Toronto Council meets today! Compared to watching the U.S. President in that debate last night, this will be high art. It’ll be poetry. The words will sing.
As I predicted with my keen insight, the mayor has named the item calling for the provincial and federal governments to support 3,000 new affordable homes as the key matter, so it should be up first. Second item will be the COVID stuff.…
First Council meeting since the pandemic that’s partially taken place in the chamber. A few members are there while others are conferencing in. Mayor and several councillors are wearing orange shirts in support of survivors of residential schools.
We start with a tribute to now-retired Clerk Ulli Watkiss. She wasn’t even supposed to be here today (she retired last week) but here she is! Mayor says she’s great, and I agree. Standing ovation.
Watkiss leaves city hall with these words: “I hope our paths cross again, and that soon we will return to a period of normality, whatever it will look like. Toronto the good. Toronto the best.” Another standing ovation.
Councillor John FIlion is appearing twice in the virtual council screen — one head-on view and one profile view. Mayor John Tory jokingly wonders if this means he’ll get two votes.
Toronto Council is now onto the first item, about housing. The item requests the prov and feds provide about $727 million+ to create 3,000 affordable homes over next two years.… (PDF)
Here’s the current funding picture for the $23.4 billion HousingTO plan. City has made decent province getting federal cash, but the provincial gov has been slower.
Housing Secretariat Abi Bond says the City still doesn’t have a comprehensive list of surplus provincial and federal land in Toronto, which is kind of maddening.
Councillor Gord Perks moves that Council urge the province to reinstate a moratorium on evictions.
Council’s on lunch until 2 — vote on housing and homelessness item will happen after that.
Toronto Council is back from lunch but I’m not getting any audio. Can you fix, @TorontoCouncil?
The dulcet tones have returned. Sound is restored. Council’s live stream is here:
Council votes by a show of hands to have city hall IT staff push the COVID-19 app to all city-managed smartphones. Staffers will still have to opt to activate the app. (Which they should — the app’s great.)
Back to the housing/homelessness item. There are 65 items left on Council’s agenda.
This has prompted quite a discussion about whether it’s advisable for councillors to be in the chamber today. Layton cites language from city website recommending people avoid “non-essential trips” out of their homes.
Councillor Perks’ motion urging the province to reinstate the moratorium on evictions CARRIES 22-1, with only Holyday opposed.
Housing item as amended CARRIES 22-1, with only Holyday opposed.
Request now official to province and feds: come forward with funds to create 3,000 affordable homes.
So far this hybrid format where some councillors are in the chamber and some are virtual seems more chaotic than the previous all-virtual format. Councillor Mike Colle, participating virtually, says he tried to submit a motion but it was never delivered.
But we press on. Up now: this COVID-19 item from the Board of Health, which, among other things, recommends these new rules for bars & restaurants.…
Whenever I see a government-type person talking with a white board in the background: zoom in, zoom in, zoom in. (These appear to be speaking notes.)
Mayor John Tory moves a series of recommendations to support restaurants, including winter patios and requesting province continue to let restaurants sell booze for take out and delivery.
Councillor Cressy moves to urge province and feds to provide financial support to businesses and workers affected by new COVID-19 restrictions.
Councillor Mike Colle moves to have Dr. de Villa look at what Taiwan is doing to successfully control the pandemic.
Councillor Frances Nunziata moves to look at ways to boost Municipal Licensing and Standards so they can handle all this COVID-19 stuff.
Tory’s motion of various recommendations to support the restaurant industry CARRIES unanimously.
Cressy’s motion requesting feds and prov provide some money to support workers and businesses facing Covid restrictions CARRIES unanimously too. Very agreeable bunch.
Councillor Mike Colle’s motion to look at what Taiwan is doing to fight the virus CARRIES — you guessed it — unanimously.
Councillor Frances Nunziata’s motion to look at ways to augment Municipal Licensing & Standards during this COVID fight CARRIES by a slight margin… — just kidding, it was unanimous.
And the COVID item as amended carries unanimously.
A twist! Mayor John Tory moves to defer the decision of how to fill Councillor Jim Karygiannis’ seat until the October meeting of council.
Tory’s motion to defer consideration of the Karygiannis seat until October CARRIES via a show of hands. Mayor said without a deferral a potential by-election would have been scheduled too close to Christmas and New Years.
Council now on to a garbage item. Staff want to look at “thermal processing” of Toronto’s waste. Letter from Toronto Environmental Alliance says this is basically the same as incineration and is urging council to vote against it.…
Councillor Gord Perks moves to receive the item, which means directing staff to take no action on this. He ALSO has a backup motion if that fails, which asks staff to consider options that don’t use thermal treatment for trash.
