Phyregold Profile picture
Nov 7, 2020 170 tweets 64 min read Read on X
Bad bad bad really really bad BAD!! being a software dev. I suspect those cities had a different version. That would explain the update they received. This must be hand counted. The update could make it less worse not fix it. Someone with a bigger voice see this7
The problem is machines in one location can be on software 1.0.2 and then machines in another location can be on software 1.0.3 and now these machines can be on 1.0.4. This is it. This is how they stole it.
Now the problem is you probably don't have an audit trail of which machines are on which and now you can't reproduce it. It also doesn't mean the problem is fixed it just means it may be less worse.. and you don't know the original bug or how to reproduce it. I cant scream
Loud enough how vititally important that is in the software world. Also if the company can just upload the data it means these machines are not isolated. You cannot throw out the possibilities of manual correction of data. I cannot scream this any louder find the
Software version or the last modified date of that software and AUDIT ALL BALLOTS BY HAND!!!!!!! Typically the software reads from a dataset csv excel sql mysql nosql. Those can be manipulated.
Here is more evidence.…
Goto the district than had the 6000 vote change and count it by hand!!!! You'll find it all right there!!!!!!!!!!!
There hasn't been enough time to even exercise proper SDLC. unless they have had those exact votes under those circumstances there is no way to duplicate it. If you think poll workers/supervisors can adequately assist than go to your local geek squad!!! Moving the goal post!!
Okay this is in my wheel house, lets roll!! Okay so here's the first step. We need to get all successful and failure logins to each machine, you can see they have this functionality here.… Image
Now we're getting juicy - 4.14.47 has an issue with special characters. FL wasn't concerned because of their ballot - but what about other states?
got samples of other ballots?…
This is utter bullsh*t you do not produce a new version without source code changing...... That's a fact. Image
LOLOL When i told you there has to be a dataset such as NoSQL or SQL and they can be manipulated. Did you think I was kidding this is not Dominion but here you go… Image
HAHAHAHHAHA TOLD YOU!!!!!! Florida is on 4.14.47 and Michigan is on 5.5/5.58… #SHUTTHECOUNTINGDOWN
SHUT IT DOWN NOW!!!!!!!! Image
And they service 65 counties!!!!!!!!!!!!… Image
Oh we are getting warm... i bet you I can figure this out before tomorrow evening....……

