-No More Charity for Cops! Stop grants to SPF
-#PayTheFee! $1.6m to blk & indigenous groups (2x past donations to SPF
-Spend Down! Stop hoarding wealth/providing tax shelters & circulate money in the community during this time of crisis
We're in a great position to strike a blow against the Seattle Police Foundation, which has gotten 10-20% of its revenue from @SeattleFdn grants in recent years.
At the same time, we can make a big win for Black & indigenous organizations underserved by the philanthropy
We need a big turnout today to make that happen.
@SeattleFdn is feeling the heat. Let's turn it up!
See you at Westlake 2pm!
If you can't make it out to our event due to time or distance, there are lots of other rallies going on around town before or after.
@AshleyNerbovig Early in her time at the Stranger she broke the story of racist cop Burton Hill, who was later fired for calling his Chinese neighbor a racial slur. thestranger.com/news/2023/09/2…
@AshleyNerbovig She wrote about how the police union has sabotaged SPD's alternative response: thestranger.com/news/2024/03/2…
Actually, the criticism is: 1) She's a Republican who lives in DuPont who organized a rally to "take back" a city that she doesn't live in. (not even the same county/area code)
2) This event is the latest in a series of deeply cynical GOP efforts aimed at breaking off Asians from the Democratic Party. That's clearly laid out in the thread.
If she was just a person who happened to be Republican and decided to organize a vigil to honor the victim, there would be nothing to criticize about it. However, all the messaging betrays a partisan agenda while the GOP's role has been consciously concealed.
This seems like an opportunistic move that's part of a larger Republican strategy to woo Asian voters through a combination of grievance politics (see also that kid who didn't get accepted to Berkeley) and fear-mongering about crime and homelessness.
It's hard to overstate how deeply and transparently cynical this is. The original flyer for this thrown-together event didn't even spell Kwon's name correctly.
It shows how little they actually care about this woman whose death they're exploiting.
The version Brandi just posted changed the title to "Unite for Safety" and deleted the inflammatory references to women being "robbed, assaulted, and raped"
Brandi and folks like her don't want to solve problems or help people. She wants to shred the social safety net so her wealthy libertarian benefactors will pay less taxes.
All the rich libertarians in the state could afford to give We Heart Seattle millions of dollars to stand up whatever private social services they want. They don't. Instead, they dump their vast wealth into advocacy and propaganda.
Why? Because helping people was never the point
Per Ari, WHS got the family into a "tiny home." Unless they found an ADU for the family to live in, it seems like they just took them to LIHI, which has government funding.