Paul Klein & Molly Klein's PKO collaborated on multiple projects with the Christian fascist spook, David Balsiger.
A major anti-communist operative, Balsiger was linked to some of the CIA's most notorious gladio/contra groups like Alpha 66 and the World Anti-Communist League.
Balsiger was a propagandist for apartheid South Africa, producing & distributing a racist magazine that stressed: "the ANC is Moscow-inspired; most of the violence is 'black on black'..."
He also promoted "pro-government Christian groups in South Africa"
For Paul Klein's production, "The Incredible Discovery of Noah's Ark", David Balsiger corresponded with the Dept. of Defense, requesting cooperation "of any and all government intelligence gathering agencies" & promising to portray them in a "positive light"
Balsiger's Ban the Soviets Now Coalition to ban Soviet athletes from the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics coordinated its activities with Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty
Soviets: "extremist orgs" (led by Balsiger) are "openly aiming to create unbearable conditions for the stay of the Soviet delegation" and have "stepped up their activity, with direct connivance of the American authorities"
Crazy the "red" Klein family teamed up with this guy 🙄
Naturally, Balsiger had a large stake in the cult and occult disinformation industry
"A militant defender of the South Africa regime"
Paul Klein really knew how to pick em
Paul Klein business partners in the early 80s (Harry Alan Towers) and from the late 70s to mid 90s (David Balsiger) are both identified in a report called "Apartheid Whitewash: South African Propaganda in the US".
Balsiger, a fascist who spent a lifetime producing disinfo on cults, the occult, biblical history, UFOs, "wholistic wellness", ruling class conspiracies and more, was called into action again after 9/11 with his "Heroes of Flight 93".
The more details I find on Balsiger's South Africa operations the more sinister it gets. To support the regime's counterinsurgency campaign following the Vaal uprising in 1984, he established 11 right-wing religious (shell) groups to disseminate pro-regime propaganda.
One of Balsiger's groups, Jesus Christ for Peace in South Africa (JCP), was led by "Archbishop" Mzilikazi Masiya.
Masiya was later exposed as former police and "killing machine", trained in counterinsurgency and based in a building next to the S. African Security Police HQs
Are we still saying co-producing a bunch of racist filth with notorious white supremacist Dave Balsiger is just normal "commie" media work?
Some self-avowed communists on here really tried to convince people that things like producing Zionist/CNP propaganda for John Singlaub protégés was just normal, unobjectionable "media work"
I'm gonna do a longish thread on Chappelle's mother, Yvonne Seon (formerly Yvonne Reed/Yvonne Reed Chappelle), laying out some interesting things I found while trying to clear up my own confusion about her connection to Lumumba. 1/x
You'll see repeated across various articles and blurbs about Seon that she worked for the Lumumba government, but this isn't true. Her work in the Congo began *after* Lumumba's assassination. 2/
By her own admission, she arrived in the Congo in March of 1961. Lumumba was assassinated in January.
*The History Makers link is gated but see her interview here, which I'll also be transcribing from:… 3/
In 1961 as part of the "White Paper" documentary series, NBC aired "Angola: Journey to a War." Its crew were heralded for their bravery, trekking 300 miles through war-torn Angola after illicitly slipping in from the Congo. It was also almost certainly cover for CIA operations.
The film featured the head of UPA, Holden Roberto, by then already a prized CIA asset, who arranged the crew's infiltration into Angola. The director, Robert Young, says they crossed the border with "7 Angolan rebels" and were embedded in UPA units for the entire journey.
An annual report from the American Committee on Africa (ACOA) indicates that ACOA made the "initial arrangements" for the NBC crew to enter Angola. George Houser, ACOA's director, was a major Roberto benefactor and later also toured Angola with Roberto and CIA agent John Marcum
"In the years 1964-5 telefilms turned more specifically to international struggles, with emphasis on clandestine warfare. The timing was not an accident."
Should also add that the inclusion criteria for the above list, "spy series on television in the 1960s" seem to be arbitrarily narrow. e.g. I'm guessing Mod Squad wasn't included bc it's technically about police spies, but it was obviously a part of the same trend
Not the only person of note here, but highlighting Stewart Wolf bc easy to overlook (I recognized the name but couldnt place until doing a search). Close partner of Harold Wolff, Dulles's hand-picked founder/director of the mk-ultra front Human Ecology
The continuity between Wolff's mk-ultra sub-project 61 and some of the research agendas in Antarctica including Wolf's is pretty clear. The environmental and social conditions in Antarctica make for a promising human ecology laboratory
Paul Klein aired an NBC miniseries ('78) adapted from Robert Daley's novel "To Kill a Cop." Daley was NYPD Deputy Commissioner from '71-'72 during the NYPD's brutal war on the Black Liberation Army, which served as his inspiration for this rabidly anti-black fascist copaganda
The contemporaneous reviews say it all: "angry violent blacks", "young blacks looking for any kind of excitement", "psychotic killer out of Attica", "street crazies", "underbelly of black society", "wild undisciplined gang", "gang of terrorists", etc
Patrick Frawley created Sunn Classic Pictures not too long after financing and publishing Ed Butler's notorious cover-ups and disinfo pieces on the assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK and the Tate-LaBianca murders (blaming communists and Black Panthers)
It's possible Klein (then a VP in audience measurement at NBC) crossed paths with Frawley's circle in 1966, but if not then, then definitely by 1976 when he returned for his second stint, this time as Executive VP, head of programming
That must've gone well, because by the early 90s, Klein's own production company (PKO) had teamed up with the far-right zealots at Sunn (then Sun International Pictures) to produce a number of films, even forming a new company for distribution, Sun-PKO Productions