"We love it. It's user-friendly and verifiable," said Holden, who plans to use the paper ballots to audit electronic results after the election is over. "Everything is going the way it's supposed to." @CottoGottfried @Wizard_Predicts USE THEIR WORDS!
The paper ballots will be locked in a ballot box for retrieval as needed for audits or recounts. HAND COUNT THESE!!!!!! DEAR GOD!!…
I'm over the target. Dominion submitted the fix to a third-party laboratory, Pro V&V, for evaluation. version of the software and the change was minor. @CarrollQuigley1 you got anything on Pro V&V?…
JUICY!!! The experts also said the report indicates multiple changes to the source code, meaning there’s a greater likelihood of unintended side effects and opening the door for hackers.The safeguards and testing outlined by the state to mitigate those risks are inadequate
I freaking told you!! They are fixing bugs too fast! These counts are probably still wrong!!!!!!!!!!! No SDLC!!… Image
@RealAmVoice @RedEaglePatriot @CottoGottfried @Wizard_Predicts @EricTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr AND THERE IT IS!!!! GA & MI use 5.5/5.8 and FL uses 4.14.47 ALL BALLOTS COUNT BY HAND!!!…
HAHAH GA is also on 5.5… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SHUTDOWNTHE COUNT OPEN THE LOCKED BOXES. Next up Philly want to bet what we'll find? @RealAPolitics @RedEaglePatriot Can you correlate the dominion software the WI counties that have huge discrepancies?
Ut oh.... PA test drove 5.5........... we're getting warmer... @JackPosobiec…
PA test drove 5.5...…
Ut oh... 5.5 didn't comply... Image
Oh oh this one is just juicy this could be the smoking gun...…
5.5A (this WILL matter). Image
Loop hole #1 :) Image
OOOOHH OOOHHH Want to add to your math calculations. Check this out!!!! @JackPosobiec @willchamberlain @CottoGottfried How many Biden only votes came in that day? That means if they voted straight down the ticket the had to exit and go back to unvote for someone... OOOOOOO Image
Smoking Gun #2. The source code from this document says only 5.5 was reviewed. But 5.5A was submitted for testing.. @RudyGiuliani Image
@RealAPolitics @RedEaglePatriot This will help explain the straight Biden/Trump tickets. Expressly those cast on election day.
Yep, getting warmer... Image
As i'm reading this document the democrats should be outraged as much as the republicans. There were far greater Biden only tickets right? Well, they didn't have proper instructions they might not have voted house or senate.… Image
Just an FYI - we developers want to be lazy and not make something custom - we say this is a training issue. But who knows how many poll volunteers or watchers were trained and properly instructed this. @RudyGiuliani
Okay I beat a dead horse, looks like 5.5 was denied in Texas. Time for NJ vs NY :)…
Oh, Erie PA you have my heart right now… @RedEaglePatriot @RealAPolitics
@LarrySchweikart BAM!!! Philadelphia uses 5.5!!! Want to bet Erie?…
I must repeat: Do not run these through the machines again!!! Hand Count the ORIGINAL BALLOTS!!! Dominion has a documented history of rushing bug fixes!! You can't trust them!!
NC uses 5.5 wanna find the counties?…
@RealAPolitics @LarrySchweikart @CottoGottfried Dominion 5.5 Phoenix AZ, I honestly can't do anymore. #Audit55 5.5 will be found in nearly every anomaly.… Image
@monk_cryptic @CottoGottfried @Peoples_Pundit @Barnes_Law I cannot get this out anymore, here is Alegancy County PA…
@Peoples_Pundit Fulton GA - LOL where the issue is right now… . Can i get any Anon help? @CarrollQuigley1 @Johnheretohelp
Okay, i'm done I need others to look and research. FL uses 4.47.14 probably why no real issues there.…
@LlcBillionaire @g_ham27 I might not be 100% on the mark but my plane is over the target.
Anybody have the resources and #'s to all the polling places. You get their hardware + software version you will find the answers.
I have to now publish a new software version for my job. Yes - no BS I'm about to do it now. Want to bet there are source code changes. I can't believe I really read that BS...
Point - I've read that Dominion has had two things. Bugs with OCR special char recognition, so who knows if it's fixed and checked into the repository or if new hardware has a problem. And they need to have the ability to double vote. Did they test with THOSE ballots?
Oh look... they updated the version......... to what...…
5.5... B.. 5.5...C? 5.5Z? And which hardware exactly was effected? Count these by hand @RudyGiuliani
@RudyGiuliani I bet you don't even need a full audit.......
if everyone wants to do something simply call your local polling place and politely ask for the software AND version with their hardware of each polling location close to you. We get all the counties we can correlate the data.
Make sure to get Operating System Version AND Voting Software (with version)
May no mistake - it's entirely possible that the voting machines may have had the certain features on by default.
Anybody want to guess it's 5.5!!!

sorry this country is stronger than any bug #Audit55 #Covidvs55
Dominion 5.5
Example: In 2016, election-security advocates noticed that Dominion—the nation’s second-largest voting machine company, which counts many Wisconsin votes—was recruiting programmers in Serbia.…
BOOOOOOOMMMMM Stein’s request for a recount of the presidential election results in Wisconsin gives her the right to review the code under state law.

@realDonaldTrump DO IT!!!!!
@RudyGiuliani @SidneyPowell1 Use WI Law to review 5.5 & A/B + Code!!! Stein’s request for a recount of the presidential election results in Wisconsin gives her the right to review the code under state law.… There is the rosetta stone!
@Peoples_Pundit I believe this is the real reason you're not getting precinct-level data. it would show this.
Since I'm getting some questions from developers let me get a bit technical. In development, you really have to take four steps.

