The latest fabrication of the wicked, dishonest, and corrupt @DNC is that the @realDonaldTrump campaign is out of money & that the money went to family members.
Don't buy it. Go to the FEC web site and check for yourself:
2) Putin has an incredibly dry sense of humor, if he has one at all.
3) Putin & Russians remember EVERYTHING about Russia's history which is traditionally thought to have started in 862.
Note: our history as a nation is ~9 CENTURIES less than Russia's.
4) For the 1st time I can recall, a Russian leader publicly admits weakness. Putin admitted making overtures numerous times & being rebuffed & rejected. One example is the discussion about joining NATO.
I'll add to this as I get through the interview for the 2nd time more intently than I did the first.
There's lots to analyze here. I want to consider, carefully, every word, viewing every one through a lens that considers the "chess game" Putin is playing here.
Jon Cross is a member of the Ohio House & also a member of Ohio's "Blue 22".
He's been in Columbus since January of 2019. That's 5 years. I believe he is one of the most crooked members of the legislature. Attached are his campaign finance expenditures. He'll tell you these are all expenses legitimately-associated with campaigning & doing his part-time job as an elected official. I'm going to suggest that Jon could be full of crap.
If you look at these reports through 6/30/23 Cross expensed, for his own reimbursement, or payments made on behalf of his campaign:
That's $14,188.04 in fuel reimbursement in 4 1/2 years for a part-time job. Using $3.50/gallon as the average over this time (it's actually closer to $3.00) that's 4,054 gallons. At 30 MPG that would allow one to drive 121,620 miles.
Does anyone really believe Cross has driven that much on official state business or for campaigning?
He's also spent $33,310.57 at the Findlay Country Club, supposedly all for "Campaign Events".
Verizon Wireless? $16,244.45. That's a whole lotta, "Can you hear me now?"
But look at the meals. It freaking crazy! This guy expenses everything. Fast food. Slow food. Cheap food. Expensive food. No wonder he could stand to lose a little weight (like me).
Then there's Amazon, WalMart, Tractor Supply, Apple, Ace Hardware, Best Buy, Lowes, Car Washes, Car Repairs. This is absolutely insane.
You know what I think? I think this guy, whose wife is an attorney, who I'm almost certain has never worked in the private sector, uses his pay of $69K annually for what's supposed to be a part-time gig in the Ohio House, and "enhances" it by running personal and family expenses through his campaign, turning a $69,876 part-time job into, who knows? A $100K job? A $150K job? A $200K job? Only Jon Cross knows.
And remember, when he pays for stuff through his campaign he's effectively getting paid tax free, otherwise known as evading taxes, if that's what he's doing.
Now, maybe Jon is an honest broker doing the work of his constituents. I'd love to see an audit of all of his backup for these filings because I smell another fraud here, like Gary Click.
Who should we explore next? 🤔
🎩Hat tip to Gary Click without whose expressions of narcissism & hubris to🔥me up I wouldn't have had the desire to do this analysis.
To all you people who believe the bullshit coming from the White House & Democrats in Congress that, "not a single penny of the $6B of Iranian assets returned to Iran via Qatar has been sent to Hamas to fund their attack on Isreal", let me help disabuse you of this narrative.
Qatar is THE BIGGEST funder of Hamas & has been for years.
Iran is a big funder of Hamas, and has recently increased its funding to Hamas by what is believed to be an additional $30M per MONTH.
The $6B was released to a bank or banks in Qatar.
1st question: Why would the Biden Administration choose Qatar to hold the $6B? A quick internet search was all I needed to collect the data to understand this was a bullshit, rigged, deal. It's as if they wanted a "cover" or "cutout" to get the funds to Iran for nefarious use.
Here's the bad news for Joe "Cosa Nostra" Biden (@POTUS) head of the Biden Family Crime Syndicate:
1) The Committee now knows which members of the family got paid, the banks they were paid through & from which organizations (LLC's - Limited Liability Companies) the ...
... payments were made from.
2) They have subpoenaed records from 4 banks so far, with 16 or so more to go & they could end up identifying more banks as they put the pieces together. There will be more evidence gathered of the money flows as this investigation proceeds.
3) Each of those LLCs will have an EIN (Employer Identification Number) regardless of whether or not they have employees. You can't open a bank account without one. It's like an SSN for businesses. This will allow any employees who were on payroll to be identified.
We are in the middle of one of those full-blown "constitutional crises" Democrats were always saying we had every time President Trump passed gas, yet the legacy media is ignoring it, or worse yet covering it up.
1) The mainstream media, the mouthpiece for progressives and Democrat politicians in DC, are lying about @TuckerCarlson because they fear him because he asks questions & exposes lies.
One such lie is that he promoted "Russian propaganda" about Ukraine biolabs funded by the US.
2) He didn't, but they are. Let's take a look at the show he put together that is quite embarrassing to the Pentagon, State Department, Department of Defense, some of or allies, the press, and the Biden Administration. We'll do it in segments. Segment #1:
3) Here are links to the 3 news sources (and I use the term "news" loosely to mean f--king lying propagandists) referenced in Segment #1.