memory is the key Profile picture
Feb 13, 2021 419 tweets >60 min read Read on X
1. March 2552, about one month after escaping Project KRATOS

E’s comm / Don’s comm ImageImageImage
2. Law’s comm ImageImageImage
3. Law’s comm ImageImageImage
4. E’s comm ImageImage
"𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓈𝑒 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓂𝓈 𝒶𝓈𝒾𝒹𝑒, 𝐼 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝓀 𝐼 𝓉𝒶𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝑒𝓁𝓁." Image
5. Richie’s comm ImageImageImageImage
6. E’s comm ImageImageImageImage
7. ImageImage
8. (cw: nsfw) ImageImageImage
9. (cw: nsfw)

James’ comm / Richie’s comm ImageImageImageImage
10. ImageImageImageImage
11. ImageImage
12. Mike’s comm ImageImageImageImage
13. Image
14. Ed’s comm ImageImage
15. Richie’s comm ImageImageImageImage
16. (cw: suicidal ideation) ImageImageImageImage
17. ImageImageImageImage
18. Image
19. Law’s comm ImageImage
20. ImageImageImageImage
21. A week or so later. ImageImage
22. ImageImage
23. Richie’s comm Image
24. Eddie’s comm ImageImageImage
25. E’s comm Image
26. Richie’s comm ImageImage
One choice, this time - but it’s important. Pick one:
You chose: 💣.

Buckle up.
27. Richie’s comm ImageImage
28. ImageImageImage
29. Kay’s comm ImageImage
30. Richie’s comm ImageImageImage
31. (cw: emeto)

Richie’s comm ImageImage
32. ImageImage
33. Law’s comm ImageImage
34. ImageImage
35. ImageImage
36. (cw: injury, blood)

Because you chose 💣... Image
37. ImageImage
38. ImageImage
39. Richie’s comm Image
40. ImageImage
41. Image
42. Mike’s comm ImageImageImage
43. Richie’s comm Image
44. Law’s comm ImageImageImage
45. ImageImage
46. Richie’s comm ImageImageImage
47. ImageImage
48. Eddie’s comm ImageImage
49. ImageImage
50. ImageImageImage
51. ImageImageImageImage
52. Image
53. Richie’s comm / The next morning. Image
54. "Oh, wow."

"Do it?"

"Do you?"

"...yeah. A lot."

"Then yeah. I love it. Shaved, too, huh?"

"Yeah sorry, I fucking hate the beard."

"Hahahaha, that's okay, babe." Image
55. ImageImageImage
56. ImageImage
57. Image
58. ImageImage
59. ImageImageImageImage
60. ImageImage
61. Richie and Eddie do some...relaxing. ImageImage
62. E’s comm ImageImageImageImage
63. Richie’s comm Image
64. ImageImageImage
65. Eddie’s comm ImageImageImage
66. ImageImageImage
67. ImageImageImage
68. ImageImage
69(nice). James’ comm ImageImage
70. Don’s comm ImageImageImage
71. Don’s comm ImageImage
72. Image
73. Eddie’s comm Image
74. ImageImageImage
75. Image
76. ImageImage
77. Law’s comm Image
78. Law’s comm ImageImageImage
79. Audra’s comm ImageImage
80. Richie’s comm ImageImage
81. E’s comm ImageImageImage
82. (cw: nsfw lol) ImageImageImage
83. (cw: nsfw)

Richie’s comm ImageImageImage
84. Audra’s comm / Later that morning, after some sleep. ImageImageImage
85. Richie’s comm ImageImage
86. ImageImage
87. ImageImageImage
88. ImageImageImage
89. ImageImageImageImage
90. ImageImage
91. E’s comm ImageImageImage
92. (cw: nsfw lol) ImageImageImage
93. (cw: one guess...yeah nsfw again)

Richie’s comm ImageImage
94. ImageImageImage
95. The next day.

Eddie’s comm ImageImage
96. ImageImageImageImage
97. ImageImageImage
98. ImageImageImage
99. ImageImageImageImage
100. (cw: discussion of psychological abuse) ImageImage
101. ImageImageImageImage
102. ImageImageImage
103. Richie’s comm Image
104. (cw: tiny bit nsfw lol) ImageImageImage
105. ImageImageImage
106. E’s comm Image
107. ImageImageImage
108. Richie’s comm Image
109. ImageImageImage
110. ImageImageImage
111. ImageImageImageImage
112. Richie’s comm ImageImageImageImage
113. (cw: implied past substance abuse) ImageImage
114. E’s comm ImageImageImage
115. ImageImage
116. Image
117. Richie’s comm ImageImage
118. Later. ImageImageImageImage
119. Image
120. ImageImage
121. Image
122. ImageImage
123. Ed's dreams aren't usually like this. Even when he had prophetic dreams in Sonia's custody, they were clearer than this.

