1/ Soros involvement in elections is not just about local DA’s. He was a founding member of Secretary of State project (SOS) & donated $10,000. This 527 “independent” group [massive air quotes] was to get progressives in as Sec State in swing states to certify election results.
2/ This was in response to loss of Gore to Bush in Florida, when after lengthy delay & DEM lawyer tactics to change result w hanging chads & endless recounts, Katherine Harris stepped in and certified the state election win for Bush. This gave him the electiral votes to win...
3/ The left went apoplectic. The response was the formation of the Democracy Alliance in 2005 with Soros as one of the first partners, and the Secretary of State project in 2006 (SoS) with George Soros also as a founding member...
4/ SoS was effective in installing progressive Secretaries of State in election process in swing states in 2006 & 2008, evidenced in chart below. Note only 2 losses out of 11 for DEM candidates. You can imagine result in certifying close battleground races.
*Source: Ballotopedia
5/ In chart above, take note of the 2006 election result, where Mark Ritchie was installed as Secretary of State in Minnesota. Compare the devastation & chaos of Minnesota today in 2020 after riots & looting. Heavy democrat stronghold, but may flip for Trump after riots...
6/ More importantly Mark Ritchie certified election result of Al Franken over Republican Norm Coleman for the US Senate Race in 2008. Coleman had 200 votes to win on election night. After recount, 225 “found” votes... and guess what? Election to Franken.
7/ So what’s big deal about a Senate race in MN in 2006? Elections have consequences. Although not officially introduced until 2009 & passed in 2010, the Democrat ACA takeover of private healthcare in America had been going on since championed by “Romneycare” & “Hillarycare.” ...
8/ The 2006 election of Franken gave the Senate a filibuster proof majority. So Franken was the “60th deciding vote” etc.
9/ So if you ended up losing your doctor when told “You can keep your Doctor” by Obama while out selling the bill in 2009/2010 & your premiums, deductibles, co-insurance all doubled or more, or you paid punitive individual “mandates” to a govt forcing you to buy a product...
10/ Remember that little 2006 Secretary of State race in Minnesota. Funded by Soros & progressives. The one where Norm Coleman was winning by 200 votes on election night until 225 little votes are “found” & certified in a recount by a DEM Secretary of State. THEN ask yourself...
11/ Does it REALLY matter who’s my local Mayor. Tax collector. Election supervisor. School superintendent. City District Attorneys letting rioters & arsonists out to do it again as election chaos? I bet business owners in Kenosha care. Home & biz owners victims of fire in NW...
12/ Progressive elites like Soros KNOW local elections matter. Their speeches/donations are public record @FoxNews & are fair discussion.
Spread truth 365 to all. It’s no longer enough checking a box one day every 4 years to try & save our Republic.
It’s starting to feel like there’s no evidence of widespread election honesty.
I mean sure, there’s a few examples of election honesty here & there in DEM run cities like Philly & Detroit. But no evidence exists that the honesty is widespread. Where is it? Can it be proven?
Nazism (“Nazi” means Democratic Socialism in German)
Lots of Biden voters just got gaslit into voting for all the above via Progressivism (Modern Feudalism) . Prove me wrong. Use your words, not feelings.
One more thing. Trump voters love Freedom & Individual Liberty.
And we’re sick of people who un-ironically call us Fascist telling us what to do.
The projection from these frothing at the mouth low information voter robots is unbelievable.
Hunter Biden’s biz partner, Navy Vet & #Democrat Bobulinski has verified “Big Guy” in email on H Biden laptop is Joe Biden.
Email details #Biden got 10% kickback/bribe of 3 million dollars in the foreign influence corruption peddling scheme.
Bribery from a nuclear Super Power.
RE: The Hunter laptop foreign influence/corruption scandal.
If Biden & family can do this much damage to America w Biden shunned, marginalized & hidden by Obama as VP...
Just imagine how much damage he’d do as an unrestrained President w his hands fully on the levers of power.
This is just ONE email in ONE deal. Hunter mentions splits as high as 50% in other deals. Russian woman married to an oligarch aka “Mayor of Moscow” wired #Biden fam Hunter 3.5 million dollars. Did “Big Guy” get a cut? 10%? 50%?
1) I now claim trademark & service use on the phrase:
Let Me Be Clear™, as it has been abused by Democrat politicians for far too long. It is almost always followed by gibberish, propaganda & blatant untruths. The twisting of it to convey exact opposite meaning is an affront...
2) ...An affront & insult to voter intelligence everywhere. It is sad that I have been forced to take this measure on behalf of the electorate, but as Democrat politicians from Obama to Biden to AOC have continually violated the time honored “Let Me Be Clear™” phrase and...
3) ...as the MSM also neglects it’s duty to fact check anything following the Let Me Be Clear™ utterance by Left Wing politicians, this unfortunate step had to be taken to protect free dialogue & the lexicon of the Republic. This may seem patently absurd to some, but it...