even willing to *investigate* a massive existential crime against democracy, it’s clear it is beyond hope. And this just the most egregious evidence.
The GOP is a party that refuses to acknowledge the clear and present threat of climate change to the humans species
That won’t act to reign in guns even as kids are murdered week after week
That lets its members flout rules and overtly embrace white nationalism without censure