Tamil Nadu provides detailed information on its fatalities in its daily bulletin
I scraped that data (Jul-1 to Sep-10).
This thread contains a preliminary analysis, and a comparison with Karnataka/Odisha (at the end) @epigiri
mean age: 63.1 yrs
Very clear clustering in the 60-80 yrs range
The Mean age has increased significantly from July-Sep
Male : 71.9%
Female: 27.6%
Fraction of Males in daily deaths has increased slowly over time
63.7% of deaths had co-morbidities
36.2% of deaths had NO co-morbidities
Admission-Death interval
The time between a patient's admission to hospital and death is a measure of quality of hospital-care as well as early-detectionn
46% of TN's deaths occur within 2 days of admission
mean Admission-Death interval ~ 5.4 days
The distribution has a long tail (some patients spend several weeks in hosp.)
it has risen significantly from July-Sep
Death-Reporting inteval
A quantitative measure of size of TN's reporting "backlog". Its the time between death and actual reporting in state bulletin
Mean ~ 2 days
It has fallen from July-Sep
Chennai vs Rest of TN (RoTN):
Chennai's mean age of fatalities is consistently higher than RoTN
CHN : 65.1 yrs
RoTN: 61.4 yrs
Fraction of Males is slightly lower in Chennai
CHN : 70%
RoTN: 72%
A much higher fraction of Chennai's deaths had co-morbidities
CHN : 72%
RoTN: 60%
Admission-Death interval
Consistently higher in Chennai, corresponding to availability of better hospital care in the capital
CHN : 6.7 days
RoTN: 4.8 days
Death-Reporting interval
Chennai reports deaths more prompty vs RoTN
CHN : 1.7 day
RoTN: 2.2 days
Comparison with Karnataka and odisha:
- TN has the highest mean-age of deaths, OD lowest
- OD has the highest fraction of Male deaths
- TN's deaths with no comorb. are higher
- TN's A-D inteval is higher than KA
- TN's reporting lag is lower
One important caveat here is that TN and KAR are in different stages of their epidemics, and most of KAR's metrics (mean age,A-D interval,R-D interval) have improved from Aug to Sep.
- Mean age of deaths is rising with time in all 3 states
One thing thats hard to miss is the very high fraction of diabetics among deaths in all 3 states. Why does diabetes increase risk of death so much? @anupampom@amitsurg@giridar100@drcheruvarun
A brief description of SIR epidemic models for later reference (with extensions to variants, reinfections, mobility etc):
One of the simplest way to mathematically model the evolution of an epidemic is to use the SIR model
In this model, there are 3 classes of individuals:
a) "Susceptible": Fraction of pop. thats never been infected
b) "Infected": Fraction of pop. currenly infected
c) "Recovered": Fraction of pop. that has recovered as is now immune
G is the generation time (how long someone is infectious)
R0,M etc as below
We can write differential equations describing the rate at which people move from one compartment to the next
For eg: people recover at a rate 1/G
get infected at a rate R0/G, etc as described below