The Military wants their 5G and have to have it to run their massive Data surveillance Programs and War Machine.
Arthur Firstenberg - "The Invisible Rainbow" - The Hidden Dangers of Wir... via @YouTube
The operation organised by the "Five Eyes" against Huawei aims exclusively to ensure that 5G technology in the West will not be controlled by a Chinese company. As a Pentagon report attests, this civilian technology is primarily used for military purposes.
It will increase the lethality of killer drones and war robots, giving them the ability to identify, track and strike people based on facial recognition and other characteristics. The 5G network, being a high-tech warfare instrument, will automatically also become the
While Canada has just authorized the extradition of Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of one of Huawei’s leaders, to the United States, the U.S. Congressional Research Service exposes the military component of the G5.
Shelby vs Holder
Shelby County v. Holder, 570 U.S. 529 (2013), was a landmark decision[1] of the US Supreme Court regarding the constitutionality of two provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965: Section 5, which requires certain states and
local governments to obtain federal preclearance before implementing any changes to their voting laws or practices; and Section 4(b), which contains the coverage formula that determines which jurisdictions are subjected to preclearance
The non-partisan, investigative arm of Congress, the Government Accountability Office, investigated the Federal Reserve and determined that the Federal Reserve violated U.S. criminal laws by providing conflict of interest waivers to
employees and private contractors so they could keep investments in the same financial institutions and corporations that were given emergency loans. The Federal Reserve knowingly and willingly committed the criminal offenses of fraud and influence peddling when they falsely
claimed that their banks were failing in order to influence and gain $trillions from the US governments of both George W Bush and Barack Hussein Obama (legal name is Barry Soetoro).
The Bilderberg Group, constituted formally in 1954 on the initiative of certain US and European « eminent citizens », was in reality created by the CIA and the British secret service MI6, in order to support NATO against the USSR [1].
After the Cold War, it continued to play the same role in support of the strategy of the USA and NATO.
Listed are a few of its Members:…
On the pro-Islamism side, we note the presence, for the United States, of John Brennan (ex-Director of the CIA) and his ex-subordinates Avril Haines and David Cohen (financing of terrorism).
The Ukrainian card continues to be in play in the American elections. As it became clear from a recent New York Post publication, Joe Biden, when he was US Vice President, should have known about the problems of the Burisma
company operating in Ukraine, on whose board his son Hunter sat.
After all, as follows from the discovered correspondence of Hunter that in April 2015 Burisma board adviser Vadim Pozharsky thanked him for meeting his father. This
information is already well known, but those who quote it usually do not explain who Pozharsky is.