I was a student at the University of Notre Dame Law School while Amy Coney Barrett was a professor.
While she had a reputation for collegiality and excellence in the classroom, the biggest lesson she taught me was that a person could be kind and civil while embracing an ideology that regards some individuals worthy of fewer rights and less freedom.
Make no mistake about it: Judge Amy Coney Barrett is an extremist pick. Her record on reproductive rights, coverage for preexisting conditions, LGBTQ+ rights, and the dignity of work is abysmal.
In Amy Coney Barrett’s America, women will be prosecuted for abortions, Americans will be stripped of healthcare coverage, we cannot marry who we love, and unions will be gutted. While I respect her record on teaching, she is unfit to fill the seat of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
With her nomination to the United States Supreme Court, the overturning of established precedent like Roe v. Wade is all but guaranteed.
That means the Maricopa County Attorney will have the discretion to prosecute people for their own private healthcare decisions.
Our government does not belong in these intimate spaces.
Our next Supreme Court Justice should be appointed after the voters have their say in free and fair elections in 38 days.
If you would like to help support my campaign, you can do so here 👇
The first issues are largely procedural. Because of the age of this case (first filed in 1971), many of the original parties are deceased (passed beyond the jurisdiction of the court) and many of the doctors are no longer in practice.
Okay--here come the important arguments.
The AG is trying to argue that because the Supreme Court overruled Roe, the very old Arizona abortion law comes back in force.
In SB1457, the legislature created an “interpretive rule” that a “person” includes a fertilized egg at any stage of gestation.
This sets up scenario where child neglect and homicide statutes apply to patients and doctors who access abortion.
The plaintiffs are arguing that this provision is vague—in part because it invites arbitrary enforcement and in part because it’s unclear how this interacts with other laws.
The County Attorney or District Attorney election just became the most important race on your ballot in 2022.
Here's why 🧵
The Supreme Court has voted to overturn Roe v. Wade in the face of decades of legal precedent and roll back the rights of millions in America.
Arizona is one of 23 states that will now use the criminal law and Supreme Court decision to ban abortion.
As a result of this decision, doctors’ offices will be treated as crime scenes, and reproductive decisions will be invasively monitored by prosecutors and police.
The Arizona District Court is hearing oral arguments on SB1457 RIGHT NOW. Follow @ncjwarizona and this thread to hear how it's going.
Kicking off and it's a hot bench (that means that the judge has a lot of questions).
Of note at the outset, the judge has adopted the language of the Plaintiffs that this is a "Reason Ban" and not a "Non-discrimination Provision" as the Attorney General argues.
At issue is the prohibition against physicians providing abortions to people who are carrying fetuses with genetic abnormalities.
Unfortunately for our community, this is little more than a political stunt that contradicts my opponent’s previous stances during her appointed tenure and comes just over 40 days away from the general election. THREAD 👇 azcentral.com/story/news/loc…
When she was appointed on October 3, 2019, she was silent on this issue.
When the Arizona Legislature convened on January 13, 2020 she was silent on this issue.