1. So for ppl not deep in the weeds who want to know why Neera Tanden was my final straw, a bit of explanation & clarification. I haven't voted for Dems for some time, but I didn't begin process of formally leaving the party & joining the DSA until yesterday.
2. I don't just loathe Tanden for her odious politics of war mongering, fiscal austerity, creating conditions of systemic racism/ageism/disableism, and union busting, which she has helped brand as "progressive."
I loathe how she's undermined things I hold dear & fused them w BS.
3. Through the Center for American Progress, she has fused the idea of real research (community research, university research) with propaganda—confusing people who look at and depend upon reports to not know if it's well crafted research of big $ backed DNC/CAP propaganda.
4. Through the Center for American Progress, she has fused journalism (professional journalism, community journalism) with propaganda—confusing people who look to and depend upon journalism to not know if they're seeing well crafted research or big $ backed DNC/CAP propaganda.
5. Through the Center for American Progress, she has fused the idea community (real ppl engaged in mutual aid & culture) with propaganda—confusing people who are looking for community to not now if it's real or big $ backed DNC/CAP astroturfing.
6. Through the Center for American Progress, she has fused the idea government with lobbying and messaging. She, CAP and their backers in the military industrial complex & in the mainstream media don't want research, journalism, community or government—they want obedience.
7. I hold research, journalism, community & government dear. I don't believe they ought to be fused w lobbying, strategy, marketing or propaganda—& I don't think someone who has fused these sectors of society that SHOULD be independent should oversee the budget of the US.
8. Bc of ppl like Tanden and institutions like CAP, what comes out of MSNBC & the DNC isn't rigorous or intellectuallly curious or ethical or even popular. What comes out is manufactured consent—a "think" tank that doesn't think, using journalism to make govt do its bidding.
9. It's not that I don't think researchers or journalists or government officials shouldn't have strong opinions (hello👋🏾!!!) But there is craft and rigor to journalism, research, creating community & governance—and they need space for thought & distance from "strategy" & PR.
10. The Tandens of the world were bad enuf as the nominal "opposition" party. But w the keys to the White House & the budget of the US & the "think" tank publishers and MSNBC & mainstream media? They'll be unbearable and dangerous.
I want as much distance as I can from them.
11. I just thought of a more succinct way of putting it.
In Chomsky/Herman's Propaganda Model, there are five filters of mass media.
3. Be a source HERSELF on MSNBC (& quoted endlessly in papers)
4. THEN, she would also be the flak sent out to beat up ppl who got out of line..
13. When it comes to the 5th filter (communism, or fear), Tanden has been very successful at creating fear of a common enemy (Russia) but also of trying to scare everyone into the idea that there's no $$ for social programs, "entitlements" (I hate that phrase) must be cut, etc.
14 .I don't think a person who has mastered the Propaganda Model should be running the US budget
As a gay NYC reporter, I watched how orgs like @glaad trained ppl like Glendda Testone, who learn how to manipulate media then go into govt, squash dissent & enact neolib austerity.
15. And I don't want ANY associations w journalists & media makers who will sidle into this equation for access.
Too many journalists are too close to the Dems anyway.
So, I'm leaving the Dems.
16. Yes, @carrielogo I know this about DSA. I am OK with being unaffiliated w a formal party. I considered leaving electoral politics all together. May vote Green or not at all sometimes. But w @DemSocialists, glad to think w other abt if/how to vote
18/18 So I'll be over doing my thing, continuing to research and think and organize around the things that don't change much between admins. The MSDNC/CAP/Office of Budget can have it. I'll be over her with my pen observing, thinking—& expanding my imagination w others.
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For people who think I am close-minded and unbending: I have done a 180° on assisted suicide, and I changed my mind by reading and thinking with disabled scholars and activists
I actually do think people should be able to end their lives if they wish, with compassion and as little pain and stigma as possible. (My biological mother took her life in a gruesome, violent way.) And I think almost everything should be decriminalized. Unfortunately…
the PUSH for assisted suicide is not rooted in reducing stigma or compassion, nor is it rooted in getting folks what they need to address the root causes of their suicidal desire (housing, poverty, proper mental and physical healthcare)…
This is *still*’ interesting. When Oprah was the host of the Oprah Winfrey Show and endorsed Obama, the candidate did not pay for the show—Oprah (Harpo Productions) did. When Oprah endorsed Harris, the candidate paid for the show. An important power shift in media.
Of course Oprah, a billionaire, could have paid her staff as her quite legal contribution to the cause. Instead she let, perhaps, Black women earning minimum wage who wanted to see Harris elected and gave their meagre earnings to the campaign pay for it instead.
What’s most interesting to me as a media scholar: @JonnyDiamond added a line to my @lithub column about the Winfrey endorsement that it was “basically a recreation of the Oprah Winfrey Show”—and now Oprah is literally admitting that! lithub.com/in-american-em…
If you accept the truth that under Obama/Biden/Harris, more people
— were deported
— died of Covid
— were killed in genocide and wars w US weapons & $
then there is no need to panic about Trump/Miller/RFK. Hold onto your folks, your values & your work. Stay the course. Calm!
Panic, in general, helps no one. It keeps you from breathing right, it keeps you from seeing clearly. Lots of folx have been working hard to get vaccines (Covid/flu/mpox) out as Biden dismantled Covid vax infrastructure. Work & learn w us, we’ve been at it for yrs now
An asset we may have: millions who passively accepted Obama deportations, Biden vax delivery destruction & Biden/Harris genocide might now be angry abt Trump doing these things. WELCOME THEM GRACIOUSLY WITH OPEN ARMS! ALL HANDS ON DECK!
1/4 I filed for tenure today, as has been planned for years. It has been too much pressure being investigated while also filing for tenure (a huge moment in any scholar's life in the best of circumstances), so imagonnatakeaminute to sit with what I have accomplished. I WROTE
Class time: Let's use the Overton Window to discuss how pagers-as-booby-traps is really bad for humanity, and how journalists are already failing at this basic test of ethics and morality.
The Overton Window was developed to address what topics can be debated, or not, in news media. (It is named for political scientist Joseph Overton, who was not an egomaniac; his colleague Joseph Lehman named it for him after his death.)
For instance, in my lifetime and career, gay rights have gone from being too taboo to write about in almost any mainstream media; now, being explicitly anti-gay isn't much allowed in mainstream media (though, notably, being explicitly anti-transgender IS still on the window).
BOOM! I am back in the saddle for the fall as a regular @lithub columnist with an exclusive essay on "False Profits: Why I Am Not Teaching in the Classroom This Fall" lithub.com/false-profits-…
(It’s not often I get to quote my divas @pocojump, Blanche Devereux and Zora Neale Hurston all in one piece)
I wrap up the essay mediating on 2 quotes from MLK's final speech: "Somewhere I read of the freedom of assembly. Somewhere I read of the freedom of speech. Somewhere I read of the freedom of press. Somewhere I read that the greatness of America is the right to protest for right."