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Oct 18, 2020 40 tweets 27 min read Read on X
Thread with excerpts from “The Napoleonic Wars: A Global History” by Alexander Mikaberidze Image
Europe in 1789 Image
🇪🇸 restrictions on currency exports, 🇬🇧 successes in undercutting 🇫🇷 industry after mutual tariff reductions, & government monopolies struggling with domestic black market all hurt 🇫🇷 finances & stability. Persecution of black marketers caused vast majority of 🇫🇷 tax rebellions. ImageImageImageImage
🇫🇷 massive debts were financed at twice the interest rate of 🇳🇱 & 🇬🇧 due to history of defaults & tax collection issues. 🇫🇷 was unable to reform tax collection due to opposition of guilds, nobility, clergy, estates, & municipalities governing areas on old laws & customs. ImageImageImageImage
Bourgeois Dutch Patriots faction was pro-French & overran most of Netherlands in their conflict with the increasingly authoritarian stadtholder’s faction, the Orangists. In 1787 Prussia intervened on Orangist side & restored Stadtholder, who aligned himself with Prussia & 🇬🇧. ImageImage
French revolutionaries were messianic & reached out to sympathizers across Europe using French embassies. Image
Saint-Domingue (Haiti) had 500k slaves, 30k Whites, & 30k free blacks/mulatos in 1789 Image
🇬🇧 conquered much of 🇫🇷 Caribbean in 1794, but lost their gains quickly & faced numerous slave revolts. Jacobins in 🇭🇹 freed the slaves & defeated 🇬🇧. Louverture joined fight against 🇬🇧, then formed his own base & defeated mulatos & 🇫🇷. He was almost as repressive as 🇫🇷 slavery. ImageImageImageImage
🇫🇷 had expanded to include much of 🇮🇹🇳🇱🇧🇪🇨🇭 & W 🇩🇪 in the War of 1st Coalition 1792-1797. 🇵🇹🇷🇺🇹🇷🇬🇧🇦🇹 & Naples (southern 🇮🇹) declared War of 2nd Coalition & retook most lost territory in 1799. ImageImageImage
Parties involved in War of the 2nd Coalition Image
1783 🇬🇪 Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti fell under 🇷🇺 protection, before being abandoned in 1787 & raided by 🇮🇷 in 1795. 1799 🇬🇪 king asked 🇷🇺 to annex 🇬🇪 while preserving his crown. In 1800 🇷🇺 annexed 🇬🇪 & turned it into a province, abolishing the crown. ImageImageImageImage
Regular rebellions, a crime wave, & inflation hurt the French Directory badly. There were 6 conspiracies to topple the Directory, & hero of Egyptian campaign Napoleon joined one. Conspirators imagined he would be easily controllable. ImageImage
Napoleon quickly stabilized France, replacing elected officials with appointed bureaucrats, open ballot rigged plebiscites to legitimize his rule, censoring the press, use of secret police, & mass arrests of the left & right opposition. ImageImageImageImage
Napoleon created Bank of France to control inflation, expanded education to all children, & created comprehensive law code that consolidated policies of the Revolution. Code emphasized property rights, secularism, legal equality, patriarchy, & abolition of manorial privileges. ImageImage
Pavel I was leading Russia into an alliance with Napoleon’s France prior to his assassination in 1801. Aleksandr I immediately backed out of this, lifting the embargo on Britain, recalling the Cossacks on their way to conquer India, & dissolving League of Armed Neutrality. ImageImage
1802 France started naval buildup, gained favored trading status with Ottomans, & pursued protectionist measures so successfully that British exports fell 15%. Britain worried about her declining influence in Mediterranean with loss of naval bases & France’s new naval bases. ImageImageImageImage
Britain declared war on France in May 1803. Antiwar sentiment grew throughout the war. Government preferred to conscript Catholics in Scotland & Ireland for the war - they didn’t want to bleed the Protestant communities. ImageImage
Napoleon was aware that French industry & trade had been losing ground to Britain in 2nd half of 18th century. He & French leaders needed an expansionist foreign policy for access to both raw materials & markets. ImageImage
With Vienna occupied, Napoleon’s victory at Austerlitz over Russia & Austria led to Austria’s surrender. The Russians were shocked by the defeat, but in time it would only strengthen their resolve. Image
Napoleon created his Continental System to deny Britain access to European markets in hope of causing an economic & political collapse, to foster economic development & trade within Europe, & to consolidate French hegemony in Europe. ImageImageImageImage
Napoleon’s dream of a unified Europe comprised of a single people. ImageImage
Continental System never completely excluded Britain from European trade. France sought a favorable balance of trade to drain Britain of specie. They were partly successful, cutting Bank of England’s bullion holdings by 68% 1808-1814. ImageImage
Europe was 40% of Britain’s export market, so the Continental System hurt their economy greatly - 1811-1812 in particular. They were able to make up some of their losses with Latin American trade. ImageImageImageImage
Smuggling undercut Continental System, cutting French customs revenues 76% 1806-1809. Port towns depopulated from economic collapse, & industries reliant on imported materials disappeared. ImageImageImageImage
The limited Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, & N German industries were devastated by Continental System. They didn’t recover until 1835. Some industries in the interior of Europe were successful, including those of the Rhine, which would later become a major industrial region. ImageImageImage
Brutal urban warfare in Saragossa, Spain in 1808 Image
3 factions in Spanish Cortes - liberals, realists (conservative monarchists), & Americans (from Peru, Mexico, etc). Liberals won, writing a liberal centralizing constitution. The non-black residents of the Spanish American colonies were made equal in representation & taxation. ImageImageImageImage
2 million men were conscripted into the Grande Armee 1803-1815, including 100k from Rhine, 216k from Belgium, 200k from Italy, & 90k Poles. This usually amounted to 1-2% of population being in military. ImageImage
French occupation of Germany drove growth of German nationalism, as well as egalitarian & martial reforms within Prussia. ImageImageImageImage
Successful counterinsurgency in Calabria - after French mistakenly released insurgents & cut patrols, insurgency grew rapidly. French realized importance of local communities in resupplying insurgents, & ended insurgency by killing peasants who left their villages. ImageImageImage
1809 the Poles invaded Austria’s Galicia in War of 5th Coalition - occupying it & declaring the liberation of Poles until the Russians arrived. Part of the region was given to Polish Duchy of Warsaw in the peace treaty, while Ternopol was given to Russia. ImageImageImageImage
Ottomans sent troops to reoccupy Egypt in 1803. Albanian troops mutinied, & picked Mehmet Ali as their leader. Over next 8 years he skillfully outmaneuvered his British, Mamluk, & Ottoman rivals; founding a dynasty that would rule Egypt until 1953. ImageImageImageImage
🇬🇧 subsided 🇮🇷 war against 🇷🇺 March 1812. 🇮🇷 attacked 🇷🇺 with help of 🇬🇪 rebels. After 🇫🇷 invaded 🇷🇺 in June, 🇬🇧 tried but failed to stop the 🇮🇷 war. 🇷🇺 won war anyways. All N & most E Caucasus, 🇮🇷 trade, & Caspian Sea were taken by 🇷🇺. 🇷🇺 won right to approve future 🇮🇷 shahs. ImageImageImageImage
Finnish nobility (mostly ethnic Swedes) was unhappy with Swedish absolutism, & conspired to join Russia as an autonomous Grand Duchy answerable only to Tsar. Not wanting a continued guerrilla war, Tsar Aleksandr agreed & made the noblemen’s leader Sprengtporten the governor of 🇫🇮 ImageImageImageImage
British invasions of Argentina 1806-1807 were defeated by popular forces. With Argentines of all classes armed & organized, Spanish were never again able to restore the kind of authority they used to have before, eventually leading to Argentinian independence. ImageImageImageImage
Author argues that British E India Company conquered India due to naval supremacy, better finance from industrialization, & the fragmented political landscape. War technology was not too different - Punjab, Mysore, & the Marathas all had modern & capable militaries. ImageImageImageImage
British & Russian sea raids on ill-prepared Japan led to Japanese reforming their administration, training English & Russian interpreters, & developing better communications. ImageImageImageImage
thread on Japan’s situation from a Russian perspective a few years after these raids:
Trinh family ruled north Vietnam, Nguyen family ruled south. Nguyens conquered Trinhs with French help by 1802 & united Vietnam. 1808 the British attacked the Vietnamese, worried about their navy & alliance with France. Vietnamese repelled the British attack successfully. ImageImage
Spanish America had 14 million people in Napoleon’s time - 3.2 million criollos (whites, many with Amerindian ancestry), 2 million mixed (mulatos, mestizos, zambos, etc), 8 million Amerindians, & 1 million blacks. All were ruled by 30,000 peninsulares - Spaniards born in Spain. ImageImage

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Jan 29
Thread with excerpts from "Lies of the Tutsi in Eastern Congo/Zaire. A Case Study: South Kivu (Pre-Colonial to 2018)" by John Kapapi Image
At the time of the 1884 Berlin Conference, what is now the eastern Congo was ruled by eight kingdoms. Rwanda had yet to be united. Per the author, Rwandan (Tutsi & Hutu) migration west of Lake Kivu was minimal at the time. Image
Belgians created two chiefdoms in North Kivu. One was given to Tutsi from Hunde in 1922, & other was bought from the Hunde in 1939. Conflict with Hunde led to Tutsi preferring to flee to South Kivu during the dynastic struggles following overthrow of King Rwabugiri in 1895. Image
Read 6 tweets
Dec 21, 2024
At AmFest - funny to realize that the pro-smoking stuff on rw twitter was an advertising agency op Image
Glenn Beck is apparently still alive - he and Levin are the only two people on this I've heard of Image
Lara Trump & Kirk letting their faces to be used to advertise an obscure finance app is quite in character. Image
Read 10 tweets
Sep 18, 2024
In line with archaeology, western & central Iberia were populated by hunter-gatherers distinctive from those on Mediterranean coast by their higher Magdalenian ancestry. Those hunter-gatherers had a resurgence over the EEFs as elsewhere during neolithic.

