The Bilderberg Group conference is the most important meeting in the world, attended each year since 1954 by the world’s most powerful individuals. They meet behind closed doors and their decisions affect every human being on earth, at present and in the future.
The step-by-step crafting of a supranational world government has been on their agenda for decades. This year in Greece, they focused on the economic crisis and the threat of a disease pandemic as a means of justifying centralization of power.
Britain wants to retain its Terrorist powers..theirs and NATOs use of Jhadi forces for Terrorism and in many cases GENOCIDE...IT SEEMS
While President Trump seems to have sorted out his problems of interior authority - more or less - the conflict has now moved on to concern NATO
Washington is currently speaking against the manipulation of terrorism, while London has no intention of giving up such a useful tool for the extension of its influence. The Bilderberg Group, initially organised as a sounding board
for the Alliance, has just been the stage for a difficult debate between the partisans and the adversaries of imperialism in the Middle East.
For the last few years, many ridiculous stories have been written about the Bilderberg Group. However, working from the documents, it is possible to piece together a reliable vision. Numerous researchers have been working on this.
It is absolutely not a world government, but a network of influence, composed by the CIA and MI6, intended to support NATO.
For two decades, US troops have been imposing their law on the broader Middle East. Entire countries are now without a state to defend them. Populations have been subjected to the dictatorship of the Islamists. Mass murders have been committed. There have been famines as well.
President Donald Trump has forced his generals to repatriate their soldiers, but the Pentagon intends to continue its work with NATO soldiers.
President Trumps struggle to reform NATO involvement has led to attacks from US Military officials..
Eagerly awaited in Brussels, the Trump Administration’s new Secretary of Defense has emphasised that henceforth, Washington intends to rely on the Alliance and will desist
from collecting from its members their signatures at the bottom of its declarations of war. At the same time, an increase in military expenditure should follow, embedded in which are the risks of war and a rebalancing of the political forces in the Alliance.
However, the Pentagon is still looking out to maintain its pre-eminence over its Allies.
Nato is not “obsolete”. Working with Mattis, it is clearing the ground for more wars
Authoritative voices from the European Left have united at the anti-Trump protest “No Ban No Wall” which is taking place across the United States. Yet erased from their minds is the French/British wall at Calais, anti-migrant in design.
Their lips tightly sealed on the fact that the exodus of refugees originates from the wars in which Nato European states have participated in.
They disregard the fact that in the United States, the ban is blocking the entry of persons coming from the
following countries: Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen and Iran, all against which for more than 25 years, the United States had led both open and covert wars: persons to whom till now entry visas had been granted
essentially not on humanitarian grounds, but to form a community of immigrants (on the model of exiled Anti-Castro Cubans) in the United States functional to the US strategies of destabilization in their countries of origin.
Now we can all see WHO is attacking the US from all Angles...NATO/EU and her British Master want their Wars of Empire....!
Now NATO is behind the accusations by a pseudo-NGO that the people who campaigned for Donald Trump are Russian agents.
From Coronavirus to Spygate,Russiagate ..Britains Agents in the SES INFILITRATORS THAT HAVE PLEDGED LOYALTY to Foreign interlopers.Censorship a TACTIC
The NATO campaign against freedom of expression…
As the world teeters on the brink of financial disaster, leaders are calling for a new world order. As early as the late 1990s, David Rockefeller, author of the idea of private power
that is due to replace the governments, said that the world was on the threshold of global changes. He invoked the need of "some large-scale crisis that will make people accept the new world order...
" Olga Chetverikova believes we have reached the final stage of that long-time planned ’global control’ agenda.
Let us look at the hard facts: at the end of the Second World War, the US Secret Service and then the CIA saved Nazi officers to form the Nato stay-behind networks. In 2013, the Atlantic Alliance manoeuvred Neo-nazi groups
to stage a revolution at Kiev. Today, Nato is publicly supporting the new Ukrainian institutions, institutions manned inter alia by Nazis – just take a look at President of the Ukrainian Parliament.
So while the Atlantic Alliance ought to prevent any resurgence of Nazism, it is, in actual fact, organizing it.
No one stops the Pentagon. While the military deployment project around China mentioned by Hillary Clinton in 2011 had officially been abandoned, NATO had just had it endorsed by the London Summit.
The process has been launched and is expected to start with Australia’s accession in 2026.
Shelby vs Holder
Shelby County v. Holder, 570 U.S. 529 (2013), was a landmark decision[1] of the US Supreme Court regarding the constitutionality of two provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965: Section 5, which requires certain states and
local governments to obtain federal preclearance before implementing any changes to their voting laws or practices; and Section 4(b), which contains the coverage formula that determines which jurisdictions are subjected to preclearance
The non-partisan, investigative arm of Congress, the Government Accountability Office, investigated the Federal Reserve and determined that the Federal Reserve violated U.S. criminal laws by providing conflict of interest waivers to
employees and private contractors so they could keep investments in the same financial institutions and corporations that were given emergency loans. The Federal Reserve knowingly and willingly committed the criminal offenses of fraud and influence peddling when they falsely
claimed that their banks were failing in order to influence and gain $trillions from the US governments of both George W Bush and Barack Hussein Obama (legal name is Barry Soetoro).
The Bilderberg Group, constituted formally in 1954 on the initiative of certain US and European « eminent citizens », was in reality created by the CIA and the British secret service MI6, in order to support NATO against the USSR [1].
After the Cold War, it continued to play the same role in support of the strategy of the USA and NATO.
Listed are a few of its Members:…
On the pro-Islamism side, we note the presence, for the United States, of John Brennan (ex-Director of the CIA) and his ex-subordinates Avril Haines and David Cohen (financing of terrorism).
The Ukrainian card continues to be in play in the American elections. As it became clear from a recent New York Post publication, Joe Biden, when he was US Vice President, should have known about the problems of the Burisma
company operating in Ukraine, on whose board his son Hunter sat.
After all, as follows from the discovered correspondence of Hunter that in April 2015 Burisma board adviser Vadim Pozharsky thanked him for meeting his father. This
information is already well known, but those who quote it usually do not explain who Pozharsky is.