"Co-opting the once revolutionary concepts of universal human rights, neoliberals refashioned the idea of freedom by tying it fundamentally to the free market, and turning it into a weapon to be used against anticolonial projects all over the world."
They made explicit links between the values of “civilisation” and the imperialist logic of the League of Nations’ mandate system which claimed to support “peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world” by forcing “open-door” trade.
"The center was established, Whyte demonstrates, to challenge “the affirmations of postcolonial sovereignty and economic self-determination” of Third Worldist arguments at the time. Springing from the same logic that once prompted Fanon to observe ...
... “Europe is literally the creation of the Third World,” Third Worldism — as a movement and school of thought — aimed to address the profound disparity in global wealth and resources caused by hundreds of years of European looting."
"Key human rights NGOs actively embraced a neoliberal approach to freedom, twinned with a neoliberal suspicion of politics, that all too eagerly transferred the entirety of the blame for violence, instability, and poverty in the Third World onto Third World states themselves."
"Moreover, NGO embracement of neoliberal human rights gave, in Whyte’s words, a “progressive gloss” to the anti–Third Worldist agenda of organisations like the IMF, the World Bank, and those Great Powers who supported their policies of abusive austerity."
"This “progressive gloss” was especially useful for assuaging the consciences of metropolitan liberals who — in the wake of obviously imperialist forms of US interventionism — were feeling a bit queasy about the postcolonial relationship of the West to the Rest."
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Western-Backed NGOs: A Hollow Version of Civil Society
Pres. Trump: “[US foreign aid] serves to destabilize world peace by promoting ideas in foreign countries that are directly inverse to harmonious and stable relations internal to and among countries.”
The distorting and destabilizing aspects of foreign funding of developing countries’ civil society and politics are real — and increasingly glaring.
If someone wanted to inquire earnestly into how foreign aid affects civil society, democracy, and sovereignty, and think honestly about what it all ultimately comes down to — money and power — there is a way to do it.
Biomass firm poised to clear Bornean rainforest for dubious ‘green’ energy:
3 villages have signed over at least 5,000 hectares of their land to a biomass company. Much of this area, locals say, is covered in rainforest to be cleared for the project.
Despite its billing as sustainable, research has shown that burning woody biomass emits more climate change-causing CO2 than coal per unit of electricity produced. The company in Borneo, moreover, has said it plans to export the wood pellets to be produced on its plantation.
As the nation strives to make good on its pledges to cut fossil fuels, President Joko Widodo has promoted biomass energy, derived from burning plant and animal products, as a sustainable alternative. His administration, whose term came to an end on Oct. 20, has set ambitious targets to increase the burning of biomass alongside coal in power plants, a method known as cofiring, which is used extensively in Japan and South Korea.
Wikileaks - US Consulate General Kolkata*, 13 February 2007:
"On February 12, [the US] Consul General spoke with Nobel Prize winner Dr. Muhammad Yunus about his plans to enter Bangladesh politics.
Yunus, on a two-day visit to Kolkata, expressed a strong interest to enter the political fray and said that he was reviewing his options. He expressed support of the present Caretaker Government and its decision to declare a "State of Emergency," saying it had averted a possible civil war."
"Yunus felt that Muslim fundamentalists represented a fringe and that while the dominant parties had developed ties with fundamentalists for political gain, most Bangladeshis did not favor the extremism."
"During a lunch hosted by the Calcutta Chamber of Commerce (CCC) for its 175 th anniversary, ConGen spoke with Dr. Yunus about the present political situation in Bangladesh.
On February 11, Yunus had issued an open letter saying that he was seeking support from Bangladeshis to launch a political party to reform the violence and corruption in Bangladesh."
Few Americans lament the lack of high-speed rail. How can you miss what you never possessed?
If you’ve never experienced 300 Mbps download speeds,you won’t question AT&T marketing 100 Mbps as 5G.
If every student goes $40,000 into debt,it’s not considered a burden on the young.
The US successfully twisted Japan’s arm in the 1990s, forcing them to build local factories. China forced all multinationals to manufacture domestically through local JVs. The US, however, might not be able to pull off something similar this time around.
Just weeks after the import policy was introduced, US Trade Representative Katherine Tai, during an August 26 meeting, told Union Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal privately that Washington wants New Delhi to "rescind the requirement", as per a USTR briefing paper.
Travis Coberly, a US diplomat for trade in New Delhi, reportedly told his US colleagues that India's IT ministry "understands they (India) screwed up. They admitted as much. American companies here have been hammering them about this," he wrote, according to the news agency.
However, Indian officials, who preferred to remain anonymous, told Reuters that the Centre did not reverse its policy because of US pressure but rather made the decision after realising that local manufacturing of laptops and other devices was not significant currently.
Friedman has accidentally answered the question 'why do Indians support 🇷🇺 or 🇮🇱 online?'
It is a form of bitter self-critique.
Living in a soft state that has, in exchange for 'good boy points', consistently refused to stand up for them, people live vicariously through others.
“I myself pressed at that time for immediate visible retaliation” Shivshankar Menon wrote.
“But on sober reflection and in hindsight, I now believe that the decision not to retaliate militarily and to concentrate on diplomatic, covert and other means was the right one for that time and place.”
Chief among the reasons, Menon said, was that any military response would have quickly obscured just how outrageous and terrible the raid on Indian civilians and tourists was; “the fact of a terrorist attack from Pakistan on India with official involvement on the Pakistan side” would have been lost.