LeMayora ¦ 🪷☁️ Profile picture
Sep 13, 2020 61 tweets 12 min read Read on X
The days went by and Lan XiChen found himself enjoying Jiang Cheng's presence, he was patient with him unlike the previous nurses, he knew his way around Lan Xichen.

Lan Xichen sometimes doesn't feel like eating and it became a serious problem with his previous nurses--
He could be very stubborn but sometimes the gentle approach and soft smiles he makes would always get him off the hook but none of his charms seems to work on Jiang Cheng.

In fact it was the other way around, Jiang Cheng would talk to him, distract him while he was slowly--
Being fed and he would realised he had eaten half of his potion already. But the thing about Jiang Cheng is he listens to him and they had very interesting conversations.

Lan Xichen didn't want to admit but he liked being pampered by him, His health slowly improved too.
"You are a very patient person" Lan Xichen said while Jiang Cheng continued carving some flowers on a pear as per his request.

Jiang Cheng snorted at that "Trust me I am not"

"You are very patient towards me"

"Well, I need to maintain this job, and you aren't annoying"
Lan Xichen blinked at that, a little confused "Well I feel like my previous nurses says otherwise"

"It's either their shift to be over with or they just dont observe things.. For me you are like a child. You don't want to eat this, you dont want to drink that--
you refused your medicine.. I feel like you don't like being told what to do and doesn't want to appear weak" Jiang Cheng said.

"... Thats.. My family always treats me as if I am fragile-- I understand it but sometimes it's just.. I haven't left this house for some time now"
Jiang Cheng looked at him and sat by the bed. "How about this, if your condition gets better in the next few weeks I'll try and see if we could have a stroll on the nearest park here?"

Lan Xichen's eyes brightened at thid and he immediately nodded. "I'd like that"

The next few weeks Lan Xichen's health really did improved, it even surprised Lan Wangji. Jiang Cheng worked his way to convince his brother and Uncle for a small stroll to the park.

That was the first time the two of them went out, Lan Xichen found comfort with him.
Their relationship improved a lot and Lan XiChen started to treat Jiang Cheng more than just his nurse, and later on his feeling evolved into more than friendship.

The next few months was spent with him pinning towards Jiang Cheng.
He tried making his intentions visible but slow so he wouldn't surprise Jiang Cheng. He knew the other must have felt something for him as well, he was certain of it. The small touches and the look they shared is an obvious sign and that's what led Lan Xichen to confess.
"I like you"

Jiang Cheng paused in the middle of carving his apple bunnies. "Wha..."

"I like you, a lot. I want to take you out on dates, go out with you do romantic things with you" Lan Xichen said, giving Jiang Cheng a small smile.
"Im.. But i dont think it's right"

Lan Xichen's smile fell and he nodded "I understand.. I apologise for this, I know it might be a surprise for you and taking care of a sick man is--"

"No! Thats not it" Jiang Cheng sat down on the bed "Can you give me some time to think?"
"Of course.." Lan Xichen nodded and after that exchanged they returned to their usual routine.

After a few days Lan Xichen was surprised when Lan Wangji informed him that Jiang Cheng resigned.

It made Lan Xichen's heart sink.
The next day Lan Xichen met the new nurse, Mian Mian is nice and patient but Lan Xichen definitely missed Jiang Cheng.

Later that afternoon Jiang Cheng visited and he almost wanted to jump out of bed to greet him but he decided to stay still.
"Hey, How are you?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"To be honest, I am surprised that you left, I mean I dont mind being rejected but do you really have to leave? Is it that bad?"

Jiang Cheng shook his head and sat down on the bed.
"Mian Mian is very reliable and she will definitely look after you, as per my resignation yes.. It had something to do with your confession--"

"Im sorry I shouldn't have--"

"Let me finish first, the reason I resigned is because I am accepting your confession"
Lan Xichen is confused specifically when Jiang Cheng started chuckling.

"I dont date my patients okay also your Uncle specifically stated not to engage is such.. Things" Jiang Cheng reached out to stroke his cheeks "So I'm here as your... Boyfriend?"
"... Gods I thought you..." Lan Xichen pulled him down into a tight embrace "I thought you didn't like me"

"The hell? I like you too okay! Goddammit do you know how hard I've been holding back?" Jiang Cheng shifted and slowly turned to face him.

"Dont hold back now"
"I sure as hell won't" Jiang Cheng chuckled and leaned closer sealing Lan Xichen's lips in a deep kiss.

Lan Xichen couldn't ask for anything, everything is perfect now but of course happiness like this didn't last long for the two of them.
Their relationship progressed and Lan XiChen had never been so happy, his health also improved and he can slowly come out of the house more often, of course he still need to have someone with him. It's either Mianmian his family members or Jiang Cheng.
On their anniversary the couple decided to take a vacation. Driving off to Jiang Cheng’s hometown, they spent their time admiring the Lotus lake and a week of just being on each others company.

"I will never forget this" Lan Xichen said as he looked at Jiang Cheng-
who was driving, they are on their way home and Lan XiChen is enjoying feeding Jiang Cheng some Lotus seeds.

