CMS releases the Federal Meta-Evaluation Design for Section 1115 Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Demonstrations…
(CMS) released an evaluation design that explains how the Agency will conduct a meta-analysis on Medicaid section 1115 Substance Use Disorder (SUD) demonstrations, which will be complete in the spring of 2023.
Section 1115 SUD demonstrations require states to increase access to SUD treatment services; increase capacity to provide services; implement widely recognized patient placement criteria and provider standards, care coordination policies, other prevention/treatment strategies.
The meta-evaluation w/ compare experiences among similar section 1115 SUD demonstrations across states to understand the overall effectiveness of these demonstrations, variations in state demonstration features, context implemented, contribute to differences in effectiveness.
This evaluation design is intended to inform states on the framework and structure for how CMS will complete the meta-evaluation of approved SUD section 1115 demonstrations.
Public Citizen weighs in on FDA approval AvertD with Kolodny’s collaboration essentially stating that AvertD is null & void because all opioids are addictive- regardless.
FDA approves first DNA test for risk of opioid use disorder
Who knew FDA was going to tweak the requirements & quietly approve a little over one year after FDA advisory committee overwhelmingly voted against an earlier version of the test?
FDA's Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Toxicology Devices Advisory Committee will meet to discuss *AvertD, a prescription genetic risk assessment tool for opioid use disorder (OUD).”
You can’t build public health policy upon 🍒 picked studies & call it “evidenced based, or best practices” by fudging data.
You can however, call it conflict of interest, agenda, propaganda, undermining of research/practice of medicine w/ outcomes directly impact patient’s lives.
It’s pertinent to demand disclosure regarding the content/ findings of omitted “unpublished studies,” why were they not published, who made those decisions & how many other agencies & what other studies under @OIGatHHS oversight have ongoing non-compliance?
See article 4 link ⬆️
“Integrative Medicine Research Lecture/National Center Complementary & Integrative Health/ Univ Utah dev/ testing integrative nondrug treatment strategy, Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE)➡️ bio-psychosocial NIH research #NATIONALPAINSTRATEGY…
Integrative Medicine Research/ National Center Complementary/ Integrative Health/ Dr. Alicia Heapy/ Yale/ VA ➡️ non-drug intervention for pain—Cooperative Pain Education Self-Management (COPES), a form of cognitive behavioral therapy. #NATIONALPAINSTRATEGY…
Multi-Disciplinary Working Group (MDWG) NIH/ HEAL Initiative projects/ specific HEAL research studies. #NATIONALPAINSTRATEGY
“The American Medical Association is once again urging states, regulators and policymakers to waive limits and restrictions on prescriptions for opioid medication and other controlled substances during the COVID-19 pandemic.” PNN
The AMA urged states to adopt new DEA guidance giving more flexibility to physicians treating patients with opioid use disorder (OUD).…