This article adds detail to what was first reported in the Washington Post months ago & has not been publicly denied/challenged/corrected - extraordinary because if accurate these reports reveal Stan McChrystal leveraged defence/taxpayer dollars for personal gain &
McChrystal is using weapons of war created by DOD against the American people. It’s also reported he’s teamed up with a democratic Superpac.
According to numerous active duty & retired military/intel/special operations professionals, the community was shocked when the news first broke & believe it is likely unlawful.
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Note from J6 Prisoner Jeremy Brown: “Tactical Patience"
“So, time management is a challenge where I am, so let me get to the point. This is NOT meant to be critical (YET) of President Trump or the others involved behind the scences, I am simply telling you SOME key points of my experiences over the last 2 weeks. This is not a news story or blurb running along the bottom of a screen to me. This is my life, my freedom, the moment I've spent every waking moment thinking of for over 1215+ days (I've lost count); exposing the TRUTH and walking out of this place in Victory.
1) The January 20th date was the FIRST time since my arrest that I've allowed myself to write on my hand drawn jail calendars any type of "Countdown". 30 days plus 1 down to Jan 21st, because I know the speed of Government. The main problem is, I allowed people to convince me that it would come true. That has been a painful error. 2) As Jan 20th progressed through all the days events, starting with "The First 9 Minutes", it became more and more grim for me. With each non-mention of us on the World's largest stage, it revealed that we were "not that important, I guess" as stated by another J6er, men who were simply caught up in this Military/Intelligence Coup operation. 3) It was late in the evening when stories of releases started to trickle in over GTL messaging. The other J6ers in my POD (5 others, including my cellmate, Jason Tasker) began to rejoice and even I began to think, "Maybe this WILL happen". News of delayed and late releases, gave hope. But, when the list of Oath Keepers and Proud Boys came out and my name was not on that list, it confirmed I would be the lone J6er left in jail (minus those with other nonrelated charges, preventing their release). But wasn't that the point? The frame job was ALL about throwing me in prison and denying it had ANYTHING to do with J6. This list broke my false hope. I had a about a 10 minute lash out at my roommate over his lack of understanding of what this all meant, then I broke down and cried. A 50 year old, 20 year Special Operator not doubled over and crying like a baby. I cried until I couldn't anymore, while Jason simply patted by shoulder and said the only thing he could, "I'm sorry, man. I'm really sorry." I wiped the tears and told myself, "Next chance, March 6th!" (the date of my Oral Arguments in the 11th USCCA). I checked messages in hope for the others, until my tablet battery died. Then I slept. 4) Jan 21st, approx. 11:45am EST, we were both awakened to the sound of our door sliding open (it's loud) and CO "Oh" standing there with 2 clear trash bags and saying in his thick African accent, "Brown, Tasker, pack up, you are being released!". My immediate response to him was, "Oh, don't FUCK with me!" He chuckled and said, "No Man, you outta here!" my next sentence was, "I'm NOT gonna argue with you!" and I hurriedly shoved my books, documents, mail and newspapers in that bag as fast as I could. I quickly shot off emails to as many as I could in just the short time I had; "They say we are being released!" I left all my food and clothing to be pilfered by the Inmates I THOUGHT I was leaving behind. However, even as we packed and Jason celebrated, I told him, "I won't believe it until we are outside!" Within minutes, we were dragging our mats through the POD. I gave nearly $200 worth of food to one of the few friends I made there, DaVon. DaVon was one of the first inmates I met in the DC Jail and he really helped with info and my security situational awareness. We promised to get in contact as free men, fist bumped with a "Love!" (As Rush would say, 'A little Jail Lingo for ya') And I was out! 5) All the J6ers from 2 PODs were in the hallway. I immediately met fellow Green Beret and HALO Guy out of 10th Group, Rocky Earles and we walked down to out-process hell. We first encountered an attractive female US Marshal to handle our release. It did not take long to figure out why...