1) Isolate
2) identify
3) Recreate
4) Repair.
What I'm saying is I've believed I've isolated it. Specifically to Dominion 5.5(A/B)+. I've yet to see 4am vote drops or egregious 2016-2020 vote changes not coming from a county that used Dominion 5.5 Documented they put out rapid bug fixes and foreign developers.
Now we're working on either disproving my isolate theory or identifying. So what I know is there is an admin login, what I know is there are document facts of poor SDLC and rapid bug fixes. What I know is there are documented, foreign developers.
What I know is in order to get updates the machine must restart and be connected. So can we please get some logs from the machines in the 4 big cities that make no sense?
And before someone blows me up, I have these from pretty good sources. Philadelphia government documents and @DrJillStein lawsuit in WI against them.…
Anybody else that wants to do some very small amount of googling?? 👇👇👇👇👇
The missing USB drivers from Philly and Wisconsin raise an interesting question. In light of this document, that should be considered.…
hahahahaha @RealAPolitics @monk_cryptic @CottoGottfried Antrim County. Someone walk me down the ledge!!!… ImageImage
OMG!!!! AUDIT MARICOPA NOW BY HAND!!!!!!!! @RonColeman @SidneyPowell1 @RudyGiuliani @CottoGottfried @Peoples_Pundit @RealAPolitics @RedEaglePatriot @JackPosobiec SOMEONE HEAR ME!!!
Here's the working theory. 5.5(a/b)+ with ImageCast Philly uses it :) . We know from Phillys own documents they never examined 5.5A only 5.5… Image
Erie - PA Confirmed 5.5 with ImageCast X…
I deleted a tweet because I reacted to the wrong piece of law - but uh yeah.. one moment please.
Okay so we do know the software has the ability to vote for more than 1 person. Maybe the person is running for Congress + School district. Image
We also know if you have a spoiled ballot you can get a new ballot... Image
Here is what I suspect is Dominion's development model. They have a "stable release" so for example 5.5. When State like Pennsylvania needs something they spin it off to 5.5A or 5.5B (which I've seen). My guess is there is also a C and a D somewhere.
Honestly, as I'm reading this document you can just have an overvote situation by allowing a candidate to have more than 1 vote, which I'm POSITIVE is built into the software because they specify that it can. Which yes, theoretically you could say Biden can have 2 votes Trump 1. Image
So when you test software you need both the positive and negative sides. So yes you can see the test succeed and fail, so don't give me that BS that a single machine can't be flipped and others can't.
Also don't at me with some BS that admin functionality doesn't exist. Give me a break… Image
LOL, this software has 0 integrity to it. Just to show you, someone can reset the vote counter to 0. Let's see if there is any logs of this... Image
@RudyGiuliani Should get all the Philly ballots thrown out not just on the basis they couldn't observe the votes being counted but it also appears they could not verify machine counts are not reset. Admins have functions to this stuff folks - they have to it's how computers work Image
This is a freaking nightmare - you don't even have to throw ballots in dumpsters. Just send them down to your local voting place have them zero out the machine and throw them out.
@dominionvoting Can I please have a list of all the chain of custody logs for administrative access and actions? I don't want vote counts so don't use election law on me. Image
@dominionvoting Who has the ability to set the counter to 0. Don't say I'm bias this could legitimately cost both @JoeBiden and @realDonaldTrump votes if a machine is zero counted improperly. Image
@dominionvoting Am I reading this correctly? "The jurisdiction" meaning Philadelphia in my scenario needs to create the chain of custody? Not the software itself? Does the software not have that functionality logged? Image
@dominionvoting I've read how you've pushed out bugs, farmed out code, rushed SDLC, and had little QA on quick fixes. If you're that bad you don't have administration logging that has the complete ability to tamper with voting totals. Your system needs to be invalidated.
You should answer under oath if you have logs to administrative actions. And if you do not, this country deserves a revote. Image
@dominionvoting I love how you guys make a 5.5A for PA but still leave it inconvenient for someone to undo down-ballot. Was it too hard to put in administrative logging? LOL good "training-issue" pulled there guys.
Lololol. This is now comically easy to explain..

