Schema can be coded in different formats.
RDF formats..
Every search engine prefers the webmaster to code the JSON-LD because it's easy for the bots to pick the code from the header of the page.
It's the page level when we do schema coding. So you have choose what type of schema you have to choose and assign it.
There are different types like Webpage, Local business, Organisation, Service, Plumber etc etc.
So it's the SEO person has to decide. #SEOTALK
You can have multiple blocks of schema code and that works well. Make sure the important schema code that need goggle to priority make sure it is on top of the head.
As google bot reads top to bottom.
The magic happens outside of the comfort zone. Likewise, start learning how to code the JSON-LD code.. Once you get used to the basics and start with the simple examples of
You can take up little step each day.
It's JSON - LD
LD - Linked data
you can connect another site via schema markup. That's where the magic is.. it's easy to assign what you're trying to say with cross reference URL of other sites.
Example: Arrow ( Can be arrow direction or Weapon too) #SEOTAlk
Once you get the basics of JSON-LD.. Start coding with the schema by extending with the help of an idea called Triples.
if you're coding a schema for a local business. The founder been into university too, & place he is, and where it is located.
You see it? #SEOTALK
it gets way deeper, when you start learning how to code.
In simple words this is the workflow of schema coding..
Once schema is deployed, You need google to have the latest schema in their indexing.
So we have to URL submission in webmaster so that they can reindex with the latest page.
That's where you see the fast movements in the rank trackers.
99% of the people who knows about schema focus on the rich results..
But.. schema is ver useful to explain what exactly the page is about. The more detail you explain in schema, the better you rank well with less backlinks.
I'm seeing crazy results. #SEOTALK
So here is it in simple words :)
I know you might have this question..
I did a single variable testing of schema on a local business website for a friend of mine.
Here is the pictures.