Did you tidy the house?
I’ve tidied the living room & the bathroom.
What about the kitchen?
The kitchen is the dirtiest room in the house!
You’ve made the kitchen worse haven’t you...
Slightly, yes.
Do you even care about living in a tidy house?
What?! Why?!
The kitchen is the most important room to keep clean! If we’re going to get food poisoning, we’ll get it from the kitchen.
Look, when tidying the living room & bathroom there were a few dirty things that I put in the kitchen, where they belonged. But... 2/3
...I don’t think we can clean the kitchen unless we’re prepared to actually rethink laundry, recycling, pet food, compost, heirloom fine china, recipe books & the coffee machine.
So your solution is to make it worse?!
Cleaning the bathroom & living room is not a bad thing!
@GreenPartyMolly Lots of reasons. Which we need to understand. So we can start winning over their voters.
1) Taxes. lots of people resent paying taxes. They think governments (local and national) are an inefficient bureaucracies that waste money on stupid things. 2) Missinformation. Thread...
@GreenPartyMolly 2) people do not have access to accurate, clear, easily understood information about what government does. They just see the council resurface the road the week before the water board dig it up. (Probably because the reason the road needs resurfacing is a cracking pipe)
@GreenPartyMolly 3) which means they’re susceptible to lies. 4) also our centralised Whitehall bureaucracies are inefficient and riddled with false economies
5)Authority & national pride. Boris pretends to be Churchill. The left think Churchill is racist. The left lose.