send in the pretty girl to break the bad news. As we sat and waited, I asked to use the phone. I had Tylene and my Mom station themselves 50 miles outside of DC JUUUUST in case and now was that moment. When Tylene answered, I could hear the excitement in her voice as I said they were releasing me. She told me they were already outside. Then, it was back to a cell to wait. 6) Before long, a DC Jail Captain came and told us, "You are NO LONGER in our control, the Marshal has you now!" They seemed to not want to be blamed for any delay. 7) I was the first one to be pulled out. Remember, have the pretty girl give the bad news? This Marshal sat in on my first hearing in DC and had been very kind, understanding and vaguely familiar with who I was. As she told me I was NOT gonna be released, she looked more disappointed than I, because I just smiled with that "Of course I'm not" look. I simply asked if she was sure, said ok and asked to use the phone again. 8) My first call was to Tylene, but no answer, which I figured may happen as she was likely being mobbed. But that meant I had to call my Mom's phone, which I DID NOT want to do. She picked up quickly and I said, "Mama, let me talk to Tylene." As I did not have the heart to tell my Mama. But she told me she wasn't there with her in the truck. I paused, not wanting to tell her, but then I did. "Mama, they're not letting me out." I could hear her tears starting as said slowly said, "Oh, Baby, I'm so sorry." as if it was her fault. I didn't have much time, told her I loved her, then made my way back to my cell, having just left it a few hours ago. 8) As I returned, Inmates hit me with a 1000 "WTF?" questions. I walked into my now striped bare cell, threw my bag down and mat on my bunk. The 'Detail Inmates' (worker bees) offered a few things back, but I told them I didn't expect anything back. They brought some extra sheets and an extra blanket. I had left my headphones, so they brought a broken set that I could at least hear in one ear. 9) Then they shut the door. I sat there silent at the end of my "9 minutes" that was going on 26+ hours now and thought..."Well, I have my own room now, so I get to take a shit with some privacy." 10) A few hours latter, all 5 of the others from my POD had returned (so much for the shit) and I later found out, ALL had been turned back. We spent most of the night silent, disappointed and at ground zero. No food. No extra clothing. No way to call. No freedom. 11) Jan 22nd was just one more day closer to my appeal, but later in the afternoon the nurse came and took all the J6ers temperatures. This was a sign we were leaving, but I had never seen them do that BEFORE with were pulled out and definitely not with our tablets still on. Movement security is ALWAYS extremely tight. So, now we spent the night wondering, "where? when?" I stayed up all night, checking messages for info, watching World Poker Tour and Bar Rescue (free plugs) because IF we were moving, it would be between 2am and 3am. After 3am, I told those who were still up that it didn't look like we were moving tonight. I ran my battery down to 0%, then at approximately 5amish, they came. "You're leaving". Jason had 1% left, so we got word out. I was also able to sit be the phone in the common area and sneak a call out. Again, never had the phone been left on before. Thank God for poor security! 12) Now it's Jan 23rd and all day in a holding cell to find out, we are being driven 8+ hours by van to Pikesville, KY. No stops! No bathroom. Just 6 "American Bin Ladens" (depending on which lie about Bin Laden you believe). Once at Pikesville, we are put in a 20x20 foot cell, give mats to sleep on the floor, feed a pretty good chicken sandwich and told we would be leaving in a few hours. At 1amish, 17 other Inmates join us, making it sitting room only for the next few hours. But, at least the staff were super friendly and supported us (without letting us go),
gave us unlimited phone calls on real phone lines. Before sunrise, we were back in chains. 13) Jan 24th, we are stuffed in vans for a 4 to 5 hour drive to Grayson County, KY. Here I would stay through the weekend, with nothing but the clothes I wore and sleeping, once again, on the floor in a cell made for 10 Inmates, I was number 16. In the last spot of floor, right by the bathroom...JOY! 14) Monday night, Jan 27th, I was told I was leaving after just 4 days there, when others had been there 20, 30, 40 or 50+ days. The only other guy leaving from that cell had been waiting 52 days for his BOP move. The BOP told one of my attorneys it takes 40 to 60 day AFTER case is complete. But NOT Jeremy Brown! We hate him EXTRA! Another odd thing, according to not only Inmates but the Guards as well was, the destination was BLACKED OUT. It wasn't until we where being processed out that one of the Guards told us "You're going to Atlanta! By Van!" 5 to 6 more hours in shackles. 15) Tuesday, Jan 28th, I arrive here in "Hotlanta", the home of US Penitentiary (MAX) turned Medium, turned the worst LOW security prison in the US, according to Inmates. And of the 11 that came, I was the ONLY one assigned here, the rest would continue on. So, after a few hours, I was inprocessed into MY prison home until Dec 2027, or whenever Justice arrived, whichever came first. By the time I was done with paperwork, it was past 4pm, so nothing else could be done. I was assigned a cell on the 6th floor, Cell #A3614, and met my new cellmate, Robbie, a 52 year old with more pain than me, so I was on the top bunk. All I needed was my Phone Access Code (PAC#) so I could call everyone and tell them where I was...NOPE! No Officers could help and the 3 Counselors and Mangers I tried all rudely told me to get out of their offices. I went to sleep confused as to why I was here and worried that no one knew. In a BOP Record, 7 days, I had been assigned to the WORST Low in American at 456 miles of the 500 mile