Want to bet its in the administration console of dominion 5.5? Spoiler ballots i already put up the documentation that indeed Dominion gives what appears to be unaudited access to take such actions.
I did such a horrible job explaining Maricoa, AZ earlier this is why it matters. I have 0 doubt. more votes will turn up due to hand counting. ttps:// ImageImageImage
This is just going to keep trickling it. Here's what you can do as a call to action. Find YOUR local voting location and ask them what software and version they are using. If it's Dominion 5.5 report it.
I'm going to make a long update (based on Twitter standards) and then slow my tweets down dramatically. I've received a bunch of questions so I'm going to also open my DMs at some point today. Gawd help me...
@KMCRadio Drop this tweet this morning inspiring this update
As I've pointed out on his timeline Dominion doesn't know. How do I know? I keep bringing up this document as the smoking gun of their system and how it's flawed.…
The absolute most chilling sentence in this document is here found on page 42 letter G. Let me explain why. Please @dominionvoting let me know how I am wrong so I can correct a thread that's approaching 400k impressions. Image
Again don't @ me with there isn't an administrative function/console. Image
HH. Jurisdictions implementing Democracy Suite 5.5A must ensure that the
iButton used for activating administrative access on ICP is managed with strict chain of

Don't @ me with ICP doesn't matter. Image
Based on the way this entire document uses the word Jurisdictions, that implies a location in which voting has occurred. So in this case, think of the Jurisdiction as Philadelphia/Detriot.
Now, we have to extrapolate two things.
1) What can the administrative console due.
2) What is the scale it can be done on.
1) Is pretty easy, you can read the document and find out what it has the ability to do based on their testing. Image
2) Let's dive quickly into why this 6000 vote is important.…
"glitch" ugh nice catch-all word. Okay so let's get back into scope. If you think that this console had you confirm 6000 votes and then acknowledge each 1 individually then please see this gif
6000 is also a nice round number. I suspect they divided the ballots up into units and then feed them through the machines, which machine? I suspect the ICP.
So now that I've explained functionality and the scope, does this make more sense when you see the vote totals of the electronic print out not match the actual votes?
Want to bet you can count 1000 votes and then have had a zero proof report and then repeat? Or not even repeat? 6000 would be unexplainable hard to make sense as a random number.
More likely poll workers doing their job divided the total amount of ballots up and feed them through the ICP
So we're back to HH. See why this matters? Who accessed the machines and when. If @dominionvoting has that information they should be willing to share it. I suspect at best it's minimal because of 1 highlighted word below. Image
You don't have to suspect hacking or foul play to prove the election can easily be swung in either direction. What's Trump/Biden in AZ at the end of the day? Less than 6k? We know Dominion is in Maricopa AZ.
Count the original ballots by hand.
And from @Nate_Cohn

This thread is why I'm very hopeful on GA :)
Quick follow up, based on this document the ibutton is two-factor.…
But god lord - this is why TX rejected it. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!! 1 digit long key. How much work does it take to brute for this? @dominionvoting. We know TX rejected this did you update to at least 2 digits... ROFL.... Image
The two-factor "keys to the kingdom" were 1 digit. Let that sink in folks.
AND CAN'T BE CHANGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!
As @KMCRadio points out... I think I know why... But this doesn't raise my hopes because this is the same DOJ who did nothing about FISA abuses.
We know where this is going? LOL and no chain of custody from @dominionvoting of their admin console that can perform these actions how do we know. I've detailed here.
Speculation: I'm wondering if the legal arguments for this will be well - we followed @dominionvoting guidelines and recommendations, blame them for inadequacy (can't determine). Though there are ways around this. The question is, will be there enough time.
@GOP @realDonaldTrump - Please retrieve all chain of custody and administrative logs specifically involving the ICP admin console to the location in MI that had the 6000 vote change. Then mathematically determine the votes and actions taken to other voting locations. Game over
@RudyGiuliani Find the whistleblowers that were instructed to cure ballots through the ICP admin console or to run zero reports during the day. This is why @paulsperry_ tweet is really important..
Sure, they cured some ballot defects by hand. But you want to know how they first found them? is it more likely they read each ballot before ever putting them in the ICP mass counters OR is it more likely they feed them through first and then mass cured...? COMMON SENSE FOLKS!
It's either Dominion has the admin activity logged or they don't. Either they're caught or they don't have a chain of custody. It's not hard folks.
Here is your overlord. Image
Now - who wants to be an internet hero and prove you can't access the admin console without stopping the counting or shutting down? Anon community? Once this is prove you have a good idea what happened at 4am @CarrollQuigley1 @TweetWordz @Johnheretohelp
Let me explain to you why this is absolutely true. It's because the other machines can't handle ballots in bulk (because each person has to vote 1 at a time).…
Common sense folks, they don't feed 6k ballots and hit yes for each one... Image
I'm telling you!! The big fish the big kahuna! Are the ILLEGALLY CURED BALLOTS!!!!!!
Okay so for all those folks who still want to @ me with the admin console BS here you go. We now have real functionality that's to google cache (yes i saved this offline).
Functional Testing (with Test Election cards)(Note: This section is to be performed based on the ImageCast® L1 Tech Guide v0-02 20100310 Level 1 Maintenance Manual)9Select "Utilities” from the Admin menu. Select “Diagnostic” from the Utilities menu and select "Complete" and
verify that all diagnostic functions complete successfully 10Verify that the printed tape has the same serial number that is on the tabulator and also has the correct software version listed 11ElectionProjectTestingSelect the “open Poll” option from the Administrator menu.
The OperatorScreen will display that the totals are zero. Press the “Zero” button to printthe zero proof.
OMG!!!!!!!!!! Did they reset the default admin username/password with their 1 digit two-factor!?!?!? Verify the following:10. Open the ICC Application and enter the administrator code”12345678”11. Ensure that the scanner initializes and no error messages occur.
Just the head off the haters, yes there is default username/passwords. From the same Philly document I've been linking to. Image
So there you have it folks, a very real possibility that 12345678 and a 1 digit code allows you to change an election. Audit the votes, audit this software...