There is a military aircraft. It is lifting off, the force of it popping his eardrums and whipping around his hair. He runs, lungs screaming, after it.
124. He sees someone being carried inside, unconscious, but he can't decipher their face. He screams, but he can't determine the name that he calls. As he watches the craft rise into the air, carrying Someone away, he falls to his knees.

Who was it?
125. Ed Gray wakes alone, leans over to grab a notebook on the bedside table, and begins to furiously write.

(YOU CHOSE: The Protector.)
126. Audra’s comm / Richie’s comm ImageImageImage
127. ImageImageImage
128. Mike’s comm ImageImageImage
129. ImageImageImage
130. Image
131. Audra’s comm ImageImageImage
132. Eddie’s comm Image
133. ImageImageImageImage
134. Image
135. Back at the apartment. ImageImageImage
136. ImageImageImage
137. Image
138. Mike’s comm ImageImageImageImage
139. ImageImage
140. ImageImageImageImage
141. ImageImage
142. E’s comm ImageImageImage
143. ImageImageImage
144. ImageImage
145. ImageImageImageImage
146. The next evening.

Richie’s comm ImageImageImage
147. Law’s comm Image
148. ImageImage
149. Ed’s comm ImageImageImageImage
150. The retrieval team lands about a mile and a half from the EARD bunker.

Law’s comm ImageImageImage
151. ImageImageImage
152. ImageImageImage
153. Image
154. ImageImageImage
155. ImageImage
156. (cw: drugs)

Ed’s comm Image
157. ImageImageImage
158. Ed’s comm Image
159. Ed’s comm / Mike’s comm ImageImageImage
160. ImageImageImage
161. ImageImage
162. Eddie’s comm ImageImageImage
163. ImageImageImage
164. Richie’s comm ImageImageImageImage
165. From Richie's camera. Image
166. Image
167. Under Eddie’s watchful eye, the family gets to work. ImageImageImage
168. Don’s comm Image
169. ImageImage
170. ImageImage
171. Image
172. Ed’s comm ImageImage
173. (Because you chose 🛡️ THE PROTECTOR.) ImageImageImage
174. Eddie’s comm Image
175. Law’s comm ImageImage
176. Ed’s comm Image
177. Ed’s comm / Eddie’s comm ImageImageImage
178. Eddie’s comm ImageImage
179. Law’s comm ImageImage
180. Ed’s comm ImageImage
181. Law’s comm Image
182. Ed’s comm ImageImage
183. Eddie’s comm ImageImage
184. ImageImageImage
185. The caravan drives for a couple hours, almost in complete silence, away from the base.

Ed’s comm ImageImage
186. Sonia’s comm Image
187. ImageImageImage
188. Ed’s comm ImageImage
189. Eddie’s comm Image
190. ImageImage
191. ImageImageImage
192. ImageImage
193. Mike’s comm ImageImageImageImage
194. ImageImage
195. ImageImage
196. Connor’s comm ImageImageImage
197. Image
198. Image
199. Sonia’s comm Image
200. (warning for volume!)


201. Richie’s comm ImageImageImageImage
202. Image
203. ImageImage
204. Richie’s comm ImageImageImageImage
205. Sonia’s comm ImageImage
206. Eddie’s comm Image
207. ImageImage
208. Audra’s comm ImageImage
209. Kay’s comm ImageImage
210. Ben’s comm / James’ comm ImageImageImage
211. Image
212. Don‘s comm ImageImageImage
213. Some time later. ImageImageImage
214. ImageImage
215. Law’s comm ImageImageImageImage
216. Audra’s comm ImageImage
217. ImageImageImageImage
218. Eddie’s comm Image
219. ImageImageImageImage
220. Eddie’s comm ImageImageImage
221. ImageImage
222. Mike’s comm Image
223. Mike stops in the doorway of the tiny medical wing, staring at the man with bright blue eyes. Bill, he corrects himself, it's Bill. After a long, silent moment, Bill crosses the space between them and throws his arms around him, the hug so tight it steals Mike's breath. Image
224. Mike’s comm ImageImage
225. ImageImageImage
226. ImageImageImageImage
227. Eddie’s comm ImageImage
228. (cw: alcohol)

Eddie’s comm ImageImage
229. Eddie’s comm Image
230. Kay’s comm Image
231. "Ugh, being a person fucking sucks. Does everything always hurt like this?!"

"It'll pass soon."

"What are you staring at, huh, McCall?"