Perks’ motion to receive the garbage item and take no action FAILS 9-14
Perks’ amendment to look at both burning garbage and non-burning garbage options CARRIES via a show of hands. So does the item as amended.
Up now: a planning report that includes a request for a review of Queen Street between Bathurst and Roncesvalles “to improve the safe and efficient movement of pedestrians, cyclists, and transit along the West Queen Street West corridor.”
Councillor Stephen Holyday moves to include that the review of Queen Street also look at the efficient movement of cars.
Perks’ motion to conduct the West Queen West review as staff recommended, without Holyday’s car addition, CARRIES 19-3 with Holyday, Minnan-Wong and Tory opposed.
And the West Queen West planning item as amended CARRIES 21-1, with Holyday opposed.
Following @BenSpurr’s story about the program getting suspended in March because of COVID, Councillor Anthony Perruzza has added an item about the TTC Fair Pass to the Council agenda.
Council recesses for the day. Back at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow. There are 55 items left on the agenda, plus a few that just got added.
Council’s back. Back again. There are now 63 items left on the agenda. Big items up soon include police reform, Dundas Street renaming, and ranked ballots. Streaming live here:
We start with a presentation. The City of Toronto has won the 2020 CHAMPION OF TREES award from the Arbor Day Foundation. We are the TREE CHAMPION and we will be FIGHTING CHAMPIONS.
Here is why the Arbor Day Foundation decided to award Toronto this CHAMPION OF TREES title.…
Later, the Council representing our CHAMPION OF TREES city will hold three debates over whether to remove three individual trees.
I was wondering about this. Tory is acknowledging that he voted the wrong way on this item yesterday. He was on the phone during the vote and apologizes. They’re going to hold a re-vote now. Re-vote carries 21-2 with Holyday & Ford opposed.
First debate will be about holding consultations to look at renaming Dundas Street and other streets/buildings/etc.
Former GG Adrienne Clarkson has written to Council: “Dundas is not a name that I think we should perpetuate in a city like Toronto.”…
Councillor Stephen Holyday moves a… confusing motion asking staff to develop a “standard plaque” that could be installed along Dundas Street. He says it’s important for “both sides” to agree on the facts re: history.
The gist of Holyday’s motion is that he’s worried about a scenario in which councillors use Sec 37 or similar funds to install plaques on Dundas Street that don’t use agreed-upon language re: the history. He wants everyone to use the same plaque.
Perks to Holyday: Do you believe there’s structural racism embedded in Toronto and Canada?
Holyday: “Yes, I believe there’s all sorts of structural issues, including racism and different things that affect people’s chances to be successful in society — it’s all over the place.”
Voting time! Holyday’s motion to develop a “standard plaque” to be placed along Dundas Street FAILS 1-23, with only Holyday voting in favour of the Holyday motion.
And via show of hands Toronto Council APPROVES moving forward with a consultation process to look at renaming Dundas Street.
Councillors expressing many concerns about this Metrolinx item, which delegates a lot of authority to staff re: negotiating transit-related matters. Deputy City Manager Tracey Cook says she’s accountable to council and this won’t change that.…
Councillor Ana Bailao has a motion to get things moving on the West Toronto Railpath.
Councillor Mike Colle has a motion to get quarterly updates on the GO Transit expansion program.
Council is on lunch until 2 p.m. 60 items left on the agenda — 36 member motions and 24 regular items.
Toronto Council is gearing up to come back and mics are broadcasting while councillors are unaware. They’re talking pleasantly about the weather. “The sun always shines in Scarborough!” says Councillor Mike Colle. Seriously, why can’t they say something scandalous.
Now Councillor Gary Crawford is talking about the importance of staying hydrated. Come on, talk about secret deals. Give me something.
Council is officially back! Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam has re-opened the Dundas renaming item to move this recommendation from the Accessibility Advisory Committee. It carries via show of hands.
Back on the Metrolinx item, Councillor Wong-Tam moves to develop community benefit agreements for the GO Transit expansion project.
Good catch from @CycleToronto — Councillor James Pasternak’s motion to look at increasing the Bike Share time limit and adding a low-income membership option carried yesterday without debate. Report due back Q4.
Councillor Paula Fletcher has moved a long motion about Metrolinx’s intention to build a GO Train layover yard in the Don Valley. @BenSpurr wrote about concerns about this plan here:…
Voting on the Metrolinx/GO item. Councillor Bailao’s motion to get things moving with the West Toronto Railpath CARRIES unanimously.