@dominionvoting any comments?
I just had an epiphany, and it might explain @RealAPolitics higher vote totals while having a lower population, stay tuned dropping before 10pm est. I have to put all the documentation together, but this one is going to come in hot.
This is going to be a hard one to explain while keeping everything together. As a reminder DMs are open.
Let's start with this tweet (which show court filings so don't @ me), which is beginning to tie everything together.
Okay now for 3 really great guys and if you're not following this it's a shame. @Peoples_Pundit @RedEaglePatriot @RealAPolitics. I'm not going to post a @RedEaglePatriot tweet not because he's not great but I want to get to two tweets that clearly point of the issue.
@RealAPolitics is pointing out it's highly suspect that high of a voter turn out with that population change (even comparing the rest of the United States). Peoples_Pundit is that there are 132k people who have the possibility that they should vote but turnout is so much greater.
So let consider this article about the Philly missing USBs.…

And let's ask ourselves how @kylenabecker tweet come together. Spoiler: someone owes that poll worker BIG TIME.
What we can now infer is that the voting machines have (or should have) the ability to verify and reject based on voter rolls. Now what we need to do is figure out, what dataset they compare the ballot to. Let me explain the importance. Image
Let's say Ms. Anne Dunn has lived on Broad St. her whole life and now since 9/2020 she's moved to Cherry Hill NJ. So Ms. Anne Dunn was a registered voter from 1970-9/2020 in Philadelphia. She should rightly be on the 2018 voter roll, but should she be on the 2020 voter roll?
Well, what happens if the machine we first ran her through has the 2020 voter roll and rejected her? Do we just try another machine that has the 2018 voter roll? How many times have you swiped your credit card to only try again or go inside to buy gas?
A serious question must be asked about the datasets of the voter rolls and how each and every machine interacts with it.

Now that we have an understanding how flawed and easily manipulated this system can really be, what's the easist way to manipulate it? Answer ahead:
Mass unsolicited ballots. Why? Let's examine, if we're just sending out ballots to everybody and we have old datasets, well Ms Dunn who lives in Cherry Hill just had her ballot delivered to Broad St Philly.
Ms. Dunn's husband who died in 2018, also had his mailed. See I just have to brute force it. Which now brings me to @JackPosobiec ominous tweet.
If you've been following this thread, this should make a TON of sense now. Image
We have to step back and understand how this was achieved. I wake up and I see @RealAPolitics going nuts about MaidenGate, but that makes so much sense. As I've detailed way too many anomalies to be genuine
We have essentially a two-pronged attack against a fair election.
1) Social Engineering

