Ever wished for a conference where any & all sessions show up *instantly* in a Replay box after they aired, to be re(?)watched anytime, even if you just grabbed your ticket halfway through the event?
Oh well, this might as well be the close second. 💜
At RustFest Global we explicitly asked our sponsors to think "outside the box" for perks—and not in booths & spamming our attendees: very few took up on the offer.
As far as experiments go this was certainly an interesting one! 🌌
Of course I'm not the first to try (& not my first time, either, I, too played with this waay back on my Surface4 Pro)
The XP-Pen's angle is perfect, comfy + the lack of touch support is actually an *advantage* (palm rejection in windows/games is *awful*)
Beyond palm-rejection, that first thing that one will run into is that instead of a teeny mouse pointer now your *hand* actually obscures part of the screen (quite a large chunk, actually, as you reach over to e.g. the top left corner!)
In all seriousness, I spent the past year chasing down grants to work on cool projects that *mattered to me*—and while this certainly wasn't as lucrative as a cozy dev job at [insert-big-tech-company-or-hyped-startup-here], I wouldn't do it any other way…
Waasabi, the tool I was alluding to in that thread is finally coming together — and we have some really cool things in store for you in 2021 from @RustFest's side (expect an announcement in the coming weeks!)
What started 4 years ago (gosh!) as a small contract to help manage @mozhacks—the Twitter account of Mozilla's developer blog—has evolved throughout the years to allow me to contribute to a variety of Mozilla's DevRel efforts, from communities to events…
…including a program especially close to my heart: I became one of the very first @mozTechSpeakers in 2016 (almost by accident, but that's a story for another day…) to see it grow to a 100-strong global community — and later I even helped managing it. techspeakers.mozilla.org