"Hm? Oh. Nothing. Um. Nice to finally meet you."

"Ha! You, too." Image
232. (cw: emeto)

Eddie’s comm ImageImage
233. James’ comm Image
234. "What were they doing??"

"Nothing! Just...talking. Sitting on the same bed. Really close. Like, their legs were all tangled up and everything. I just felt like maybe we should let" ImageImage
235. Eddie’s comm ImageImage
236. ImageImageImageImage
237. Sonia’s comm ImageImage
238. Kay’s comm ImageImage
239. ImageImageImageImage
240. Stan’s comm Image
241. ImageImageImageImage
242. Eddie’s comm Image
243. ImageImageImage
244. Audra’s comm ImageImage
245. Image
246. Mike’s comm ImageImageImage
247. Law’s comm ImageImageImageImage
248. “Epsilon’s” comm ImageImageImageImage
249. Law’s comm Image
250. A hulking figure awaits them at the landing site - one of the People of Maturin, they realize, clad in heavy armor and wielding a weathered shotgun.

"Well. He looks friendly," Ed says dryly as the shuttle's autopilot takes them down to the planet surface.
251. Law’s comm ImageImage
252. Law’s translator ImageImageImage
253. ImageImageImage
254. “Epsilon’s” comm ImageImage
255. ImageImageImage
256. ImageImage
257. As he steps outside the leader’s tent, collecting Eddie before they are led to where they’ll be staying for the night, Ed gets another vision. It is as frustrating at all the others - brief and vague.

(What does he see?)
258. “Ed? You okay?”

“Yeah,” Ed frowns, rubbing his forehead with the heel of his palm. “Saw something.”

“What was it?”

“Fuck if I know. But it’s...I just feel like we’re being watched.”

(You chose: 💪. Consequences will be made apparent soon.)
259. Eddie’s comm ImageImageImage
260. “Epsilon’s” comm ImageImage
261. Image
262. “Epsilon’s” comm Image
263. ImageImage
264. Ed’s comm Image
265. (cw: guns) ImageImageImage
266. (Because you chose 💪, Richie knocked Eddie out and took him somewhere unknown.)

Ed’s comm Image
267. Law’s comm ImageImage
268. Eddie wakes up, and tries to get through to his Richie. (repost, figured y'all might want a link maybe) ImageImageImage
269. Law’s comm ImageImage
270. Mike’s comm ImageImageImage
271. Law’s translator ImageImageImageImage
272. Law’s comm Image
273. Eddie’s comm ImageImageImage
274. Eddie’s comm ImageImageImage
275. Ed’s comm ImageImage
276. Eddie’s comm Image
277. James’ comm ImageImage
278. Mike’s comm Image
279. Eddie’s comm ImageImageImageImage
280. ImageImageImageImage
281. ImageImageImage
282. Eddie’s / Mike’s ImageImage
283. Ed’s comm Image
284. Mike’s comm ImageImage
285. 🧠 Image
286. ImageImage
287. ImageImage
288. ImageImageImage
289. Image
290. ImageImageImage
291. ImageImage
292. ImageImage
293. Image
294. ImageImage
295. ImageImage
296. ImageImage
297. ImageImageImage
298. ImageImageImage
299. Mike’ comm (last for tonight) Image
300(🥳). Mike’s comm

(cw: seizures) ImageImageImage
301. Mike’s comm ImageImageImageImage
302. Image
303. ImageImage
304. Sonia’s comm ImageImage
305. ImageImageImage
306. Eddie‘s comm ImageImage
307. ImageImageImageImage
308. Eddie’s comm ImageImage
309. (cw: discussion of seizures) ImageImage
310. ImageImageImage
311. Eddie’s comm ImageImageImageImage
312. On the road. ImageImage
313. Law’s comm / Ed’s comm ImageImage
314. Ed’s comm ImageImage
315. Eddie’s comm Image
316. ImageImage
317. Law’s comm ImageImage
318. Eddie’s comm ImageImageImage
319. (cw: minor nsfw, difficulty breathing) ImageImageImage
320. Richie’s comm ImageImage
321. ImageImageImageImage
322. ImageImageImage
323. Eddie’s comm ImageImage
324. Ed’s comm ImageImage
325. ImageImageImage
326. Richie’s comm ImageImageImage
327. (cw: slight nsfw) ImageImageImage
328. ImageImage
329. Eddie remembers an old trick to put Richie to sleep. ImageImageImage
330. Eddie’s comm Image
331. Image
332. ImageImageImage
333. ImageImageImage
334. ImageImage
335. Richie’s comm ImageImageImageImage
336. Ed’s comm ImageImageImage
337. Richie’s comm ImageImageImage
338. ImageImageImageImage
339. ImageImageImage
340. Law’s comm ImageImageImage
341. Mike’s comm ImageImage
342. Mike’s comm Image
343. ImageImageImage
344. Mike’s comm ImageImage
345. Richie’s comm Image
346. Richie’s comm ImageImage
347. Eddie’s comm ImageImageImage
348. Richie‘s comm ImageImageImage
349. Richie’s comm ImageImageImage
350. ImageImage
351. ImageImageImageImage
352. ImageImageImage
353. Eddie’s comm ImageImageImage
354. ImageImageImage
355. ImageImage
356. ImageImage
357. Richie’s comm ImageImage
358. Later. Image
359. ImageImageImage
360. The four of them land, splitting into teams and leaving the ship behind with camouflage activated. ImageImage
361. Image
362. ImageImageImage
363. Image
364. "Did you fucking see that?! Did you see that?! What the fuck was that?!"

