Today I want to prove that Mr Pool smile faces mean XRP and price increase. In Ripple_Crippler, previous to Mr Pool existence, smile faces were frequent. They were very similar to the ones Mr Pool posts. The eyes also were usually a couple of "x", in fact, XRP logo. 3/*
The smile XRP-eyed face also appears related to the Moon. XRP going to the Moon. 4/*
The right eye was associated to the Sun, as you can see in the previous image; and the left eye was associated to the Moon. If XRP is in the left eye, then, it means XRP on the Moon. So, XRP huge price increase, or the point were you're happy on the Moon due to the XRP price. 6/*
The Eye of Hours also called "wadjet" (an many more) is connected to the economy in Gematria. 7/*
The pirate Cryptographer-1 also suggests that an "x" in an eye means XRP. 8/*
The pirate Independent-developer-1 also suggests that an "x" in an eye means XRP. 9/*
So, in Mr Pool smile XRP-eyed faces also mean XRP huge price increase, XRP on to the Moon. 10/*
Same here, more similar even to the ones Ripple Crippler used to post. 11/*
@bearableguy123 said "Keep your i on the prize". Keep your i/eye/XRP on the final result/prize and in the wallet/cup, not sell your XRP due to the current price, do not associate XRP with current price (before and now). 12/*
In the Bible, Matthew 6:22, the eye is metaphorically the soul of the body. Then, if your eye is XRP, XRP is metaphorically the soul of your body. 13/*
In the Bible, Matthew 6:21, the heart is metaphorically the soul. Let's say the soul is the mind, the consciousness. Your soul/mind/hearth is where you put value. Then, if you put the value, your heart, your mind, in XRP, it transforms itself in a spiritual thing. 14/*
All this can seem strange, of course, I know, but XRP being something spiritual could make sense if changes that are happening and have to happen have also an spiritual dimension, if there is a new Spirit of the Age, the Zeitgeist, and the hearth is digital money or XRP. 15/*
If nothing happens in January (1/23, 1/24, 1/25, 1/26, 1/27, 1/28, 1/29, 1/30, 1/31) and we keep moving dates ad hoc, haha, then we have February 12-14, 2021, a date that I deduced in July 2020. 16/*
Still the project outlines the same old problem: not able to bridge all CBDCs. FX settles good for dominant CBDCs but the problem is secondary corridors not being part of the platform. As always, could XRP be a bridge in those secondary corridors? Yes, it's its usecase. 2/*
According to @bearableguy123 there will be 3 Moons. First one: Half Moon, in August. Second one: Full Moon, in November. Third one: New Moon, in December. See the distance between them, fits 5 89 proportion. 2/*
First one: Half Moon, in August 4-5 ( Aug 5 = 8/5 and point 58'9% of the year: XRP is 58 in Gematri). Having a Moon means having price increase, finally. According to @HowardMoon589 the best Moon is the Full Moon, but the second best is the Half Moon, August pump can be good. 3/*
4 years later, but I think that "Olive branch" @bearableguy123 riddle means "I love 123 589". "Olive = I love", but "branch = letter number = 2 18 1 14 3 8 = 2 9 1 5 3 8 = 123 589". As it can't be coincidence (and he loves these numbers) "Olive branch" means "I love 123 589".
Then, "I love 123 589" can be directly the meaning of the heart riddle, or it can be the clue to translate the code/s "Wh...Vr" "TU...sw" "gv...F5" to something else.
Wait, May 6 2018 Heart codes are the same ones @bearableguy123 put in the December 23 2020 riddle on the right wall, which was for me "58": TUb9y5umtUdx7oYfrTsw (20)
WhbueMU5SAnVr (13)
gvoeEyPePajzjwJsUx5q5usF5 (25), so 20+13+25 = 58.
Today is the Eurovision Song Contest 2022, in Italy. The Eurovision Song Contest 2019 interval act gave us the plot about the financial plans the monks have, it was Madonna "Like a prayer" and "Future" performance, check the thread I did about its meaning: