Hi, it's me, your neighborhood reasonable adult. I heard Dr. Seuss books were "banned" in a Virginia school district, which surprised me! So, I did what any reasonable adult would do with internet access: I looked it up to get official details. (thread)
There's this remarkable tool for verifying claims that isn't yet more widely known. It's completely free. You don't even have to sign up with an email subscription. It's called "Google". So, I went to the Google, and typed in "Dr. Seuss ban Virginia" to see what I could find out.
That brought me to a CNN article written about the "banning" that led with this paragraph stating... oh, so, they weren't banned. They weren't removed. Students can still check them out as freely as they did yesterday. cnn.com/2021/03/01/us/…
But maybe this is "fake news" misreporting on the actions of a local government led by the people -- the best kind of government, social conservatives tell us. So, then I went to the Google and typed in "Loudon County Public Schools", clicked, and... oh. bit.ly/3q5fLpn
"What the hell are racial undertones?", someone might ask because it doesn't really commit to a definitive framing on the clear harm of something blatantly racist. So, I went to the Google and typed "Dr. Seuss racism" and... ah, interesting. slj.com/?detailStory=n…
Because this centers in an annual commemoration on reading and literacy, I took the time to read this study, written by two researchers who went through Dr. Seuss' entire catalogue out of curiosity. You can read their full study here: sophia.stkate.edu/cgi/viewconten…
They point out: "Before and during his career publishing children’s books, Dr. Seuss also published hundreds of racist political cartoons, comics, and advertisements for newspapers, magazines, companies, and the United States government."
The authors asked: "Our study sought to evaluate the claims that his children’s books are anti-racist, and was shaped by the research question: How and to what extent are non-White characters depicted in Dr. Seuss’ children’s books?"
I won't spoil the ending for you, but it's clear that even in Dr. Seuss' more "evolved" days, he still had some issues with racist depictions in kids books.
I don't know, maybe someone really can evolve significantly and still not quite be where they should?
Given the clear evidence that Dr. Seuss' kids books still used racist depictions--even if they're not obvious to white people like me--maybe continuing to tout them as the gold standard of anti-racism in early childhood education isn't the best way to go here?
So, Loudon County Public Schools kept the books, still display them, still allow kids to check them out, but simply don't want to hold them up as THE central gateway to childhood literacy because of demonstrable racist depictions.
That seems... pretty damn reasonable?
But wait, I've heard that schools DO ban books. Those filthy liberals with their cancel culture. So, I went to the Google to look up a list of the most banned books last year because that's a thing anyone with internet can do.
And I found out that for the most recent year for which we have data (2019), of the 10 books most challenged and banned, *EIGHT* of them were solely because of LGBTQ themes.
It seems social conservatives have worked overtime to, uh, "cancel" LGBTQ books.
So, it appears that there is a "cancel culture" crisis in our libraries, with blatant attacks on freedom of thought, and it's being led by social conservatives.
Anyway, try out the Google! Oh, the places you'll go!
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The criticism over Zelenskyy not wearing a suit is not only foolish but more importantly: completely fails to understand why he doesn't. Of course the man own suits. That's not the point.
His clothes are intentional symbolism. A country and its leader under immediate and existential threats from a tyrannical force have no time for suits and neckties.
Notice, too, that he's not wearing a formal uniform.
He has no visible rank or medals or nametapes. He has no commander’s cap or mirror-shined shoes. He has no epaulets or brass buttons or starched creases. He isn’t even wearing patches.
If land-based nuclear weapons are launched at the United States, even in a best case scenario (ha), the odds are pretty good you're not gonna know about it until the moment the bomb detonates in your area.
It's estimated that it would take 26 minutes, 40 seconds for an ICBM to travel from Russia to mainland U.S.
The estimate from North Korea to the U.S. is 33 minutes.
So, you're thinking: well, hey, that means I'll at least have a head start, right?
The state funeral for James Earl “Jimmy” Carter, Jr., the 39th President of the United States, was as well attended by dignitaries as one might expect — or hope.
Among the hundreds in attendance at the Washington National Cathedral were Presidents Biden, Obama, Bush, and Clinton; Vice Presidents Harris, Pence, Gore, and Quayle; Secretaries of State Clinton and Kerry; first and second spouses...
...Chief Justice Roberts and Associate Justices Sotomayor, Kagan, Kavanaugh, Barrett, and Jackson; current and former heads of government from Canada, Colombia, Japan, Portugal, and the United Kingdom; Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh...
Yesterday, just before noon, The Washington Post, through CEO William Lewis, announced it would not endorse a candidate in the 2024 presidential election.
It was shocking for two immediate reasons.
The most grave—and, frankly, terrifying—reason is that the United States is obviously at threat of sliding into a horrific dictatorship from which it’s difficult to see how we’d ever recover.
Donald Trump and J.D. Vance have made it abundantly clear that they aspire to devolve our nation into the world’s most powerful authoritarian regime. One need look no further than the chilling plans outlined in Project 2025.
I’m writing this after traveling back from the future, specifically Nov. 12th.
It’s a long story, but I know a lady who knows a lady who has a friend with a DeLorean souped up with an off-market flux capacitor and the trip got made.
Anyway, we don’t have much time, so I’ll cut to the chase.
I got some good news and some bad news and some more good news.
Here’s the first good bit: Election Night went mostly okay, though not without a lot of stress.
By 1am on the East Coast, it was basically clear that Vice President Harris and Governor Walz were going to win the bulk of the swing states, all of them by pretty small margins.
I'd love to be wrong on this because any other answer would imply a straightforward fix, but I'm pretty damn sure the "Democrats aren't reaching young men" critique is never backed up with suggestions because the critic knows it isn't about messaging. It's about misogyny.
Sometimes, I'll see other answers offered that don't make any sense.
"Well, young men are worried about student loans."
VP Harris has talked about student loans, and Pres. has forgiven the loans of 5 million people. Also: how is this strictly about young men?
"I mean, maybe not student loans. It's about upward mobility. Young men need a future."
VP Harris laid out an expansive economic vision for all working class families. How are young men affected disproportionately? How is this strictly a young men's issue?