For every leader who has written a blog post, tweeted, commented on, the steps being taken by RZIM, how good they are, how important the truth is, or how to prevent this, please hear the grief you are compounding:
You have written about how God and right these steps are, but not until they were already taken. Not until the facade was removed.
You did not lift your voice to cry for the truth you now applaud. That fell on the shoulders of the victims. The women.
You applaud the independent investigation, but never pressed for it when it needed to be done.
When your voice was desperately needed in 2017 and all the years that followed, you were silent.
You left the victims alone, your silence a deafening testament that you did not care
You praise accountability but as far as I can see, have never ONCE demanded it of anyone you labor alongside.
Not SGC. Not Ravi. Not Paige Patterson, or Jerry Vines, or any other leader accused of abuse or enabling.
You took less than 24 hours to put your voice out there applauding a step you could not be bothered to ask for when your voice was desperately needed by the most vulnerable.
You had nothing to say until the work was done and it cost you nothing.
The work was done by the victims and the cost borne by them, and by advocates who you refused to heed for four years, or who you have outright maligned.
But now you wish to speak and offer wisdom and counsel and support? As if these were steps you knew all along were needed?
If this repentance and these steps you applaud were so godly and important and needed, where were your voices urging them?
Where are your voices urging them now for leaders and institutions that have steadfastly refused these very steps?
Where is YOUR apology for the silence? For maligning victims and advocates who have long urged these steps with RZIM, SGC, the SBC and so many more? The same steps you now applaud?
Where was your voice when it was desperately needed? Where was your conviction when it would cost?
In less than 24 hours so many of you have offered your theories on why this happened and how to prevent it - how much time have you spent learning deeply from survivors and experts about the real dynamics of abuse, it's causes, and prevention?
Everything that has been brought to light came at the cost and effort of the survivors and advocates. Few to none of whom you have listened to, many of whom you have maligned in days past for their work, and none of whom you have apologized to.
It is not time to applaud steps you are not willing to raise your voice for when it counts. Do not act as if this matters to you when you do not care enough when it would cost.
Stop applauding this step. Start urging those who have refused this step, to take it. Do it publicly.
Stop offering fixes and prevention when you have spent no time learning from those who have sacrificed so much to be able to truly understand abuse, it's dynamics, prevention and response. From those who sounded the alarm years before your theories.
Use your voice and platform to point to the work they have done, the price they paid, the cost of not listening earlier. Point people to the wise counsel purchased at great cost.
Wait to speak until you have faithfully spoken when it would cost.
Every time the facade is lifted on an abuser victims wait, anticipating the flood of statements from the very people they begged to help them.
They know it is coming, because it always does once it is easy. And it is crushing to watch again and again
And yes leaders, there was much pleading publicly for your voice not just here, but in many places where you enjoy the benefits of co-laboring, while wanting none of the responsibilities.
You took less than 24 hours to raise your voice. But you are years too late.
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Another precious survivor I've had the privilege of communicating with, who was crushed by MacArthur and Grace Community Church. She won full custody of her children with her abusive ex limited to supervised visitation only. If you know anything about this process, you know...
How rare this is, and how bad it has to be, to get this verdict.
Men of God, does it not concern you at all, that you missed this? That you counseled so dangerously? Do you not want to understand how and why, you could not or would not see?
Do you feel grief at how you trod on this vulnerable woman and her children? Do you feel fear that you might make this mistake again? Have you wondered if she might not be the only one?
It has been almost six years and counting since several of us who work in this field repeatedly raised concerns to leaders that the lack of clear processes, measurable benchmarks and standards, and appropriate communication strategy, within the Credentials Committee...
Would create serious harm.
The errors noted in the ruling from a few days ago were entirely preventable. They were warned of directly. Sound alternatives were recommended repeatedly.
Model systems used in other entities were recommended.
No less than four attorneys, all of whom have levels of expertise in this field and one of who specializes in the constitutionality of offender registries, repeatedly warned of these risks and urged adoption of clear, measurable policies. All went unheeded.
I have known some of the people involved in this story and the call for accountability for almost 8 yrs. We assisted them in dynamics that crossed into my current work before my own case. Others I connected with years ago as well.
I know conservative Christian therapists in the area who, while tightly protecting confidentiality, have likewise expressed serious concern at what they have seen in their professional sphere, from students coming out of HLS.
The words of those who have spoken out are worth heeding. Read them for yourself.
This is not a political effort (this story has been in the works for around 2 years) and it's not a move to destroy Christianity, Classical Education, or Christian education. In fact...
"We’re saying the answer to the politician’s question, “What is the optimum moment at which to come back from a big sex scandal, and how do I do it?” is this:
“You are asking the wrong question.”
The right questions would go something like: “What can I do to stop being greedy for power, attention and adulation? How can I come to understand that the question is not the public’s capacity to forgive, but my own capacity to exercise sound judgment and regard for others?
Repentance starts with confession - telling the truth about what happened. Check your pastor and elders words. Is this repentance?
This is described as a "morally inappropriate relationship" with a "young women"...
But in fact, it was an adult having sexual contact with a minor and pre-teen CHILD.
This is felony level child sexual assault.
And it didn't happen because she was "flirtatious".
It happened because a grown man was sexually aroused and gratified himself with a pre-teen child
Morris' own words, your elders own words, right now, in this moment, are neither confession nor repentance, because it isn't even beginning with the minimum threshold of telling the truth.
Qualified immunity has created a system in which those with the most power, have the least accountability.
The reason the Nassar settlement with the FBI is so significant is because qualified immunity is essentially a complete bar to restitution for any malfeasance.
It doesn't just protect law enforcement. It is typically interpreted to protect ANY government actor.
MSU had immunity against all the Nassar survivors because they are a state university and Larry and everyone who covered for him, was a state employee.
We received a measure of justice and forced some change only due to extreme public pressure. The law said MSU had full protection no matter what.
When we tried to lift QI in sex abuse cases, state universities, public schools and government lobby turned out in force, including