The COVAX Facility aims to provide fair & equal access to the Covid vaccine for 7.8 billion people.
To commemorate 🇲🇾's entry into COVAX, I'll spend this week on some fun vaccine facts.
Fact 1: Edward Jenner discovered the concept of vaccination in 1796, ~220 years ago. (1/6)
For many years, he heard stories that dairymaids don’t get smallpox if they’ve had cowpox previously. Dairymaids spend a lot of time with cows to make milk or cheeses in a dairy.
This pic is cowpox. (2/6)
A young dairymaid had fresh cowpox. Jenner transferred some material from her skin lesions to an 8-year old boy’s skin. The boy had some mild fever but was otherwise quite well.
2 months later, Jenner repeated with smallpox but the boy had no fever.
This pic is smallpox. (3/6)
This proves the theory that “giving people very small amounts of a virus or bacteria can trigger their immune system to help fight future infections of the same virus or bacteria”.
This pic shows how vaccines work. (4/6)
The Latin word for cow is vacca, and cowpox is vaccinia.
Therefore, Jenner decided to call this new concept “vaccination”. (5/6)
Although… some historians think that Jenner used horsepox, not cowpox. So instead of vaccine, perhaps we should call it “equusine”!
This shows that science continues to progress, because our instruments & tools become more precise & sophisticated. 🧪🔬🧬💉 (6/6)
A: Possibly, and data is increasing to support this policy.
A "mix-and-match" vaccines policy has increasing science behind it. The scientific term is "heterologous prime boost" (……, from Oxford).
Dua sebab penting:
🔺Saya tak mungkin tahu segala-gala ilmu & sains. Jadi, saya bergantung pada rakan sekerja yg lebih arif dlm bidang-bidang lain.
🔺Saya mungkin silap, jadi saya ingin kurangkan risiko itu.
Maka, Surat Rujukan akan menjaga kebajikan pesakit dgn lebih rapi.
Mungkin saya pernah menulis beratus-ratus Surat Rujukan, spt kpd:
🔺Pakar jantung di Kuala Lumpur & Pulau Pinang
🔺Surat rujukan/sokongan utk Jabatan Kebajikan & badan zakat
🔺Rumah Seri Kenangan supaya mereka tahu keadaan fizikal seseorang warga emas yang baru sampai.
A short story:
🔺A Funeral, Durians, SMEs & the Covid-19 Vaccines🔺
Had to organise a funeral (cause of death: lung cancer). Noticed dry ice being used.
Spoke with the undertaker, who told me that each dry ice brick is ~RM20, is -70 Celcius and lasts ~1-2 days.
Asked him about vaccine storage. He gave two ideas: 1. Ice-cream distributors have cold rooms reaching -20C. 2. Durian exporters to China use a freezing process reaching -80C.
Great ideas from a practical hands-on man!
This gentleman doesn’t have a degree, but he has decades of work experience & lots of common sense.
I told him that one Covid-19 vaccine requires -70C storage. He educated me that Siberia’s temperatures are “only” -60C, so human beings need to work hard to achieve -70C.
BEBENANG: Mengapa 🇲🇾 tak boleh umumkan harga vaksin?
Situasi ini amat kompleks. Kita mesti mempertimbangkan hujah & realiti utk kedua-dua belah situasi ini.
🔺Bab 1: di LUAR kawalan kerajaan (Tweet 3-9)
🔺Bab 2. di DALAM kawalan kerajaan (10-16)
🔺Bab 3: ringkasan (17-18)
Pertama sekali, sedikit pengumuman: 1. Saya seorang perunding bebas. 2. Saya tak memiliki stok apa-apa sykt di mana-mana. 3. Saya bekerja di Pharma 8 tahun (2Y sbg Medical Manager di 🇸🇬 + 6Y sbg Ethics & Compliance Director di Dubai, Shanghai & Paris, utk EEMEA & China).
Sykt farmaseutikal (atau pharma) mempunyai 3 pelanggan utama: 1. Kerajaan (kementerian, hospital atau insurans kerajaan) 2. Entiti swasta (hospital swasta, pengedar atau ejen) 3. Organisasi global (@UNICEF membeli 2 bilion dos vaksin/tahun).
BEBENANG: 6 SEBAB mengapa 🇲🇾 perlukan portfolio vaksin drpd pelbagai syarikat, bukan drpd satu sykt sahaja:
1. Tiada sykt yg mampu bekalkan segala keperluan vaksin 🇲🇾. Kalaupun wujud, mesti setiap negara akan bersaing, & kita masih tak mampu bersaing dgn negara kaya.
2. Bahaya kalau kita bergantung pada satu sykt saja.
Mungkin ada kluster Covid-19 di kilang mereka. Mungkin ribut taufan melanda kilang mereka.
Mungkin mereka naikkan harga sbb ada kuasa monopoli. Atau mungkin vaksin mereka tak diluluskan NPRA.
3. Virus Covid mungkin ada mutasi. Ini disebut "antigenic drift".
Jika 🇲🇾 ada satu vaksin saja, & vaksin tu tak berkesan terhadap mutasi tersebut, maka seluruh bekalan vaksin itu dah tak boleh digunakan.
Portfolio vaksin mengurangkan pendedahan kita kpd risiko mutasi.