@chrissyteigen As soon as he leaves office, he can be prosecuted. His intention may be to die while still “president”—which is why he really, really wants “four more years”.
I wouldn’t put it past him to stage an “assassination” (real or fake)—which would let him go out as a “martyr”.
@chrissyteigen WHOA! Right after I posted this, Tw*tt*r froze my account and asked me to confirm that I’m not a bot. For the record:
I wish no physical harm to the current WH occupant. I merely suspect that he might arrange harm to himself, and/or fake his own death, so as to avoid prosecution.
@chrissyteigen In fact, I would strongly advise those closest to him (including @IvankaTrump) to watch for signs of despair or violent intentions (toward self or others) and to arrange for psychiatric treatment, if necessary.
Local officials care most about their communities’ growth, prosperity, and affordability. They know their neighborhoods’ needs better than distant bureaucrats and profit-driven corporations.
LIE #4
Suburbs and single-family homes are racist and exclusionary.
A majority of Americans of all backgrounds live in low- and medium-density neighborhoods or suburbs. 94% believe home ownership is central to the American Dream.
@leahfrombklyn @gtjco ACTORS—& other showbiz types who perform onstage or on camera—may not need degrees to get living-wage work. Especially the already-established—&/or well connected. EG Melissa.
But for most desirable fields—INCLUDING off-camera jobs in entertainment/media—degrees are “preferred”.
@leahfrombklyn @gtjco Which basically means “required”.
And “the professions” definitely require degrees.
Even “midlist” fields that we don’t consider particularly aspirational—like teaching or “office work” or “middle management”—require degrees.
The answer is NOT to say “you don’t need a degree”—
@leahfrombklyn @gtjco but rather to MAKE SCHOOL AFFORDABLE AGAIN.
Without loans.
For a while, we made a real effort to help students through whatever postsecondary professional or occupational education best fit each person’s aptitudes.
IF YOU LEAVE—please put your new address/alt ID/linktree in your bio and pinned post here.
Otherwise, those who happened to miss the info may never find you!
(And maybe log in here occasionally—or your account could be deleted against your will.)
Oh—and wherever you go, consider putting your former handle and bio from HERE in your new bio/pinned post THERE.
(In search-friendly text form, not just photos.)
The more clues we leave, the more easily we can reconnect!
Nice network we’ve built—it would be a shame to lose it.
@HananyaNaftali 10/7/23 may have happened on Biden’s watch, but Trump’s actions—including the Abraham Accords and moving the embassy to Jerusalem—may have contributed. How? By causing Palestinians to despair that there will ever be a peaceful solution that they would consider fair to themselves.
@HananyaNaftali When people see (what they would consider) a just outcome growing less and less likely by the year—and events moving more and more in the opposite direction—they sometimes decide they have nothing to lose by waging an all-out war.
Yes, even if victory seems unlikely.
SEE: ➡️
@HananyaNaftali Is Trump-style “normalization” really good?
Forget 'Peace,' Did Abraham Accords Set Stage For Israel-Gaza Conflict?
Almost every assumption that undergirded the Israel-Arab normalization agreements was disastrously wrong, and now we are paying the price. responsiblestatecraft.org/abraham-accord…
Hey, California legislators?
You might want to back down from this REUSABLE plastic bag ban you’re pushing!
Or at least table it until next year?
Working people need, use, and reuse those bags—and you don’t want to piss off VOTERS by taking the bags away during an ELECTION YEAR!
Neither CA, California Democrats running for re-election, nor the Democratic Party in general needs any further reputation for unnecessary draconian laws that make life harder for regular people!
@casendems @AsmDems
@CAgovernor @Cal_OES @CA_Dem
@casendems @AsmDems @CAgovernor @Cal_OES @CA_Dem We’re getting tired of these FAUXgressive measures that impose extra costs, unpaid labor, and other burdens on working families and other vulnerable populations—while barely making a dent in the problems allegedly addressed.
@skuterzysta @criticalurban @AmericanFietser It’s already started.
That’s what all these anti-car measures are about!
Each claims some other purpose—“reducing congestion”, “raising money”, “road safety”, “more housing” (without parking)—but a major motive behind each is to bully us out of owning, driving, and parking CARS.
@skuterzysta @criticalurban @AmericanFietser It’s no secret—the extremists say it in their own words.
In 2010, one saw that EVEN IN CITIES WITH ROBUST TRANSIT, most people still choose to drive.
We’ll have to COERCE people out of driving, by making parking scarcer and more expensive! la.streetsblog.org/2010/12/13/den…
@skuterzysta @criticalurban @AmericanFietser Here it is.
The anti-car activists want to “ween” [sic] us off the automobile.
But as early as 2010, they realized that EVEN in cities with “good”, robust transit systems—and high population density, their other pet goal—PEOPLE STILL DRIVE.
Let’s get rid of parking!