Last year I met with a source to learn more about how the alt-right was financed. What they explained was a shell game wherein Peter Theil would take a meeting and then later Jeff Giesea would work with them to set up an LLC "production company" that would receive Theil capital.
The source described to me how recipients ranging from alt-light "mens right advocate" Mike @Cernovich, to the neo-nazi troll "Weev" benefited from this financial structuring routing money from Peter Theil's "Theil Capital" by way of @jeffgiesea into the specifically formed LLC.
According to the source another bizarre benefactor in Peter Theil's shell game was Trump attorney Alan Dershowitz, who once served as a co-producer of one of Mike @Cernovich's propaganda films. According to the source once again in this case @JeffGiesea cut the checks for Theil.
I did not publish this info because I never had receipts to back up what the source was telling me. Today, @RosieGray and @RMac18 produced a laundry list of damning receipts that put Peter Theil at the table of an ambitious Nazi "Right Wing Dinner Squad"…
What'd I say... ?
Resurrecting this thread b/c it looks like Thiel is leaving is board position at Meta to focus on "fundraising for political candidates." (see above👆🏽)
“Thank you for walking through neighborhoods with your terrorist scarf.”
A Harvard graduate student wearing a keffiyeh, was subjected to Islamophobic harassment on campus by Eve Gerber, wife of Jason Furman, professor at Harvard's Kennedy School and a former Obama Admin advisor.
The young woman, who chooses to remain anonymous, says Gerber was driving when she saw her walking by in a keffiyeh, and got out of her car to follow her.
The student felt compelled to share this video after the horrific shooting of three Palestinian students, Tahseen Ali Ahmad, Kinnan Abdalhamid and Hisham Awartani in Burlington, VT.
Michael Benz, a consultant who provided analysis to "Twitter Files" bloggers, advised Jim Jordan's "Weaponization Committee," and had the ear of @ElonMusk and Donald Trump, also lived a double life as the alt-right live-streamer "Frame Game."
His frame is hate, his game is lies.
@elonmusk The inimitable @BrandyZadrozny unpacks the sordid history of Michael Benz and how he moved from a vile anonymous alt-right persona, to a comms desk at the State Department, to having the ear of congressional republicans ...and the owner of this platform.…
@elonmusk @BrandyZadrozny Here are the audio files of Michael as he laid out his years-long plan to infiltrate social media platforms, attack civil society groups trying to keep users safe, and impose White Supremacist narratives into our media ecosystem.…
If you did not know me would my profile pic at first glance make you think I am a bot?
Backstory. I started this twitter profile (and the sparrow project) when I got out of prison. While incarcerated I often saw the little birds who would playfully fly between the razor wire as little symbols of liberation.
I hoped to make the account something that would advance narratives that would help get people free, amplify voices of others who were locked up, or inspire others to take up their own fights for liberation. At times I think it has had an impact.
Matt Taibbi is either woefully misinformed about this or cynically lying.
How do I know?
Because I attended two meetings with Twitter representatives in July and August 2020 wherein the Hunter Biden story was discussed within the larger framework of election integrity.
Matt Taibbi's analysis has myriad problems but the biggest problem is his failure to underscore what initially prompted twitter staff to designate the content in the Post story as "stolen" or "hacked" material.
This came from conversations with law enforcement in summer of 2020
During the election integrity meetings I was present for little was known about how the material would eventually be published. I recall one spokesperson suggesting the Hunter Biden content may publish via "something like wordpress" or "wikileaks-styled" website.