Design ∩ Code Systems: Curating a thread on a topic I’m really interested in. Tools that blur the line between designing and engineering. Hope you find something inspiring here:…
@bahrami_ Nodebox (@nodebox) is a node based environment for generative data / interactive visualizations:
This people generator is an interesting application of it:
Matt (@mattdesl) is one of my favourite generative artists and he has produced a slew of great art and software products over the years. Here is him testing out a new environment for his canvas-sketch toolkit:
Sketch-n-Sketch by @ravi_chugh, @brianhempel, @jplubin, @NickMCThree, and @MikaelMayer is a direct manipulation programming environment for creating HTML/SVG documents. It is a pleasure to watch them continuously improve the tool for the past 5 years!:…
Nodes (@nodes_io) by @marcinignac, @dmnsgn, @nicknikolov and their team @variable_io is a visual programming environment for creating generative graphics and web applications:
vvvv is a node based visual programming environment initially made by @mesounimpressed that allows for rapid prototyping to final production:
A great entry in this category is PANE by @qualmist. The choice of going for the dual of data flow paradigm with functions as edges instead of nodes makes it an interesting design ∩ code environment:
@qualmist Cameron Burgess’ (@supercgeek) and Maayan Albert’s (@maayan_albert) Stamper is a pretty cool environment for doing processing visualizations with structured code editors called “stamps”:
Another really cool tool in this space, I got notified of recently while running this thread is Vuo. Hat tip to @Bodys0ulspirit for this one. It is made by people who used to make some kick ass plugins for Quartz Composer:
An intriguing application still in its early phases is Loglo by @avibryant. It uses the spreadsheet paradigm for rendering SVG graphics. Read more about it here:
@avibryant Ait by @mollerse is a web based concatenative language for creative programming:
There is much to be said about @toxi’s digital empire called @thing_umbrella which just had a full blown launch: but in this context, let me link to his concatenative language Pointfree, which he uses to build some slick graphics:
Apparatus by @mandy3284 is an amazing environment that blurs the line between designing and engineering. This is definitely one of the best takes I have seen on braiding together the power of designing and programming in a single unified environment:
There are a few apps in this space that ease building web sites using libraries like React.
React Studio by @neontostudio: and Alva @meetalva: are two apps that has caught my eye in this space.
Theatre.js by @ariaminaei is a slick Javascript animation library with a GUI to build the animations. It is still in development, but whatever has been put out is sheer 🔥. Check it out here:
In:verse by @playdo_ is an intriguing experimental environment that maps shader language constructs to poetic vocabulary. Check it out here:
@playdo_ Toby Schachman (@mandy3284)’s second tool in this series: Cuttle (@CuttleXYZ) is a pretty intriguing vector editor + programming environment that lets you design parametric designs:
Smoothstep by @matthen2 is an awesome animation tool that intertwines a bunch of themes in this thread. There’s some kick ass visualizations made with this tool out there:
Kite Compositor (@kitecompositor) is an interesting animation and prototyping environment that exports visuals as code for the mac. Check it out here:
g9.js by @biject is a pretty interesting approach for generating automatically interactive graphics. It allows for constraining certain parameters on manipulating the generated graphics. Really worth checking out the tree and dragon curve examples here:
Steve Ruiz (@steveruizok) is building something up this alley. Check out his feed for more awesomeness design/dev stuff:
Interstate by @from_soney, @bradamyers, and Joel Brandt is an interactive environment for expressing UI behaviours using state charts and constraints:…
@from_soney @bradamyers Looks like Azlen is building some cool subjunctive design tool in this niche. Watch his space for updates:
@from_soney @bradamyers Grant makes some of the coolest keyboard driven design tools with a dev-like bent from . Check out his latest: Constraint.Systems
Demystified Dynamic brushes by @jsquare @jingyitweets @joelrbrandt @magrawala and Radomir Mech is an amazing procedural drawing environment where you can parametrize your brushes using code. This leads to some awesome results. Check it out here:…
@jsquare @jingyitweets @joelrbrandt @magrawala Interesting live interaction details on this live GUI tool by @disconcision, @neurocy , @dm_0ney, @NickMCThree, @ravi_chugh and Ian Voysey. A lovely step in the direction of making programmable design tools:
@jsquare @jingyitweets @joelrbrandt @magrawala @disconcision @neurocy @dm_0ney @NickMCThree @ravi_chugh Lattice like multi-way tree hierarchies are structures seen rarely in UI design. Though they find frequent use in computational logic. Here is @szymon_k’s prototype thread subjunctively visualizing multiple layers of operations:
@jsquare @jingyitweets @joelrbrandt @magrawala @disconcision @neurocy @dm_0ney @NickMCThree @ravi_chugh @szymon_k Nicky Case has made a pretty neat direct manipulation interface to the LOGO turtle:
Vogo by Matthias Graf is Papert’s Logo with direct manipulation. It allows for some pretty cool (global) transformations of the drawing commands which lead to some interesting interactions. Check it out here:
Scheme Bricks by @nebogeo looks like a fun visual programming environment with a quirky s-expression visualization:…
@nebogeo The kind of attention being paid to TLDraw by @steveruizok is incredible. You guys need to check it out:
@nebogeo @steveruizok Have tweeted about Smoothstep in this thread before, but it’s worth highlighting again for @matthen2 is putting it to great use for visualizations lately. Check out this 3D Fibonacci fractal made in it:
@wolkenmachine Aria Minaei just launched Theatre.js. Check it out for a really nice environment that lets you create rich animations for the web! (HTML/SVG/Three.js):
@heestand_xyz Paul is improving Natto continuously and how! I think this is turning into a super testbed for some novel interaction ideas for doing computation:
@xlamone Once you get a grasp on how to think about the design, learn a programming language well. Anything from Lisp to Javascript to Lisp will be good here. The idea is to turn your ideas into code swiftly. Use any of the popular books here.
@xlamone One of the reasons I dont suggest any particular language is because the best language for your problem space is one you build after intimate understanding of the tradeoffs involved in the problems of your space.
@xlamone To a good degree, you can see how Ronin and Libfive are their own DSLs for creating graphics. Towards this end, there is a list of intro tutorials here:
@xlamone In parallel to developing skills in constructing DSLs, you would need a way to manage complexity of the project. For this learning how to create a good architecture for the project would become crucial.
@xlamone My experience comes from getting my hand burnt quite a few times, but this resource might be handy as it conveys the global structure in few lines:
Adding Drama, a prototyping tool with its own interesting in-built version history:
Check out this video to see Drama (@DramaApp)’s version history in action:
@DramaApp Not sure how I missed this one, but I totally dig this arc tool interaction design by @_baku89. This is the kind of innovation graphic design space needs!
@DramaApp @_baku89 Some pretty cool interaction design is being done over @inkandswitch. Makes one reevaluate opinions on the wire and boxes model:
Seems like @rikarends and @ejpbruel’s Makepad will have a live GUI editor! Bridging the gap between design and code will be a big leg up!
Love such tools that push the envelope of what is possible in design environments:
A world of such cool interactions remains unexplored in design tools while most design tools are busy recreating the 1970s mould of Bézier/fill/stroke tools.
Loominous is a neat weaving pattern maker by @yuinchien. Play with it here:
Think a demo is not available yet, and it was a proof of concept, but adding Playful Palette that nicely brings a playful way to smoosh together color palettes and interactively generate new combinations:
@dribnet @_bryanisms Love the lo-fi sketchy vibe of Inkbase by @inkandswitch and how it enables a lot of cool mini interactive gadgets in it:
@dribnet @_bryanisms @inkandswitch Adding Aatish’s PatternCollider to the list:
@dribnet @_bryanisms @inkandswitch Alma by @emilwidlund is a neat node based generative graphics editor for the web:
@dribnet @_bryanisms @inkandswitch @emilwidlund Really beautiful prototype blurring the distinction between the visual layer and database layer up here:
@dribnet @_bryanisms @inkandswitch @emilwidlund @_paulshen @ianthehenry @jvuillermet Discovered Diagrammar from @pnutus which is being used @brilliantorg for their interactive diagrams:
TIL that light is an eigenvector of a Lorentz Transformation! I think this means that light plays the role of an invariant when you try to shift between two bases. For example: something like say truth value of an expression when you shift between two logical systems studying it.
I am right now in the middle of researching something else and will have to return to this later, but this page has some real nice pedagogic material on Special Relativity:…
Here is another animation from Wikipedia. Line crossing the vertical axis are sequential events and the line crossing horizontal axis simultaneous ones. The diagonals that remains invariant indicates light. Funny how this shows connections with linear algebra and order theory.
Can’t claim to have even remotely understood this article with the intended precision, but I just loved the exposition of ”Are deep networks just kernel machines?” here:…
Stumbled on this discrete visualization of fundamental theorem of calculus by @PeterSaveliev and thought it was amazing!
This is a neat video to watch on how Leibniz conceived his version of fundamental theorem of calculus using the harmonic triangle and telescoping sums:
Matrices can be visualized as functions! This enables us to see matrix multiplication as function composition. In this thread let us take a visual tour of these mathematical ideas. To get this thread as a PDF:…
I stumbled on this idea as a part of my logical explorations. I saw how the matrix way of representing things has an intertwining between simultaneity and sequentiality which is awesome! Let us start uncovering the ideas here by representing matrices as pixel grids.
Let us label the matrix and understand how to represent arbitrary connections. A dark square in the pixel grid means a connection exists between a row element and a column element. A row element can be thought as an input and the corresponding column elements its outputs.
Catalog of Programming Languages for the Enthusiast: Starting a curation on some of the cool indie / lesser known programming language projects I have been stumbling on.
Starting off with Pikelet by @brendanzab. It is a continuous source of inspiration to see Brendan starting from game dev and getting into deep type theory stuff! Check out his language Pikelet:… and his twitter stream for updates on his work.
I encountered Koka when researching about algebraic effects. Papers from Daan Leijen on its semantics and technical details are available here:…
After my explorations in the last few years, I arrived at an almost same global partitioning except that I had geometry and topology united and number theory featuring as a prominent circle.
I found out previously that Category Theory derives from Kant’s work:
This is in the philosophical realm but use of “relay signs” by artists and mathematicians as sharing the same protogeometry is an interesting take in this article. It draws links between the work of Peirce, Grothendieck, Riemann among others:…