Did you know a lot of black women referred to Serena Williams as manly? And questioned the sexuality of black men who found her attractive? Why haven't I seen anyone adress this? The narrative twitter has always promoted never touched on this. The TL has been very disingenuous.
They never like to have honest conversations on here, they'd rather just spin issues to make the world hate black men, as opposed to actually having conversations that would lead to solutions black people need as a collective
Shes gettin ratiod for speaking facts. This why I keep going in on black men who think its okay to push narratives because it makes them look problack. It still reflects on you even if you exclusively date bw. Now the same bw you pander to have worse takes than WM in the comments
This is why I kept calling out the hypocrisy because instead of acknowledging the fact that white men dont get called out for having a fetish. They'll just say white men dont have a fetish or they don't make IR a personality trait, when in fact bw and ww do. They're both just
As guilty of everything y'all get accused of, but because we don't gaf about our image a lot of these things just get brushed aside and end up having a lasting effect on black men collectively, swirler or not. And then you find black men pushing these narratives too
A black girl with an account made yesterday just magically had access to racist white girls snapchat gc. Right after the tweet exposing white men she responds hoping to go viral saying white girls are racist too. First tweet from that account btw
Sounding just like divesters and not racist white woman. Look at the verbiage, they can't even help themselves