I’ve never been so scared in my entire life. I woke up with a sense of complete dread. Our world is on fire. The air is filled with hazy smoke. The POTUS wants to be a dictator and is taking away rights and liberties left and right. There are no more checks and balances.
The person in power at the White House has crazy people humming into his ears about bringing upon martial law should he lose the election. White nationalists and racism is the norm with someone at the top making it ok. And prople still want to elect this clown for another term.
I’ve been out of work for six months due to a global pandemic with no end in sight. People are politicizing the wearing of masks and not protecting our fellow humans. Over 180,000 Americans dead. Trump is killing us and nobody cares. There is no more humanity.
Police are killing people of color while the world is watching them closely. It’s still happening. My heart hurts watching us implode. And still people are shouting MAGA from the rooftops. Wake up. He doesn’t care about you or anyone else. He wants power and that is it.