"That was the reason we're RUNNING, Richie!!"
365. "Oh my fucking god, why is it fucking chasing us?!"

"Because we're the only other living thing on this goddamn planet!!"

"Besides Ed's batshit mom!!"
366. Image
367. "Alright, everyone buckled in?"

"Yes, yes, go, already!"

"Alright, I'm-HOLY FUCK!"



368. ImageImage
369. Mike’s comm ImageImageImage
370. ImageImage
371. Richie’s comm ImageImage
372. As the ship touches down planetside, Ed blinks as a vision flashes before him. The room is dark around him. To his left there is himself. Or is it Eddie? Hard to tell. Too dark.
373. Before him is a woman, one who strikes such a potent, juxtaposed mix of fear and anger into his chest that it steals his breath. Her expression is unreadable, her hands empty and at her sides.

374. There is something cold in his hand, but he can’t see what it is. There is a pop, his ears begin to ring, and there is a flash of fuchsia, bright and blinding.

(You chose 🧠. Consequences will be made apparent soon.)
375. Richie’s comm ImageImage
376. Mike’s comm ImageImageImage
377. ImageImageImage
378. Richie’s comm ImageImage
379. Image
380. ImageImage
381. ImageImageImageImage
382. Mike’s comm ImageImageImage
383. ImageImageImage
384. ImageImageImage
385. Richie’s comm ImageImageImage
386. Richie’s comm Image
387. Eddie’s comm ImageImage
388. ImageImageImage
389. That night. Image
390. Mike’s comm ImageImageImage
391. "Well," says a voice, low and lilting through Mike's translator. "It's about damn time. I thought you'd never arrive."
392. Image
393. ImageImage
394. Inside the underground bunker.

Richie’s comm ImageImage
395. Ed’s comm ImageImage
396. Richie’s comm ImageImage
397. Mike’s comm ImageImage
398. Image
399. (Theme for the rest of Book 2)…
400. "We've been here so long. Still, I remember that rainy September." Image
401. "Am I still willing to foot all this billing?" ImageImage
402. "Am I transmitting? Is anyone listening?" ImageImage
403. "When I think of you, your name's in the sky, ninety feet high." ImageImage
404. (cw: death, guns) ImageImage
405. Eddie’s comm ImageImage
406. ImageImageImageImage
407. Mike’s comm ImageImageImage
408. Dr. Robert Wiser’s comm ImageImageImage

• • •

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Apr 8, 2021
0. (cw: scopophobia) ImageImageImageImage
Read 71 tweets
Jan 8, 2021
Post #15 GIF Source
Read 4 tweets
Jan 8, 2021
DESIGNATION: Agent Epsilon
Birth name: Richard W. Tozier
Age: 32 years
Marital Status: Single
Hair: Brown
Eye: Blue
Armor Enhancement(s): Voice Manipulator, Adaptive Camoflauge
AI Program Eligible: NO Image
Birth name: Michael D. Hanlon
Age: 30 years
Martial Status: Single
Hair: Black
Eye: Brown
Armor Enhancement(s): Strength Boost, Domed Energy Shield
AI Program Eligible: YES Image
Read 11 tweets
Jan 8, 2021
| 𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝒾 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝓀 𝑜𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊, 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓃𝒶𝓂𝑒'𝓈 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝓀𝓎, 𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓉𝓎 𝒻𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒽𝒾𝑔𝒽 | ImageImage

🌟scifi love story with space soldiers, get psyched
🌟cw: injury, blood, combat, psychological distress/trauma, AI/human romance
🌟inspired so loosely by rvb it hardly counts; mostly stole names for things and music
🌟other relevant warnings added to posts as needed

Read 13 tweets

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