How do you treat a viral respiratory disease with a fever such as flu or Covid if it presents symptomatically as flu? In old school conservative approach you don’t. It runs its course. You run the fever 2-5 days. You suffer body aches. By the end of first week you feel better. /1
Better but far from well. Residual symptoms and importantly fatigue remains for three weeks or so. It means rest and sleep. You eat a modest restricted diet. Don’t pop pills. Medically in the older people you would watch for secondary bacterial infection.
Important part is to start getting you up and out of bed, at first to go eat, then to take short walks outside. Air the room where the sick person is by opening a window several times during the day. /3
There is no need for “speedy recovery”. Being ill is a job. Taking adequate time to recover ensures robust health down the road. Cutting corners, being “smart” shortening the course of disease by popping pills will make you worse long term. /4
What does this all mean for the President? He is under pressure to perform and recover, to not appear sick for the normal duration of the illness because Americans forgot what it means to be sick in a normal and healthy way. It takes longer than we think. /5
Essentially the President doesn’t have the luxury to be sick. Being sick for the normal unadulterated course would be a better example to the nation than experimental treatments. /6
Nonetheless the President showed the nation what it means to live. Herman Caine did too. I mean both examples in a positive way. We make decisions and live the consequences. They are not bad consequences. They are what they are. Read Dying is not Death for Ivan Illich example. /7
Ivan Illich refused to be diagnosed and lived with what was suspected to be cancer. He didn’t do treatments because what was offered was unacceptable to him. Instead he lived. He was granted a good death years later. /8
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Can autism have a cause? No. A disease has a cause. A condition, disorder, syndrome cannot have a cause by definition. Autism is an umbrella diagnoses for many ambiguous and arbitrary symptoms that we establish as compared to some notion of what a norm is.
And our idea of normality comes from either social convention or statistical distribution. In this case, it is both.
A vaccine can and does result in immunological/neurological response in a physical body. And we can observe the same effects following a case of a viral illness.
There are no systems inside. It is one body of a person. In some children vaccination triggers a cascade of symptoms that eventually get diagnosed as autism. Dr. Jon Poling elaborated on this subject well. The same can happen following a case of viral illness.
"If you do this, we will be forced to think that mosques are being deserted on America's instructions," Mufti Kafayatullah told the crowd.
"We're ready to give our lives, but not ready to desert our mosques."
Naveed Paracha, a 35-year-old employee of a garment shop, said he came to the mosque because he feels his faith is stronger than any virus. "Diseases come and go, but for Muslims, you always have to stand in front of God," he said.
"[Lockdowns are] not the answer to these problems," Aziz had told Al Jazeera. "We believe the people should not be made to fear things right now, they should have faith in God at this time, and to place their hope in him ... If death is written for you, then it will come."
The problem with recommending vitamins, a vaccine, or no-carb (or any other) diet as a means to greater health - misunderstanding of the complexity to make something good and not harmful happen.
All three ritual actions attempt to create a state of 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦-𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺 that will be proclaimed healthy based on some limited assortment of random parameters. These parameters come to be from population statistics as random context-free averages tied to some outcomes.
All three require surprisingly little thinking, no understanding of anything beyond following a simple algorithm and consumption of a drug/service on a routine or intermittent basis.
Our future is glum. The progress will continue. Vaccines will keep saving us. We will be able to upgrade ourselves with spare body parts and change who we are. A little or a lot. We invest into drugs so we will keep on drugging. Masks work so they will stay.
Those of us in the present state of mind will be the last men of our kind who refuse to progress but we are almost extinct.
In good news, God is with us. No matter what trials and tribulations are ahead of us, we will ensure them just like all the men who came before us.
It is most odd to arrange your life to "prevent hospital care".
How does one care for a child that keeps a child well minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day, here and now? When a child is born, he belongs to the mother and should continue being on the mother most of the time
There are tribes that care for children collectively, and multiple women nursing a child. We are not that tribe. In the West the care for a child falls on one woman. It is on that one woman that the well-being of that child depends.
How well the community cares for the mother and how well it provides for her impacts that child. The baseline way to mother a child is by nursing at the breast. No by "lactation management" via the freezer. Reality is not frozen. Adaptation of a child via the mother is real time.
On Saturday, June 17, 1916, an official announcement of the existence of an epidemic polio infection was made in Brooklyn, New York. Over the course of that year, there were over 27,000 cases and more than 6,000 deaths due to polio in the US, with over 2,000 deaths in NYC alone.
What can we make of this Wikipedia entry? Is this a story? Is this a fact? What is the relationship of this collection of words and symbols to scientific knowledge, practice, and the society that thinks we are scientific?…
What is a good way to evaluate an event? What kind of a method is good for this purpose? How can we make sense of an event? What in this collection of words is true and what is not? How do we establish truth? What is the relationship of truth to science? What is science?