Woman hears voices asking her to get a CT scan because they claim she has a brain tumour. Her psychiatrist orders a scan to reassure her but they actually find the tumor. After her surgery the voices thank her for listening and disappear
I get where this is coming from but there's also a reason why there's never discourse about the difference between being French and being just a Frankified Gaul or the difference between being English and an Anglicized Celt
Indigeneity only exist in as much there's a legal regime that creates a distinction to people born in a land compared to those that have a right to it and the difference between Arabized and Arab has not been that distinction for 99% of the time
Amazigh dynasties have ruled for the vast majority of the time Morocco has been a part of any idealistic Arabophone world
Sometimes you have to sit back and remember musicians aren't actors in a grand narrative. Pop music history is so defined by determinism and fatalism. To only view and value artists to the extent they contribute to a story constructed by random people decades later
Stuff that sounds cutting edge at the time can become extremely dated faster than you think. And there's nothing the first people to try something can do about it
There's artists who get attacked for it and there's artist that actually benefit from it. We create these ideas of what music in certain periods should sound like and anything that deviates from it starts standing out more and more, but only retroactively
Found on YouTube a cool house show by a really random and really obscure screamo band from 20 years ago, and, somehow, also immediately found the lead singer/guitarist on Twitter talking about it
If you were wondering what that C++ song sounds like live, it actually sounds great to me
Periodic reminder that I'm not American, have never been to America or have any connection to the western hemisphere in my life whatsoever
I'm also not British, Australian or whatever
At any given moment there's at least one mutual that thinks i'm in america, one that thinks i'm in england and on that thinks im in brazil or india or whatever