NEWS: The GOP is pouring $2 million in dark money to defeat Ron Kind in Wisconsin’s swingiest Congressional district. They know Trump will lose Wisconsin if @KindforCongress wins big. So let’s make sure that Kind soars to victory:…
Why is the GOP pouring so much money into Wisconsin’s 3rd District, a gerrymandered masterpiece that covers western and central Wisconsin? Simple: Because whoever wins here wins Wisconsin.…
The GOP is freaking out because the Supreme Court vacancy has driven home for everyone that healthcare is on the ballot. Dems won every 2018 statewide election on the promise to protect people with pre-existing conditions. The 2020 stakes: even higher.
As many as 2.4 million Wisconsinites have pre-existing conditions; their right to healthcare is threatened if Trump & the GOP prevail. The stakes in WI03 are intensely personal for voters. The GOP knows Ron Kind will protect & expand care, not take it…
Ron Kind represents a purple district—and regularly condemns the Trump administration’s repeated attacks on the Affordable Care Act, while fighting for COVID support. That’s an enormous electoral strength. But it also infuriates the GOP. So they’re targeting him.
Meanwhile, the GOP’s Derrick Van Orden moved to the district a year ago & says he decided to run against Kind as payback for Kind’s opposition to Trump. He’s an anti-science, anti-choice extremist—even when the life of the mother is at stake.
Derrick Van Orden has made crystal clear that he would vote to take away the Affordable Care Act, striking down protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Making sure voters know this can help shut down the GOP’s play for votes here.
Obama won WI-03 by 11 points in 2012. Trump won it by 5 points in 2016. Now, in 2020, the right-wing dark money group behind the attacks on Ron Kind claims Trump is ahead there. Having Ron Kind’s back now builds support for Dems at every level.
The GOP has glaring weaknesses. They’re a disaster on COVID. They’ve driven the economy off a cliff—and are still pushing tax cuts for big corporations and the rich, at the expense of Medicare & Social Security. Let’s make sure voters know it.
And in full partnership with Ron Kind’s powerhouse campaign, the @WisDems team will be organizing voters county by county, neighborhood team by neighborhood team.
If you want to help with that kind of work—from wherever you live!—sign up here:
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“For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind." – Hosea 8:7
Trump, Musk, and the entire GOP keep sowing the wind.
The whirlwind is here. 🧵
Howls of protest are rising from every corner of Wisconsin, and of the country. And we’ve got the first statewide test coming up in 32 days: Wisconsin’s Supreme Court race. Help us beat Brad Schimel and Elon Musk—by chipping in to elect Susan Crawford:…
Trump and Vance blowing up at Zelenskyy in the Oval Office today: sowing.…
Elon Musk is shredding the United States government. But that’s not enough for him. Now, he wants to buy Wisconsin’s state Supreme Court as well. 🧵
Musk’s plan: put his bag man, Brad Schimel, on the court—so he can suppress votes, lock in the GOP’s House majority, re-rig state legislative maps, and prevent any check on himself and Trump.
Musk is hellbent on firing dedicated public servants who look out for regular folks instead of serving far-right billionaires. No wonder he doesn’t like Judge Susan Crawford. And if he succeeds here, your state is next.
1. Fight back against the MAGA/DOGE assault on our country and hold all GOP politicians accountable. 2. Lift up Dems who are doing the right thing. 3. Win elections.
A chance to do #3 is coming in Wisconsin, 53 days from now. 🧵
The core thing to remember: right now, GOP politicians are terrified of crossing Musk/Trump.
They’re not yet afraid of the political consequences of betraying the public.
That’s how we get every GOP Senator voting to confirm Project 2025’s architect to run the federal budget.
Changing the fundamental political equation of this moment requires Republicans dividing, Democrats uniting, and voters rejecting the GOP at every level.
If—when—we make that happen, the Republican onslaught will begin to crumble.
We’re in the final stretch. On Saturday, the Democratic National Committee will elect our next chair. Here’s an update on where our campaign is now, and our path to victory.
Our current count is 183 DNC members supporting me. Here’s how we got there, and where we’re going. 🧵
The momentum’s with us. Just today, we’ve earned public endorsements from the entire Kentucky delegation, Indivisible, and many more individual DNC members. Meanwhile, IUBAC & UNITE HERE joined AFSCME, AFT, NEA, and SEIU in endorsing our campaign—and nine governors.
When I talk to DNC members, I hear that they want a battle-tested leader who can out-organize and out-communicate the GOP.
Wisconsin politics can be brutal trench warfare. We see the worst the GOP has to offer. Now, the country faces that kind of fight—so we need to fight back.
Trump takes the oath today. Expect him to start breaking it immediately.
Trump was a disaster the first time. And this is the kind of movie where the sequel is worse than the original.
As Democrats, how we fight back will define who we are. 🧵
Trump is going to blitz the country in a million terrible ways.
As we fight for all of our communities, we have to make sure the country sees the core of what he’ll try to do: he’ll try to rig the country for far-right billionaires, at the expense of everyone else.
Trump passed just *one* major bill in his first presidency. A giant tax scam, shoveling trillions of dollars to billionaires and huge corporations.
That’s always been his con. He talks about all kinds of things. But his top priority is always bilking people like you, reading this right now, to enrich himself and his friends.