"Really?" Jiang Cheng asked with a small smile "I could say the same thing.. I mean I never expected it.. Us"

"I should be the one saying that" Lan Xichen smiled.
"I'm so lucky to meet you, I'm really grateful to have you in my life, share all these experiences with you A-Cheng, I love you"

Jiang Cheng’s cheeks flushed at this, eyes fixed on the road but he had a small stupid smile on his face. "I do too... You better not forget this"
"I won't, you will---"

Lan Xichen didn't finish his words when he felt a strong impact and their car skidded on the road before another car crashed into them.

When Lan Xichen tried to open his eyes he realized he was upside down and he reached out to the other

"...A..Cheng.." Image
//Present time//

Jiang Cheng took a step back, his eyes locked on the unconscious body on the bed. He wiped away the tears that trailed down his cheek and he disappeared in the room.

He marched down into the darkness, steps heavy looking around he was met by Wen Qing.
"What the hell is going on!" he hissed.

"It means your time here will end soon and you will return to the mortal realm" Wen Qing informed.

"What about Lan Xichen?!"

"You've collected enough souls to return, his soul is the last one you had to collect in order for you to live"
His eyes widened at this and he shook his head "W-what if I dont want to do it?"

"It will be passed to a different reaper, you know many of us here wanted to live, they wont hesitate to take the task"

Jiang Cheng looked down and gritted his teeth disappearing into his realm
He appeared into Lan Xichen's room and the man is sleeping on the bed. A week from now he would have to take his soul...

"Wanyin?" Lan Xichen opened his eyes and tried to focus hid gaze to the direction where he thinks Jiang Cheng is standing. "Why aren't you saying anything?"
Jiang Cheng moved and sat down on the bed, reaching out he stroked Lan Xichen's cheeks "Lan Xichen.."

"Yes? Is something bothering you?"

"Do you wish to live?"

Lan Xichen blinked at the odd question. "Of course.. I wanted to spend time with my family and I wanted.. - -
to know them more, I cant remember anything for now but I wanted to pick up those memories"

Jiang Cheng placed his hand down and sighed "If I let you live, I want you to promise me something.. Dont try to remember your past. Make new memories and be happy"
"I... Well..."

"Promise me" Jiang Cheng held his hand.

"I promise" Lan Xichen answered though a little skeptical.

Jiang Cheng held his hand before he disappeared, he will find a way. He won't allow it, Lan Xichen will have to live.
For the past few days he did nothing but to find anything that could help him save Lan Xichen's life, apart from that he still visited Lan Xichen like the usual, he tried his best to stop the urge of just hugging him and kissing him.
Before he left he placed the plate of sliced apples shaped into bunny into the table. Jiang Cheng returned to his realm and that day the one who greeted him is not Wen Qing.

It was the elder reaper who overlooked their tasked and the one in charge of them.
He must have heard about Jiang Cheng running around disturbing the peace in their realm. But this is also an opportunity for him to finally talk to someone that could probably give him a solution.

"I want to save him" he immediately said.
The elder one shook his head with a disapproving hum "You cant, it's his time, his lifespan is already gone"

"You cant give him more?"

"No we cant give them anything, you are here to collect souls and the amount of souls you collected is a year to pour on your lifespan--
Someone like you are special cases you are not meant to di e that day, its not your time thats why you are given a second chance."

Jiang Cheng frowned, he collected forty souls, Lan Xichen will be his forty one if he succeed.

Wait.. Hold on!

"I want to make a bargain"
His bargain was heard and Jiang Cheng immediately went to do his remaining task. He visited Wei Wuxian in a form of dream, giving him a message hoping the idiot would get it.

The next thing he did is to visit Lan Xichen. He stood beside the bed observing him.
Lan Xichen slowly opened his eyes, staring blankly towards his direction. "Wanyin?" he slowly sat up and Jiang Cheng walked closer as he sat down the bed, he couldn't tear his gaze away from Lan Xichen.

"Is something wrong?" Lan Xichen asked before blinking ".. Is it my time?"
Jiang Cheng shook his head, even though Lan Xichen can't see it. "No, I am here to say that this will be my last visit of you"

Lan Xichen stiffened from hearing that, with an obvious frown on his face he slowly reached out to touch Jiang Cheng’s cheeks. "You are crying"
He wiped away the wet streaks using his finger and Jiang Cheng held the back of his hand and nuzzled his cheek on his palm. "You wont suffer any longer, I want you to live your life beautifully"

Lan Xichen frowned and cupped his cheek, fingers running across Jiang Cheng’s cheek-
his jaw, his lips, nose and eyes trying to engrave in his memory of how he must have looked like.

Jiang Cheng closed the distance between them and placed a kiss on his lips, Lan Xichen closed his eyes accepting the gesture.

That night JC stayed beside him until he fell asleep.
Jiang Cheng returned to his realm to finalize everything that he needed to do, he made a quick visit to Wei Wuxian's dream giving a few instructions that he hoped the asshat would follow.

When the day arrived in which he would have to do his task, but all he did is to--
stay beside Lan Xichen.

"Will I be seeing you again?" Lan Xichen asked and Jiang Cheng hummed.

