Worth reckoning with this @sebastiansmee on the stunning National Gallery decision to postpone an exhibition of anti-racist artist Philp Guston because his paintings features images of hooded figures that viewers just can't handle at this moment in time. washingtonpost.com/entertainment/…
"I have read unfathomable doublespeak coming out of museum PR depts but this is the most ludicrous. The idea that work w/ a powerful msg of social & racial justice should have to wait until some future when they think our current tumult has been magically cleaned up is Orwellian"
"Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation, supports decision to postpone: 'Not taking a step back to address these issues...would've appeared tone deaf to what is happening in discourse about art.' From such a force for good in the art world, this is deeply disappointing."
*feature*. My goodness, two subject-verb snafus in two days.
And now come nearly 100 artists decrying the museums' decision to postpone the Guston show (until 2024!) and demanding that it be reinstated: nytimes.com/2020/09/30/art…
This from Ford Foundation's Walker, wow: "What those who criticize this decision do not understand is...the context in US has fundamentally, profoundly changed on issues of incendiary & toxic racist imagery in art, regardless of virtue or intention of the artist who created it.”
.@jsf: "It’s not too late to reverse this decision, which is shaping up to be an even worse misdeed than 1989 cancellation of Robert Mapplethorpe’s 'The Perfect Moment': worse because the censorship has come not from philistines outside the museum’s walls but from those within."
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"At California’s Yosemite National Park, the Trump administration fired the only locksmith on staff on Friday. He was the sole employee with the keys and the institutional knowledge needed to rescue visitors from locked restrooms." And at other parks:
"As we emerge from our most restrictive covid precautions, the tables have turned: I find myself in a world in which many have become more introverted. And I hate it." Great column by @rebeccamakkai: washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/…
Key graf:
"I reconnected with a large group of friends at an outdoor restaurant...At the end of dinner, [two] announced that although they’d had a wonderful time, they wouldn’t make it to another planned gathering three weeks later; they needed at least a month to recover.
This is a v sharp Janan Ganesh column noting how similar Britain and France have come to be: same size, same hyper-dominant capital region, same post-imperial wistfulness. Some quotes follow. ft.com/content/beff18…
"Each nation has a monstrously dominant capital. Politics, media, finance and culture are concentrated in one city. No European nation of comparable size--not Spain, not Italy, not Germany--does that. Nor does the US, Australia or Canada..."
"...The result is two similarly distorted countries. Lots of democracies have angry hinterlands but in few is the populist rage so focused against one place...."
Hospitals are closing at disprortionately high rates in Mississippi and the other nine red states that have refused to accept Obamacare's Medicaid expansion, even though the fed gov't picks up 90 pct of the cost and has further sweetened the pot recently. nytimes.com/2023/03/28/us/…
"Expanding Medicaid would uncork $1.35 billion a year in federal funds to [Mississippi] hospitals and health care providers...And it would guarantee coverage to 100,000 uninsured adults making less than $20,120 in a state whose death rates are at or near the nation’s highest..."
Of the "close to two million other [uninsured] Americans who live in the states that have not expanded Medicaid, three in five are adults of color, according to a 2021 study by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities...In Mississippi, more than half are Black."
Wow. Boeing is arguing that it is not liable for victim suffering claims in Ethiopian Airlines 737 MAX crash because "victims died painlessly because the airplane crashed into the ground so fast that their brains didn’t have time to process pain signals." wsj.com/articles/boein…
Kids "are learning to hate the subject [of English] well before college. Both in terms of what kids are assigned and how they are instructed to read it, English class in middle and high school is often a misery." nytimes.com/2023/03/09/opi…