There are any number of health issues that can surface as women enter the bio reproductive stage of maturity.
Birth control is a tool that serves as an aid to many women on a number of fronts.
Denying millions of women access to it because folks don’t get science is whack.
I’ve seen women curled up on the floors, calling out of work, sitting in the clinic at school experiencing pain I could never imagine FOR A WEEK OUT OF EVERY MONTH.
And it’s different for every woman, because that’s how bodies work.
Maybe we should mind our business???
To be clear, I’m not some holier than thou feminist whose got it all figured out.
There are times where I automatically think “it can’t be THAT bad”
But that’s a goofy thought because: 1) I don’t have a uterus & will never know 2) people have died from doctors thinking that way
What is, and will continue to be, ignorant at best and inhumane at worst is that we would suggest to the word that our religion requires other people to suffer because we don’t understand how a friggen uterus works.
Aight, this bout to be a long thread that’s less about Patriarchy Hannah (or whoever is behind this account) and more about what the existence of this account and the drama surrounding its exposure (and White People Business in general) tells us about ourselves as a society. 1/15
First things first… whoever is behind that account straight up said “I was lyin” (which should have gone without saying. folks are severely lacking in discernment) and the response from some was “keep the account and turn it into parody.”
Beloved…. 2/15
It has been parody the whole time. It just wasn’t funny. And it will not be in the future either.
The reason the (far) right struggles with humor is that humor comes from the part of your soul that you injure by deliberately presenting as a fundamentally bad person. 3/15
The results of the election were disputed, but ultimately settled when the Democrats accepted Rutherford B. Hayes as President… in exchange for federal troops being removed from the former Confederate states, marking the end of Reconstruction & multiracial democracy. 2/6
Time and again… whether it is the Three Fifths Compromise… the Missouri Compromise… the Compromise of 1877… whenever compromise is necessary for this nation to move forward, Black people have be sacrificed on the altar of American “progress.” 3/6
For a full century before that (the majority of US history) we’ve been locked into our current two party structure.
All realignments happened either before (or directly because of) 1965.
Our current system is not going to nurture your dreams of a viable 3rd party.
Unless we organize around voting reform.
The only path to viability for a world where voting for parties beyond the two parties that gave us the system we have now… is by demanding that we change the way voting works.
I can understand a lot of reasons for not supporting Biden. I cannot understand any reasons for drawing false equivalencies between the weaknesses of these two candidates.
Yes, one of them is old and seems to be in decline.
And the other one does not believe in elections. 1/15
Perhaps I would understand more about the desire to draw these false equivalencies if we did not all watch January 6 happen on live TV.
But we did.
We saw one of the candidates for *this* election refuse to accept the results of the last one.
Multiple people died. 2/15
In every single Presidential election since 1796, at least one candidate (and a whole bunch of people) left very unhappy with the results.
In all but three of them, people (mostly) got over it and retooled for the next election.