"I dont know but, I hope it would take a long time for us to meet again like this, its for your own good" he responded and held Lan Xichen's hand "I prepared your fruits"
"... Once I get better I will learn how to do them" Lan Xichen said and Jiang Cheng chuckled at this.

They exchanged their last goodbye and Jiang Cheng leaned down to kiss his eye and lips before he disappeared and Lan XiChen closed his eyes before taking a deep breath.

After a year and a half Lan Xichen looked around the park, a pencil and sketch pad in hand. His heath started to get better and better throughout the year and after Wanyin’s disappearance he recieved a good news of a donor for his eyes.
He was very thankful but he didn't know from whom it was. Everytime he looked at the mirror he could see a pair of stormy grey eyes, but for some reason he felt a slight sadness when he sees it.

His memory on the other hand, some of them had returned.
His childhood, about his brother and other times some blurry images he couldn't make out, it gives him massive headaches which is why he didn't force himself to remember it.

Lan Xichen glanced at his pad and looked around again, he always had this feeling of being watched.
It is unsettling but he tried to brush it off and glanced at his failed sketch. He tried to picture out what Wanyin looks like, but no matter how much he draws him he cant be satisfied by it.

Checking his watch he packed his stuff, he had lunch with his brother today.
Picking up his bag he stood up and rushed towards where his car is parked. In his haste he bumped into someone and he turned around to face them "I'm sorry!" He paused seeing the other person.

Stormy gray eyes stared at him in surprised before they turned away without a word.
Lan Xichen turned away and slowly took a step but he stopped, the image of that man didn't leave him and for some reason he turned around to look for him but he weren't there anymore.

".... Wanyin?" he asked before shaking his head and left the park.
Jiang Cheng stared at the retreating figure, he had been looking after Lan Xichen from time to time. Making sure he is well and seeing him do the things he never experienced doing before.

The bargain he made is worth it, he didn't know what he would do if he was the one who--
survived and Lan XiChen is gone.. He just couldn't.

Throughout the following years he saw him travel, exploring places to places. They occasionally met by accident, sometimes Jiang Cheng didn't know when is the time Lan Xichen can see him, other times he doesn't.
Sometimes he can detect him even without seeing and will say 'I know you are here' and Jiang Cheng wanted to badly respond to him but he wasn't allowed to do so.

And so Jiang Cheng spent his years like this, seeing Lan Xichen along with his changes in the next years.
When Jiang Cheng stepped inside the room he looked at the sleeping man on the bed. Tiredness is evident on his face and Jiang Cheng understood that its because of his old age and the years he had given him is coming to an end, that this year Lan Xichen's health dropped.


"You finally answered" Lan Xichen replied, his smile is filled with relief and happiness. "... Does that mean, it's my time now?"

"Sad to say but you are correct"

"It's fine" He gestured at the bedside table. "I made some apple rabbits, i learned it"
"I know, I saw you try and fail miserably on your first attempt" Jiang Cheng snorted.

"You are still mean as ever... A-Cheng"

Jiang Cheng froze and stared at him for while. "How did you.."

"I remembered.. 20 years ago" he replied and reached out to grasp Jiang Cheng’s hand.
"You can see me?"

"For a while now" he smiled "When i remembered everything I was really devastated. I almost wanted to follow you but when I looked at the mirror... Your eyes" he tightened his hold against his hand.
"This is a gift you've given to me, you wanted me to live and so I did, when I realised you are around me from time to time I made up my mind" he took a deep breath

"We promised before that we will travel around when I get better, and so I did I traveled knowing you are with me"
"Lan Xichen..."

"I couldn't thank you enough for everything, I didn't marry because... How could I? When I still love you so much and now I want to stay with you.."

"You will" Jiang Cheng leaned down to give him a small chaste kiss.

"You would have to bear with this old man"
"Shut it, you are still handsome as ever" Jiang Cheng chuckled and glanced at the clock, he stood up and a scythe appeared on his hand.

"Are you ready?"

LXC nodded and Jiang Cheng lifted his scythe and brought it down at the floor with a loud thud the moment the clock struck 8
The room shook for a bit and Jiang Cheng looked at the youthful man who sat up on the bed.

Lan Xichen glanced at his sleeping body and looked up at Jiang Cheng.

"Let's go A-Huan... I've waited for you" Jiang Cheng offered his hands to him.

"I'm here now, let's go"

[END] Image

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Jan 28, 2021

Lan Xichen accidentally stumbled on Jiang Cheng who they thought k worded when he got captured by the Wens.

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|| How we met at work||

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'Lotus Pier'

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But villagers were wrong. Image
Lan Huan couldn't bear to look at the pristine white robes prepared for his little brother. The villagers are gathering outside their home, today is the day his brother Lan Zhan had been chosen to be their sacrifice.
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"What the fuck Wei Wuxian! You said I'm out of this!"

"Well someone paid really high to set you up today" he chuckled dragging Jiang Cheng towards their booth. Now he felt bad for the unfortunate soul who got dragged with this whole mess.

"Who did they pair me with?"
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(12: Good Morning) ImageImage
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