@mentions@JonLemire The thought crossed my mind, too, but Woodward is not a medical doctor or scientist. Our Surgeon General, Dr. Birx, Dr. Redfield, Dr. Hahn, Dr. Atlas and/or Dr. Faucci are the one you should be blaming, not Woodward! If he'd done it back in February, no one -- especially Trump's
@mentions@JonLemire 2/ base -- would've believed him that early! Those doctors weren't telling the truth, so it would've been like Woodward was thinking he was the expert. THEY were already involved at that time, and THEY had the medical data to back it up! Woodward didn't. It should've been the
@mentions@JonLemire 3/ the doctors & scientists telling the truth because THEY had the data to prove what they had to say!!! Faucci tried, but Trump kept suppressing him from talking. You who are trying to blame Woodward are just wanting a scapegoat! It was YOUR POTUS and all those medical experts!
@mentions@JonLemire 4/ They even said that "Trump knew the date it was to be released," so it had nothing to do with Bob Woodward wanting higher book sales. Trump thought Woodward was just going to write about him like he was a king. He said he wanted to look better. That's how sick-minded Trump is!
@mentions@JonLemire 6/ What you should do is thank Bob Woodward for NOT mak'g Trump appear like a king like he wanted. He told the truth so intelligent people would use their consciences when mak'g their decision on Nov 3rd. What Trump did is beyond evil & unforgivable. His base wouldn't believe it!
@mentions@JonLemire 7/ I recall an awful lot of Republican senators and representatives being spiteful to Dems, being poor role models to their base, encouraging NOT wearing face masks and social distancing, and even their base going up to Dems, trying to pull their masks off! Also, the base lined
@mentions@JonLemire 8/ up in vehicles, caus'g trouble, stand'g in front of courthouses w/guns; GUNS! You idiot @GOP & the @VP & @POTUS@realDonaldTrump had rallies, & it's on video where they were remov'g labels from seats as markers 4 social distanc'g! Then Trump encouraged red states open'g early!
@mentions@JonLemire@GOP@VP@POTUS@realDonaldTrump 9/ That caused a surge with twice as many cases per day, and here are how many cases we had on March 25th, shortly before they began to open, just two weeks after they began to open, and today:
@mentions@JonLemire@GOP@VP@POTUS@realDonaldTrump 10/ Blame Trump, Pence, your GOP senators & congresspeople AND your GOP governors! As I recall, those on the other side of the aisle were being completely honest with us, while YOUR POTUS was calling it the "Democrats' newest hoax"!
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Trump Loses Control as Softball Interview Implodes
From administration insiders, to The Trumps and Trump, Inc., to Republican politicians, to conservative voices, to world leaders -- 91 who know him have spoken out about what makes him unfit for office. It's time to listen to them all because many have been listening to only one
person, and those people have not even stopped to think what will result as his complete turn to authoritarianism or dictatorship is in place. Trump puts himself before the country AND the people, even his supporters he charms into doing his dirty work, most of whom have been
SERIOUSLY IMPORTANT for Democratic and left-leaning Independent voters to consider and, hopefully, take very seriously.
I have tried numerous times to stress just how important it is for us ALL to vote in BOTH the general elections AND the midterms since we now compete against a
party that still calls itself "Republicans" but sits so far-right on the spectrum that they don't even fit the description of "conservative." They, in fact, are making every effort they can to END democracy in America for good. They've passed even more laws since the ones they
immediately passed in 2021 after they lost the WH, the Senate AND the House. They gerrymandered their districts even more than ever after the census that Trump ordered stopped before the Bureau could finish. Gov. Ivey of AL thumbed her nose at an order from the SCOTUS to create
I keep reading all these tweets telling the GOP (without directly addressing them) to quit paying tribute to MLK, Jr. Day when everything they're doing is to keep black history out of schools so whites won't look or feel bad, claiming it didn't happen during these times, but the
2/ truth is that everything they do promotes racism and keeps as many as possible from exercising their right to vote, and they gerrymander them out of their districts to as great a degree as possible. Ever since the Tulsa Greenwood District Massacre in 1921, whites have done
3/ everything in their power to keep blacks from prospering and the race most prejudiced against because they didn't like that those in Greenwood had success in business and built wealth, so they burnt down the entire district in one day. They don't want
@BarclayBrown GWB and Obama ran high deficits due to fully-active wars. Obama had cut the deficit by nearly half by the time he left office, though. Clinton ended with a budget surplus, but GWB just HAD to give tax rebates ASAP, and then 9/11 and the wars, which should've been only one.
@BarclayBrown 2/ GWB had one shorter recession, then came the Great Recession in 2008, which was handed to Obama to deal with on top off the wars. Trump just spent AND lowered taxes for the rich and wealthy, which increased the deficit a lot even before COVID.
Note to @IBTimes: That⬆️ was a terrible job at reporting and writing an article, as it first says they didn't know how long she'd gone without oxygen, but later says Keough came home "immediately after she collapsed" and performed CPR until EMTs arrived.
😂🤣 @SpeakerMcCarthy You gave up your pride and respectability by conceding to everything the Freedom Caucus asked of you and taking 15 votes for them to even vote "present" to "allow" you to get to pretend to be Speaker. Admit it, Kev. You've NEVER been anything close to a
'leader', and you're proving to be quite the wuss already -- and not just to Mary. America has witnessed it all, as has every other country! 😂🤣 The article below about you running to Mar-a-Lago is proof that many see you as a joke.