"One of the major troubles that I was having in building the organization that I wanted--an all-black organization whose ultimate objective was to help create a society in which there could exist honest white-black brotherhood--was that my earlier public image kept blocking me."
"I was trying to gradually reshape that image. I was trying to turn a corner, into a new regard by the public, especially to Negroes; I was no less angry than I had been...
...but at the same time the true brotherhood I had seen in the Holy World had influenced me to recognize that anger can blind human vision."
I'm reading about boycotts in Mississippi during the 1960's.
There are cases where Black folks betrayed a boycott and patronized the targeted white business, only to be met by their community — Black boycotters — delivering a punishment.
“Folks go shop, break the boycott, they didn’t get home with the damn groceries ... cause somebody was waiting for them when they got there.”
"Names of Blacks who violated the NAACP boycott were announced at mass meetings."
Chicago actually has more Ukrainian refugees than Venezuelan refugees. But the United States’ geopolitical relationship with Ukraine is vastly different than the one with Venezuela.
And you know…there’s you know…that thing.
“…Ukrainian refugees arrived with a status granted by the federal government that made their path easier, including programs that opened the door to obtaining work permits immediately.”
I thought this was timely for Chicago.
Pictured is a white power rally flyer from the 1960s in response to MLK's End Slums campaign.
What caught my attention about this flyer is that they were using the fact that Black people were moving into Chicago's white neighborhoods as a means to organize.
Hmm... are there any groups in Chicago that aren't wanted in neighborhoods today that people are willing to organize around...just like the white power people? 🤔🤔🤔
"The only reason Martin Luther King keeps winning is because he PUTS BLACK MOBS IN THE STREETS"
"Then we will march on the blacks in THEIR neighborhood with masses of "Back To Africa" signs"
See Pastor Robin Hood helping to organize mothers who've lost their children, or Pastor Donovan Price that arrives at the scene of many shootings, or New Era Chicago patrolling the Red Line Station...
And these are just recent examples.
We can go back decades!
When Chairman Fred Hampton was organizing the Black Panther Party, one of his and the party's goals were to organize peace treaties amongst young Black gangs to mobilize Black Power against the city government. COINTELPRO and the Chicago Police Department undermined his efforts.
Whenever "cancel culture" is brought up amongst celebrities, no one ever mentions Paul Robeson.
During the height of his career, the United States government revoked his passport for eight years for being a communist, advocating for Black Americans and independence in Africa.
The NAACP wouldn't touch him.
Jackie Robinson and Roy Wilkins denounced him.
Paul Robeson was blacklisted from performing.
Paul Robeson's yearly income dropped from more than $150,000 to less than $3,000.
Paul Robeson's All-American Athlete status was scrubbed by Rutgers Univ.
He literally had to testify before the government...
(Testimony of Paul Robeson before the House Committee on Un-American Activities, June 12, 1956)