America’s a rolling disaster b/c White supremacists are in power. Stop omitting that detail from your hot takes. The GOP isn’t just usurping power for power’s sake, they’re doing it for the purpose of upholding White patriarchy/theocracy/supremacy, indefinitely. Tell the truth.
Everything they want the SCOTUS for is a crime against humanity.
Everything they want Congress for is a crime against humanity.
Everything they want the WH for is a crime against humanity.
Everything they want the state legislatures for is a crime against humanity.
Everything the GOP stands for is a hate crime against humanity.
Today’s GOP has been destroying America since 1861, that’s the reality. They haven’t become something new and unrecognizable, they’ve reverted back to their Confederate roots. They haven’t broken the system, they’ve restored it to its default oppressor settings.
This isn’t governance, it’s a glorified Klan rally. Stop letting them hide behind the gamesmanship and banality of “political strategy” when every abuse of power they commit is a *promise* to abuse & destroy actual human beings. Every end they seek is an apartheid and a genocide.
Fake legitimacy and beneficence have been granted to the Republican Party because too many Americans from all walks of life outright refuse to accept the basic FACT of history that the GOP is a White supremacist hate group and terrorist crime syndicate at home and abroad. Period.
The GOP is the Confederacy party. If you start from that basic premise, there’s no logical fucking reason why you’d STILL expect any modicum of human decency, rules, norms or morals from them while they’re literally usurping power to re-implement Jim/Jane Crow in real time.
Just b/c the GOP hasn’t explicitly declared a civil war doesn’t mean they aren’t waging one within the corridors of power. Hitler/Third Reich comparisons may be apt, but so are Confederate ones, either way the genocides began with corrupt consolidations and abuses of power.
Hence the reason Trump’s closing (and opening) argument is an ode to slavery/Confederacy. White supremacy is the ONLY promise he’s kept to the GOP base b/c it’s the ONLY promise that truly matters to them. He hasn’t cured their “economic anxiety”, he’s inflated their Whiteness.
We have concentration/human trafficking camps with eugenic uterus snatchers at the border, racist killer cops executing unarmed ppl & running slave patrols in BIPOC communities, and a public health catastrophe killing thousands by the day b/c that’s what *White supremacy* wants.
Every disaster America’s contending with is a function of White supremacy getting its way. It isn’t a mystery why the overwhelmingly White GOP wants absolute power or who they want to subjugate with it, so stop granting them the benefit of doubting their Confederate motives. Now.
None of this shit from the GOP is new, they’ve gotten away with the same heinous tactics for decades b/c said tactics haven’t been rejected by the White voting majority yet. They’ve “hidden” the war within the corridors of power but the mounting death toll is proof of the battle.
Also I’m tired of hearing people say Trump did this to the GOP as if their most glorified standard bearers weren’t also White supremacists. If you believed better of them, the Southern Strategy worked wonders on you & I don’t mean that in a good way. Examine why you fell for it.
The GOP didn’t end up here by accident and Trump isn’t off script. This is the Southern Strategy hymnal and it works b/c hatred of Black people knows no regional bounds in America. It works b/c everyone else has to be on their knees for them to feel tall. Don’t omit that either.
The other way it works is by violence and preferential treatment of the White supremacists who pose the greatest threat to our national security. The GOP becomes a dove when the terrorists are Confederates b/c they’re all on the same side of the battlefield. Stop omitting that.
What if instead of vilifying Democrats as feckless & ignoring the unprecedented Constitutional crisis standing in their way, folk who actually didn’t want fascism dared the American electorate to give Ds a veto-proof Congressional majority/all 3 branches of government FOR ONCE?
Ever notice how you never see them advocating for that but you always see them poisoning the well sufficiently enough to suppress D turnout and catalyze absolute GOP power? 🧐 They perpetuate razor thin margins that render Rs unstoppable and Ds unelectable.
Swap out Manchin for Fetterman (or any other ConservaDem you so choose) and the point still stands. We wouldn’t be living & dying by the White whims of ConservaDems or Rs if they didn’t share a constituency that refuses to elect Ds who are either POC or *reliable White allies*.
Trump/DOGE/the GOP are destroying *community resources for education, recreation, employment & healthcare* bc they want MORE social dysfunction & economic chaos. They’re catalyzing a Putinesque oligarchy built on a reinforced American caste system, it ain’t a mystery or surprise.
I don’t wanna hear shit else about “Ds not meeting the moment.” Literally the only reason America even has/had all the public services Rs are gleefully destroying is Ds. Y’all insisted on letting perfect be the enemy of good & look at us now, contending with evil every damn day.
Also just b/c you didn’t join the fight until some Bros occupied Wall Street in 2011 doesn’t mean the Black base of the Democratic Party hasn’t been fighting the battle for civil rights AND socioeconomic justice in America since 1619. You didn’t help but now you want moments met.
A lot of folk seem to think that repeating “I support Trump/DOGE/the GOP’s funding cuts b/c there’s too much fraud, waste & abuse in government” makes them sound reasonable and fiscally responsible when really all they’re doing is parroting Southern Strategy dog whistles. 🙃
For context, watch this👇🏾clip. It’s the most commonly executed mental gymnastics routine in these interviews of FAFO MAGAts who still don’t wanna admit they’ve been brainwashed by the GOP (and Fox) into supporting the dismantling of their entire government-dependent livelihood.🤸
Not only is there a shit ton of fraud/waste/abuse in the private sector that they hypocritically pretend is infallible & superior to the public services they divest from (b/c they think it hurts ‘those’ people), *they* end up reliant on those same underfunded public resources.
“New polls show a majority of Americans say he has overstepped his presidential authority — and hasn’t done enough to address high prices.” | via @politico #InstabilityInChief #BuyersRemorse #GOPOverreach…
Much of the reason White “moderates” are so shellshocked about having no quick reprieve from Project 2025 is they’ve historically been able to evade the worst of GOP policy by “swing” voting for divided govt that allows Ds to rescue them from the R trifectas they keep unleashing.
IOW, they create economic chaos by voting GOP in presidential years (to assert their Whiteness) then crawling back to Ds with their tails between their legs at the midterms b/c they desperately need a bailout from GOP austerity/overreach and want their SS, Medicaid & Medicare. 🙃
If anything good comes from this unmitigated disaster & international fucking embarrassment (part II) I hope it’s that folk who never bothered to understand how American government works or why they should give a damn about the social safety net finally learn it from losing it.
Every time I see an MSM clip of them sorrowfully (but unconvincingly) reporting these #TrumpLayoffs & agency closures/takeovers I roll my eyes damn near out of my head b/c WTF members of the press?! Stop pretending there was “no” way to predict this when Y’ALL fanned the flames.
Then there’s the FAFO folk who actually ordered the code red on their own selves b/c they’ve been terminally brainwashed by 60+ yrs of the GOP Southern Strategy to reflexively hate the federal government (even though they need it) b/c of its interventions re: slavery & Jim Crow.
I’m gonna preface this by saying it’s mostly anecdotal but the patients I’m seeing virtually in TX (mostly White, rural/suburban) have been so medically unwell for the last month, primarily upper respiratory and gastrointestinal. Lots of flu, a smattering of COVID and colitis…
At first I was like well yeah it’s winter and cold/flu season plus vaccine refusal is off the charts, so folk aren’t keeping up with COVID boosters or annual flu shots etc., but now that it’s coupled with #InstabilityInChief shuttering public health services & communication... 🥴
And then it got even weirder this week when a patient told me school districts near him were closing in droves and said 650! students were out sick. I googled as soon as the session ended and look:…