"The American people deserve nine justices on the Supreme Court." - Vice President Mike Pence, standing beside Judge Amy Coney Barrett, in the presence of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
In 2016, McConnell blockaded Obama's nomination of Judge Garland, turning SCOTUS into a de facto 8-justice court, with Ted Cruz and John McCain flirting with making it permanent (and shrinking) under a President Clinton, all while Dems ran their futile #WeNeedNine campaign
Sen. Cruz, with Judge Barrett sitting beside him, says her fast confirmation is necessary to prevent a 4-4 SCOTUS split on any election-related legal dispute.
"This is not about any particular candidate, this is about having a Supreme Court that will follow the law," Cruz said.
McConnell now calling Chicken Little on Dem attacks on Barrett re: Roe, citing similar liberal attacks on John Paul Stevens, Anthony Kennedy, and David Souter.
But it's because of JPS/AMK/DHS's betrayals that conservatives ensured any future nom, like Barrett, would be a Roe foe
1) Scalia had 9 kids and twice voted to strike down ACA in its entirety 2) McConnell also said Barrett's earlier ACA opposition was to the individual mandate, and that's irrelevant to the current challenge, which revolves around the mandate's elimination
But remember: Scalia/Kennedy/Thomas/Alito all said the entire ACA must fall because the mandate was inseverable from the provisions guaranteeing coverage for pre-existing conditions. TX's suit now says because the mandate can no longer be justified as a tax, everything must fall.
They're counting on the votes of Thomas and Alito, and expecting Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will share the determinations their successors made.
It's not a far step from there to think Barrett, a Scalia clerk who shares his ideology/methodology, would be the 5th vote to fell the ACA
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No, these people are pushing clearly unconstitutional/illegal policies precisely because they hope this SCOTUS will be a willing partner in their reactionary revolution or will be powerless in the face of departmentalist defiance—and if the people resist then poof go elections
These people are seeking nothing short of an FDR-style constitutional revolution but without his political mandate to override the existing order—let alone return to the one FDR’s election repudiated.
FDR was reelected by even larger margins in 1936 AFTER the old guard SCOTUS struck down his first New Deal.
Do Trump’s people actually think he’ll get the same results via an internecine war with an otherwise simpatico SCOTUS? No. Bc they don’t think they answer to the people.
Dude's deliberately misreading a very short, digestible, and temporary judicial order so to lay the groundwork for going full Jackson Apocrypha in service to his movement's authoritarian agenda.
These people are all but actually up in arms over the judge's restraining "political appointees" from accessing Treasury's payment system, and lying to you that it includes the Secretary and other cabinet members, when it's clearly aimed at people like the DOGEbros.
Could the judge have been clearer? Sure. But this is still clear to any plain reader. Could the order have been narrower? Sure, another judge approved such a deal between private plaintiffs and the admin over DOGEbro access while litigation played out: storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…
Trump’s DOJ was responding to this motion from WA/AZ/IL/OR seeking a temporary restraining order against the “Citizenship Stripping Order” storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco…
The decision feels like Bruen in that it'll have the justices in subsequent cases going WAIT NO WE DIDN'T MEAN THAT except it'll be after Emperor Trump orders Kavanaugh to chew off Roberts's face in the supersized Thunderdome constructed on top of the Supreme Court building
Hahahaha what am I saying this opinion will never be cited again if dude returns to office because they'll just Weekend at Bentham him so that he'll remain immune from whatever crimes he commits while alive or dead during his eternal reign
If dude loses then yeah so long as this SCOTUS is similarly constituted a majority will permit any subsequent Republican DOJ to swiftly execute any past Democratic President for the nonofficial criminal acts of Winning an Election and Democrating While In Office.