2) Brute Force…
I could give you countless articles showing people saying the system wasn't equipped to handle mass mail-in ballots like this. From both sides for example Republicans the 4am crap and Democrats the Miami Dade post office not being able to deliver the ballots.
So let's go back to one of my favorite shows and a specific episode. Mr. Robot Season 1 Episode 5 you can catch recaps of it on youtube, but you might think this is nuts right? Nope, let me show you...
So let me demonstrate this at a middle school level. Image
That brings me to this gem. OMG "It would be extraordinarily difficult to change a federal election outcome through this type of fraud alone, given the range of processes that would need to be affected or compromised by an adversary at the local level,"…
Or as I demonstrated in my middle schooler picture, all that needs to happen is poisoned voter rolls. Let's let @SpeakerPelosi explain the wrap-up smear
So what am I getting at after the Pelosi explanation- let's just call this the wrap-up voter registration roll. Later tonight I'm going to explain what needs to be done. If the GOP says we just need to verify against the voter roll, I'm afraid it wont be enough, it's poisoned.
Several people touch on backdoors, scrubbing. Not saying it's not possible, it's just not plausible or needed. Let's say a normal rate we have 1/20k registrations are invalid or 1/ 15k votes are illegal. Just multiple those statistics with mass mailing and voting reg.
What are WI/Mi/AZ/PA margins?
Okay, if you've followed this thread you should be able to put everything together. Let me show you how far I'm sure the GOP is behind. Let's take these two articles and guess what could happen. I will retweet the closest person at 10pm or just answer it.
The only hints I'm giving are two words. "Seals" "Power" Good luck!!!
Not going to touch on this one tonight, going to get some sleep everyone.

• • •

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More from @PhyreGoldMAJIC

Nov 21, 2020
Anybody have the Newsmax with @SidneyPowell1 id like to hear her wording for myself.
Thanks to @RedOpsJames the link can be found here. Since it's live it's hard to give you a time stamp but it began at -3:27:30
The evidence of fraud will come coming out next week.
Wide spread and well funded.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 20, 2020
Okay here is what I gathered that is very interesting, please watch for yourself.

I'll start by the most in a slap in your face moment is actually Youtube using CISA as the guardian of election integrity while we know Dominion is affiliated with CISA
Okay so let's start at around the 7:15 mark, they touch on the QR codes and barcodes, YES!! I disagree though, the QR code on the ballot can say Biden and the receipt say Trump, guess what with anonymous ballots you'll never find it to compare it.
Read 27 tweets
Nov 20, 2020
There have been 11,800,000 cases of Covid19 in the USA, why are we forcing 11,800,000 people to wear masks?
Further more, if we have to make those people wear a mask, then what can a vaccine possibly do? Isn't one of the arguments both anti-vaxxers and pro-vaxxers agree on that even the vaccines now don't produce life long immunity?
I'm eluding to the masks will never go away. They've effectively convinced people at the same time immunity cannot be achieved and immunity can be achieved.

Let that sink in.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 20, 2020
Question, am I the only person who's confused as f..
On one hand, they're telling us, cases are rising you need a vaccine, on the other hand, they're arguing against herd immunity.
If those cases don't get immunity how can a vaccine give us immunity?
I feel like I'm getting played. if the vaccine was 2 years out and the spread is what it has been, wouldn't that mean either herd immunity or hellfire? I don't get it.
Everything we've been taught about herd immunity and vaccines and slow the curve and spread is contradictory to what's happening. It's also like there is herd immunity before covid and a different herd immunity after covid.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 19, 2020
Ann Jacobs is pulling the covid you must stay away routine.
WI looks like it's buckling they want social distancing for counters.
I rather watch @ali and AJ, this is boring.
Read 10 tweets
Nov 18, 2020
Alright, so let's discuss a practical way of figuring out if ballots were copied. @SperoNews @jbinnall @JackMaxey1 @CodeMonkeyZ @TucsonTrumpGirl
As @Barnes_Law (make sure you follow) pointed out we know they should make scans of the ballots.
As I'm sure @Barnes_Law @SidneyPowell1 @RudyGiuliani knows software exists for lawyers to do document review and electronic discovery (Equivo, Relatively.) What they may or may not know is during that process you can set all images to an exact dpi, rotation,pixel even crop
Read 7 tweets

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