Councillor Colle’s motion requesting the City Manager provide quarterly updates on the Metrolinx GO expansion project also CARRIES unanimously.
Councillor Wong-Tam’s motion for a framework for community benefit agreements as part of the GO expansion project CARRIES 22-2, with Colle and Thompson opposed.
Councillor Paula Fletcher’s motion calling for Metrolinx to conduct a study on impacts and look at alternatives re: the layover yard in the Don Valley CARRIES unanimously.
And the Metrolinx GO expansion item as amended is adopted unanimously.
Deputy Mayor Denzil Minnan-Wong’s “Call Me Maybe” motion that’d require all city divisions and agencies to post staff directories online is added to the agenda. It looked like Council passed it, but now Councillor Gord Perks wants to debate it. They’ll come back to it later.
This Member motion from Councillor Mike Colle and Councillor Mark Grimes looking to STOP sidewalk installation on streets in their wards doesn’t make the agenda. Vote was 15-7, but needed two-thirds. It’ll now go to Infrastructure & Environment Committee.…
Motion from Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam and Councillor Paul Ainslie asking City Manager to look at reducing taxi renewal fees for 2020 gets added to the agenda. Deputy Mayor Minnan-Wong holds it for debate.…
Councillor Josh Matlow and Councillor Mike Layton’s motion calling for an update on the city’s winter snow plans, including plans to clear sidewalks and bike lanes, doesn’t get added the agenda. Vote to add was 11-13. Goes to Infrastructure Committee.…
Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam and Councillor Paul Ainslie’s motion calling for Council to support a federal bill banning conversion therapy carries via a show of hands.…
Councillor Anthony Perruzza and Mayor John Tory’s motion calling for staff to report in November on the status of the Fair Pass program (after it was suspended to new users during COVID) carries via a show of hands.…
Up now: a report updating Council on police reform efforts. Acting Chief of Police James Ramer is on the line to answer councillor questions.…
The substantive action from this report is the creation of an Anti-Black Racism Council Advisory Body. 15 members — one councillor and 14 volunteer members from general public.
In June, Council voted to direct the City Manager to work with the police board to establish an accountability office for Toronto Police. This report is negative on the idea. Asked about it, acting Chief of Police James Ramer says, “I feel we have sufficient oversight.”
Councillor Michael Thompson: “Is the oversight that’s in place, that you’ve indicated is sufficient, is it effective — and if it is effective, who is it effective for?”
Ramer dodges a bit, says he thinks the police board, SIU, OIPRD, etc. are doing a good job.
Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam moves to establish an honourarium program for public members of the Anti-Black Racism Advisory Board, and for staff and legal to take another look at the creation of a police accountability office.
Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam’s motion to establish a compensation/honourarium program for people who serve on the new Anti-Black Racism Council Advisory Board CARRIES unanimously.
Wong-Tam’s motion to request a report on potential additional oversight areas for the police CARRIES unanimously.
Wong-Tam’s motion to get a second opinion on whether the city can establish a police accountability office FAILS 9-15.
Police reform update item as amended is adopted unanimously.
There’s been an error! Clerk says this item re: Colle and Grimes trying to block sidewalk installation in their wards actually DID have the votes to make the agenda. It’s now being held by Councillor Shelley Carroll for debate later.
31 items left on the agenda. It’s 5 p.m. Approaching the time when things tend to get silly.
Councillor Holyday asks staff to confirm they found the above-ground Eglinton West LRT would have conflicted with north-south traffic.
Director of Transit & Transportation James Perttula does not confirm it: “The impact at those intersections was not seen to be significant.”
On this item about Metrolinx major transit projects, Councillor Shelley Carroll moves to advance the priority of the Sheppard Subway “in light of approved transit-related densities.”
Councillor Paula Fletcher has a long motion that, among other things, calls for a report on cost comparisons between underground vs. above ground Ontario Line and Eglinton West LRT.
Fletcher has some photos comparing the surrounding areas of the above ground Ontario Line vs. the underground Eg West LRT.
Councillors Carroll, Lai and Pasternak all speaking in support of the Sheppard Subway. A bit jarring after almost a decade of some supporting the Sheppard East LRT as an alternative. Feels like that option is truly dead and buried.
Councillor Mike Colle has a motion that straight-up asks the Transportation Minister to justify spending an extra $1.8 billion to bury the Eglinton West LRT.
