I just read through the short 22-page judgement delivered by The Hon'ble Justice G R Swaminathan of the Madurai Bench in case of @trramesh vs TN HRCE regarding to Executive Office of Palani Murugan temple giving a contract for housekeeping. Judgement delivered on 22-09-2020 /1
has some far-reaching pronouncements
- It re-iterates the role of the Executive Officer, Fit Person and Trustees of a Temple as consolidated in Tamil Nadu Act 22 of 1959, that is, the defining law with respect to conduct of the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments /2
- The Bench upholds that the TN HRCE has a responsibility to constitute a Board of Trustees for each temple or religious institution under it's responsibility.
- The execution of all responsibilities of the Trustees can be entrusted to a Fit Person during a hiatus when Trust /3
Board has been dissolved and a new Board is to be constituted. This could be because of resignation of trustees, death or charges pending against trustees for irregularity.
- However, the Bench has ruled, unambiguously, that this state of affairs cannot be allowed to carry /4
on indefinitely.
I am reproducing the very words from the judgement here
The Hon'ble Judge goes on to say
"It was already noted that Executive Officer was appointed for the second respondent temple originally under Madras Act 2 of 1927. Continuing the said arrangement /5
is illegal. The situation is aggravated by making him the exofficio Fit Person. This state of affairs has continued for a scandalously long period."
In conclusion, the Bench passes an order "I cannot stop with that. Certain consequential directions have to be issued. /6
The State Government as well as the controlling authorities will take all possible steps to ensure that the board of trustees is constituted for the second respondent temple as early as possible."
What this means is
- All the 44121 temples under TN HRCE *must* be administered /7
by a Board of Trustees, with the Executive Officer serving as a Government check to stop malpractice.
Unless TN HRCE appeals this judgement in SC, it must carry out this order or the GoTN shall be held to be in contempt of court. By all means, this is a momentous judgement /8
Hearty congratulations to @trramesh sir and all his associates! Special thanks to @jsaideepak for helping me understand the legal implications /END
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In Tamil movies, perversion around Brahmin women is an old phenomenon. It doesn't matter if people born into the community are involved.
- K Balachander movie Arangetram - orthodox Shastri's daughter becomes a prostitute due to poverty
- KB again in Apoorva Ragangal - older divorced Brahmin woman starts an affair with much younger man, while her daughter runs away and has an affair with the father
- Sila Nerangalil Sila Manithargal - Brahmin college girl is raped. She leaves the house, finds her rapist and becomes friends with him.
Like Fatima Sheikh, here's a list of incidents that fail the 'smell test' 1. Breast Tax 2. Carrying brooms on the back 3. Agitation for blouses 4. Vavar 5. Women forced into sati 6. EVR's trip to Kashi 7. Throwing muck at Savitribai
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Some easily falsified stories 1. Rajaji closed 300 schools 2. Sanskrit was required to get into medical school 3. Palani had non-Brahmin priests whe were replaced by Dalavai Ramappa Iyer 4. Dr Natesa Mudaliar built a hostel for NB boys since they couldn't rent in Madras
More easily falsified stories 5. Collector Ashe was assassinated because he took a woman in labour through the agraharam
While humans may have been consuming spirits for a very long time, it appears large scale consumption is a relatively recent phenomenon. Historically, people in colder climates have only consumed beers, ale, mead in quantity. Even these were not fortified and rarely
exceeded 3% w/v. Production of spirits was not possible in large scale and hence spirits were expensive and rarely consumed. Historical records show that 18th CE was when spirits consumption picked up. In frontier regions like America, spirit consumption was very high, but low
among rural populations. In Thomas Hardy's Far From The Madding Crowd, the only character that consumed spirits was the brandy-swilling city-slicker Sgt Troy.
Trends in consumption of animal flesh in the United States over the last century. Red meat is preferred by older people. Now, ask yourself the question - Why beef politics in India?
Trends in alcohol consumption in the US. From a peak of 70% in the late 70s, consumption is declining and plateauing. The decline is more in younger age groups, which point to a shrinking market. Europe is a declining market, having maxed out (10% of adults are daily drinkers)
and also due to their shrinking populations. Same is the case with Japan, China and Korea. So, which country is home to a large, growing population and where younger people are more likely to drink? Now, watch what all State Govts in India are doing.
From Robert Conquest's The Harvest of Sorrow, probably the most comprehensive chronicle of the horror that Stalinist economic policy was.
How the term 'kulak' was conjured up as an exploiter and target of hate, with little basis in reality. It holds lessons for all of us
- How the 'Aryan' as a class was invented in 20th CE India is similar
- Same technique is used by assorted groups claiming subaltern situation and create a target of hate.
What this resulted in was that the most productive 5-6% of the peasantry, which produced 20% of the grain was hounded, dispossessed of their land and herded off to collectives and labour camps. Forced collectivization and forced grain acquisition resulted in large scale hunger.