denoising in a discrete input has always fascinated me ever since i read… by Vincent & @hugo_larochelle et al., and yoshua has always motivated me to look into denoising for sequence modeling ever since 2013.
do we want to know which variables are direct causes of a target outcome, or the full dependencies among all variables?
gradually i started to think that it's probably neither, since the utility of each cause is not a function of the distance to the target outcome variable but is more a function of whether we can design an effective and efficient intervention strategy.
@JangHyun_k and i thus started to think of targeted cause discovery.
of course, a natural follow-up task is to design an algorithm, which is where most of the challenges lie. instead of designing an ingenious algorithm out of thin air, we decided to let a neural net design an algorithm for us, as has been found to be effectively for causal discovery in the recent years (e.g. work by and others)
in doing so, we realized that "cause discovery" rather than full "causal discovery" has a distinct advantage in scaling up these learning-based approaches.
it turned out a neural net can indeed discover an algorithm for targeted cause discovery that is robust to the distance between a cause and outcome and scales well up to thousands if not tens of thousands of variables.
we tested it on a variety of synthetic tasks as well as semi-synthetic gene-gene cause discovery.
enjoying #ICML2024 ? already finished with llama-3.1 tech report? if so, you must be concerned about the emptiness you'll feel on your flight back home in a couple of days.
do not worry! Wanmo and i have a new textbook on linear algebra for you to read, enjoy and cry on your long flight.
have you ever wondered why SVD comes so late in your linear algebra course?
both wanmo (math prof) and i (cs prof) began to question this a couple of years ago. after all, svd is one of the most widely used concepts from linear algebra in engineering, data science and AI. why wait until the end of the course?
we began to wonder further whether SVD can be introduced as early as possible. i mean ... even before introducing positive definite matrices, matrix determinants and even ... eigenvalues (gasp!) without compromising on mathematical rigors.
we all want to and need to be prepared to train our own large-scale language models from scratch.
1. transparency or lack thereof 2. maintainability or lack thereof 3. compliance or lack thereof
and because we can, thanks to amazing open-source and open-platform ecosystem.
we have essentially lost any transparency into pretraining data.
we are being force-fed so-called values of silicon valley tech co's, ignoring the diversity in values across multiple geographies, multiple sectors and multiple groups.
this semester (spring 2024), i created and taught a new introductory course on causal inference in machine learning, aimed at msc and phd students in cs and ds. the whole material was created from scratch, including the lecture note and lab materials;
now that the course is finally over, i've put all the lab materials, prepared by amazing @taromakino, @Daniel_J_Im and @dmadaan_, into one @LightningAI studio, so that you can try them out yourselves without any hassle;
as i tweeted last week, Prescient Design Team at gRED within @genentech is hiring awesome people. in particular, we have the following positions already open and ready:
[Engineering Lead] we want you to work with us to build a team for creating an ML infrastructure that seamlessly integrate between ML and bio:…
[Machine Learning Scientist] we have a ton of challenging problems inspired & motivated by biology, chemistry & medicine that are waiting for your creativity, knowledge and ingenuity in ML/AI:…