Steppe ancestry in IEs was diluted by the time that they reached SW Iberia at end of third millennium, in line with other studies. However, there are signs of an Eastern Mediterranean migration to Iberia in Bronze Age or earlier:

There was substantial migration to urban areas in Portugal during the Roman period from Eastern Mediterranean and North Africa. If these samples are representative, about half of the urban population was foreign-derived. Date of the site isn't provided, but was after 100 BC.

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Sep 17, 2024
Caesar's destructiveness around the Rhine can be seen in the palynological record around Cologne. The area was densely cultivated starting about 250 BC and reforested after 50 BC, implying depopulation for a century. Image
pre-modern mass migrations often had appalling death tolls. Pressure of the German Suebi on the Celt Helvetii must have been tremendous: Image
Tiberius withdrew Roman troops from east of the Rhine, but left a 10 km no man's land that wasn't resettled by Germans until the late first or early second centuries. Image
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Sep 3, 2024
Safavids were, like Ottomans, born in obscurity in chaos of mid-13th century Mongol invasions - although as Sufi order rather than as tribal migration. Contrary to later propaganda, Sheikh Safi was not a sayyid or from a Shia background, but he became prominent in a Shia milieu.

Safavid Order had a waqf (charitable endowment) for its benefit by 1305 in Ardabil. Its network of followers expanded in Anatolia, Khorasan, & Mazandaran under aegis of Ilkhanate & some of its successors, but was forced to arm some of its supporters in at least Ardabil.

Timur, the greatest mystic of his era, liked the Safavid Order & granted it additional lands to financially sustain its missionary efforts. However, the Order was squeezed by his sons, who desires to centralize power in the realm.

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Aug 6, 2024
Thread with excerpts from "1971: A Global History of the Creation of Bangladesh" by Srinath Raghavan Image
Eisenhower backed Pakistan, but Kennedy backed India, so by 1965 the USA gave up hope on mediating between the two. That allowed for the Soviets to emerge as the natural mediator in 1965, despite their partiality to India as a result of Pakistan's previous alignment with USA. Image
Author's sources. While he was able to draw on Indian and foreign archives for thoughts of political leaders, Pakistan's archives are closed. The archives in Bangladesh were destroyed by the Pakistanis prior to their surrender to India in 1971. Image
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