Speaker Frances Nunziata doesn’t like the tone of the Colle motion and has ruled it out of order. Councillor Gord Perks challenges that decision.
Nunziata’s ruling that the Colle motion is out of order is UPHELD 15-7. (@TorontoCouncil had 16-6 but I think I’m right.)
Councillor Gord Perks has basically reintroduced Colle’s motion with a different tone, calling for the province to NOT spent $1.8 billion on burying the Eg West LRT. This version is ruled to be in order.
Carroll’s motion requesting the province prioritize the Sheppard subway CARRIES 18-6.
Fletcher’s motion requesting a report on price comparison between overground and underground Ontario Line and Eg West LRT CARRIES 21-2, with Holyday and Ford against. Report due in November.
Wow. Perks’ motion for prov to NOT spend $1.8 billion burying Eg West LRT FAILS 11-11
Toronto Council meets today! Mayor Olivia Chow has set rental housing incentives as her top key matter, so that will be debated first after the usual housekeeping and introductions.
The meeting is streaming live here. I'll post happenings.
Also on the agenda: Doug Ford's bike lane ban, a hotel tax hike for funding FIFA, and a renovictions bylaw. I had a full preview of the agenda in Friday's free edition of City Hall Watcher.…
A quick programming note: if you'd like to spend less time on this platform — I don't blame you! — this thread is being cross-posted to two others: BlueSky and Mastodon. Find me using the same handle there.
Toronto Council meets today! It’s the final regular meeting before the summer recess so there’s lots to deal with. The mayor has set an item about speeding up Gardiner construction as the first order of business.
Streaming live here. I’ll post happenings.
The news on the Gardiner is that the province is kicking in another $73 million to get work on the current phase done a year earlier (if all goes well — a big if). Would be finished in 2026 versus 2027.…
For a preview of all the other big items on the agenda, including the Science Centre, accountability reports, a bushel of housing-related items and, well, rats, this week’s issue of my newsletter has you covered.
Toronto Council meets today! It’s the one-year anniversary of Mayor Olivia Chow’s election, so maybe there’ll be cake? TBD. First item on the agenda is set to be the creation of a new renovictions bylaw.
I will post happenings, and it’ll stream live here:
For a full preview of the agenda, check out this week’s edition of my City Hall Watcher newsletter. Other items up for debate include a new rental housing supply plan, the bike network strategy, Sankofa Square and more.
A bit of rueful laughter in the council chamber during O Canada as the standard glossy video of Toronto landmarks shows an aerial shot of the Science Centre. Guess they’ll need to plan for a re-edit.
It’s a B-Day on V-Day. Toronto Council meets today for a special Valentine’s budget meeting.
We’re expecting changes to Mayor Chow’s budget, including more suburban snow plowing and more police spending.
I will post things. It’s streaming live here:
The big news is that Mayor Olivia Chow has indicated she’ll support a motion to put $12.6 million into the police budget, matching the board request. This is a pretty significant climbdown for the mayor, who had seemed pretty resolute.…
This battle was always more symbolic than substantive. $12.6 million is less than 1% of police spending. It’s less than 0.1% of city spending. It’s a level of money you typically find in a variance report. Public safety will not hinge on this amount.
Council meets today! It’s a pre-budget appetizer of a meeting, with debates on noise, bus lanes and sledding. Yes, like tobogganing. It’s a magical world, ol’ buddy, let’s go exploring.
I’ll be posting things that happen.
The meeting live stream is here:
I’ve got a full preview of the agenda in last Friday’s issue of the newsletter, complete with this cool archive photo.
Mayor Olivia Chow has set the RapidTO bus lane plan as her first key matter, so that should be up first, barring any changes.
We start with a few notes. Councillor Fletcher pays tribute after the passing of her longtime executive assistant Susan Serran. Councillor Moise welcomes us to Black History Month. Mayor Chow offers congratulations to retiring City of Toronto Controller Andrew Flynn.
Metrolinx CEO Phil Verster announces he CAN’T announce a new opening date for the Eglinton Crosstown. He says he has a good sense of the schedule, but builder Crosslinx still finding “issues and defects that require additional time” so he’s made choice not to offer a date. Wow.
Metrolinx CEO says there will now be updates every two months on the progress of the Crosstown line. So maybe in two months we’ll get an opening date? Maybe! But maybe not! Schrödinger's LRT.
To recap: In early Aug, Verster said he’d provide range of opening dates by end of summer. Last week, Metrolinx acknowledged they’d miss that deadline. Metrolinx later scheduled an announcement for today, where dates were expected. But the announcement is there is no announcement