limit from my home. 16) Wednesday, Jan 29th, I wake up for breakfast, get my clothing and bedding issue, try to get "first time shopper" commissary, but no money had hit my "books" so, NOPE! Then, after making a new friend, he led me to Mrs.. Jones, and Angel in a Den of Demons, who, in less than 5 minutes, git me everything I needed to access phones and TRULINCS (email). I could now communicate, which meant relax (somewhat). But, I was still on edge with the hope that, at ANY minute, they could be letting me FREE! 17) Thursday, Jan 30th, I spent the day getting up to speed with huge doses of Hopium and had a few "Call-Outs" (when Officers tell you to be somewhere), each making my heart race thinking, "Is this it?" NOPE! 1st was Psychology and the 2nd was DNA Collection. But then, just before 4pm I heard, "Brown, 614!" I walked out and the Officer waved me down. He said, "Why have I been calling you all day?" I told him, "Because I'm NOT supposed to be here!" That's when he said it. The words I had waited for, "Pack up all you stuff and report to R&D." (where you IN process...and OUTPROCESS). I asked why? He said he didn't know. I rushed back to my room where I had left Robbie (cellie) and Mike (my new friend) and I said, "They told me to grab all my shit and report to R&D. What does that mean?" They both had been in for a while and both said, "YOU'RE GOING HOME!!" We shook hands, bro hugged and I left all but my issued clothes and was OUT THE DOOR!!! 18) As I walked with the escort Officer, I asked if this meant I was being released. He said he didn't know, but it could be. Then I told him, "I'm a 20 year Green Beret Combat Veteran. I lead a HALO Team that jumped out of planes in the dark at 20,000+ feet, and THIS was the most nervous I HAVE EVER BEEN IN MY LIFE! Because I've already been told I would be free once in the last week and a half!" He chuckled. I DID NOT.
The real reason MAGA is a problem for the elites has nothing to w Donald Trump. It’s because MAGA really represents ‘wethepeople’ - all people - regardless of race, color, creed or faith. It’s the first movement actually standing up for the people & not controlled by the powerful
People will hate my saying that & I’ll be attacked again but I don’t care because it’s true & the attacks just expose their networks. The principles of this movement are not based on race, division or hate - just the opposite. The power of “we the people” lies in being united.
How do the masses overpower the few tyrants ruling over them? Together. They do it together because there is strength in numbers. So how could a movement of the people seek to divide the people? It would never survive. The only ones who benefit through division & hate are…
Good Morning America, today hundreds more people will cross the open border illegally between the ports of entry as they’ve done every day since Joe Biden took office. Still more illegal immigrants will show up at the official ports of entry - separate from the numbers you see…
In addition, this admin now has an app - CBP One - that anyone can go on to apply. They get processed by US reps in Mexico & then enter “legally” through the Ports of Entry, effectively bypassing the existing immigration system. Here’s the app:
Those numbers are also separate & so far Congress is not paying attention. There has also been a dramatic increase on the northern border, mostly through the POE at Swanton where the numbers in some months are up as much as 800 percent, acc to the official figures.
For at least a month, Chinese nationals have been surging across the southern border, acc to law enforcement. Rio Grande station is receiving 50 - 70 every single day - a phenomenon they have never seen there before. The CCP usually sends it’s Chinese hackers to McAllen station.
McAllen is receiving apx double the number of Chinese they normally get with no end in sight. And since there is no repatriation agmt btwn the US & China, they are all released with a ‘Notice to Appear’ (NTA) to ICE on their own reconnaissance. So they are effectively let go.
To a military mind, this looks like what they would call “staging” - where you quietly put your forces in position in advance of an operation. There are no shortage of people in the Administration who know this & more, yet nothing is being down to address/stop this invasion.
Trump’s indictment is being portrayed as a victory but it doesn’t take a genius to see this is a weak move, not a powerful one. They just broke with precedent to go after a political rival in the midst of a presidential campaign, opening the door to be indicted themselves…
They’ve convinced themselves that Trump is as worthless as they portray him to be. But it’s not true - he’s a fighter whether they let you see it or not & he knows this is a fight to the death - he said it at his last rally. Like a matador in the ring, he is drawing out the bull.
He knows it’s dangerous & there’s a chance he may not see the end but he also knows you cannot have a hope of winning if you aren’t in the ring. And if you think a war this big can be won w/out giving anything up, then you’re in denial or delusional or blind? Maybe all three?
Someone created this “movement” for a purpose & is keeping it going. It did not create itself & come out of nowhere & it’s ironic that people who subscribe to that don’t see how foolish it is to believe that trans people suddenly came out of the woodwork overnight.
That’s not how life works. It took money & time to instill these ideas & a system that would punish anyone who didn’t go along w the lies & manipulation. The same people who care about trans lives don’t care about those who regret transitioning?Makes no sense & tells u everything
That’s why any thinking journalist is asking themselves - what is this really about? There is so much hatred built into this movement now & it is manifesting itself in violence - like the multiple school shooters.