4/ Here is illustration of three “flu years” in Sweden.
Oct 2019 – Sep 2020 contains the spring wave
The current winter wave belongs to the subsequent “flu year”. As explained above, there is no scientific reason to count it in 2020 (Gregorian year).
5/ Notation:
A “flu year” will be labeled according to the Gregorian year in which it ends (contains 9 of 12 months)
For example:
2019 will denote Oct 2018 – Sep 2019
2020 will denote Oct 2019 – Sep 2020
Used thereafter
6/ Mortality measure: deaths per million
Account for changes in population size (but not directly for changes in age distribution)
Model: linear regression
7/ Graph shows a clear pattern of decline over the years.
BUT: 2019 and 2020 are outliers! Both deviate from the trend, as will be seen.
Therefore, using 2019 to infer on excess mortality in 2020 is questionable practice (e.g. comparing 2020 to average of 2015-2019)
8/ We can fit a line (linear regression model) to flu years 1999-2018.
And get an equation by which we estimate the following:
Predicted deaths for 2019, 2020 (and other years)
Deviation of observed deaths from predicted
9/ Table shows data & results.
2019: mortality deficit of 300 per million (-3.35%)
2020: excess mortality of 364 per million (+4.1%)
2020 essentially “balanced the deficit” of 2019.
True excess mortality did not exceed 1%.
10/ To see that deaths were balanced over two “flu years”, we may take the average of pairs:
Oct 1998 – Sep 2000
Oct 2000 – Sep 2002
Oct 2018 – Sep 2020
Nothing unusual is seen in Sweden
The effect of the current winter wave?
To be determined by Sep 2021 (“flu year” of Oct 2020-Sep 2021).
So far, Covid replaced the flu in Sweden and elsewhere.
3/ Notation:
PY = Pandemic Year
PY1: Oct 2019-Sep 2020 (contains the spring wave)
PY2: Oct 2020-Sep 2021 (contains last winter)
PY3: Since Oct 2021 (ongoing, one-quarter)
2/ We recently documented lower non-CVOID mortality in vaccinated than unvaccinated (England).
Implies: vaccinated are healthier (on average).
Implies: rates of COVID mortality in vaccinated are lower, in part, because they are healthier.
3/ We now show “person-time”-based analysis of England data.
Partition person-time by each week into “unvaccinated person-time” and “vaccinated person-time”.
(Classical rate computation in epidemiology.)
2/ ONS published data on COVID death and all-cause death by V-status and age:
Age range too wide for <60.
Restrict to 60+ (most deaths) ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulati…
3/ From ONS data on all-cause mortality & COVID mortality, we can compute rates of NON-COVID mortality.
Focus on:
Any vax vs. unvax: Comparing those who intended to be fully vaccinated to those who did not.
2 doses vs. unvax: VE is typically based on this comparison.
“We analyzed the odds of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine in the 28 days prior to spontaneous abortion compared with the odds of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine in the 28 days prior to index dates for ongoing pregnancies”
Why define the hazard period as 28 days and not longer?
Look at their examples (with my additions).
Subjects 2 and 6 are both labeled unexposed to V. But one was truly unexposed and the other was exposed (>28 days earlier).
["exposed" and "unexposed" are generic terms in epidemiology/methodology]