Everyone who disagrees with me is disingenuous and does so for profit.
The only people with sincerely held beliefs all agree with me.
I care about others but everyone who disagrees with me cares about power.
Everyone who disagrees with me hasn’t Done the Work™️. They need to Listen and Learn™️.
If you’re not against something that I’m against in the EXACT way I’m against it you are actually for it.
The very fact that you disagree with me is evidence that I’m right and that you are a bad person.
Data that reinforces what I believe paints a vivid picture of the reality of the situation. Data that doesn’t is clearly manufactured to hold onto power.
Studies that support my side are meticulously researched and documented by expert scholars. Studies that don’t are conducted by cranks.
Anecdotal evidence that agrees with me is far superior to hard “facts” that don’t.
Everyone fixated on something I see no problem with is a grifter who is just trying to build a platform. Everyone fixated on the problems I care about is a champion for justice.
Everyone who disagrees with me does so because they watch cable news 24/7 (the bad network) and can therefore be dismissed.
The tribe I disagree with has turned the leaders on my side into villains so they can play the hero. They are villains and I am heroically warning you about them.
Leaders who make decisions I disagree with are abusive.
Organizations that aren’t run the way I want them to be run are toxic.
Some people who disagree with me have been deceived by evil grifters and deserve my pity. I grieve for those rubes.
Anyone that disagrees with me about how to best love their neighbor doesn't love their neighbor.
Christians that disagree with me have never read their Bible and probably don’t go to church.
That's because it reminds me that I'm smarter than them.
I'm really smart... in case that wasn't clear.
Everything you grew up believing about Christianity is a lie. I explain this in my new book which you can purchase for $120. Until you fork over the cash to read it, you should just assume I'm correct.
Everything that concerns you is a boogeyman to distract people from what concerns me.
The comedy you find humorous is unfunny, hateful, and reveals your emotional baggage. It is nothing like the brilliant satire that makes me chuckle and speaks truth to power.
The more people disagree with my argument the stronger it becomes.
You only disagree with me because you don’t have any friends of a different ethnicity. I have lots and lots (well, a couple) of them and they all think the same… way I do. #satire
It’s wrong to critique my friend based on what he’s said publicly. Everyone who does that is wicked, immoral, and foolish. The gentleness of Christ does not dwell within them and they can go jump in a lake for all I care. Make it a fiery one.
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Sympathy is biblical. Empathy is not. Here’s why. 1/12
Empathy, as commonly understood, means feeling what someone else feels—to step into their shoes and experience their emotions as if they were your own. But here’s the problem: that’s impossible. No one can actually experience someone else’s emotions firsthand. 2/12
Since we can’t truly feel what another person is feeling, the best we can do is rely on them to tell us how they feel and how we should respond. This puts them in control of our emotions. 3/12
People love to say that the Good Samaritan means everyone is our neighbor. That’s not what Jesus was teaching. He wasn’t giving a universal command to treat all people the same. He was showing that our neighbor is the one God puts in our moral proximity. 1/7
.@RevKevDeYoung explains moral proximity as the idea that the closer someone is to us in kinship, community, or responsibility, the greater our obligation to them. You have a duty to your family before strangers. You care for your church before random people online. 2/7
This is biblical. Paul says in 1 Timothy 5:8 that if a man doesn’t provide for his own family, he’s worse than an unbeliever. Scripture assumes that love and duty are ordered. Not all relationships are equal, and not all obligations are the same. 3/7
In WWII, we were unquestionably the good guys. Hitler was evil. He orchestrated the murder of millions of Jews. His evil was so monumental, so unfathomable in scale, that a post-war consensus naturally formed around the fear of ever letting someone like him rise again. 1/10
Cultural elites (of various ethnicities) capitalized on that fear to consolidate and wield power. 2/
The moral clarity of WWII has become a kind of founding myth for the modern West, replacing Christianity as the framework for understanding good and evil. Where the Gospel once shaped our moral imagination, WWII has taken its place, with Hitler as the ultimate symbol of evil. 3/
Abolitionism is rapidly gaining momentum because average pro-life voters believed that the only thing preventing states from abolishing abortion was Roe v. Wade. 1/19
The unspoken expectation of many pro-life voters was that when Roe was overturned, red states would be quick to ensure equal protection for the unborn and treat abortion as murder. 2/19
For 50 years, we've used the words "murder" and "holocaust" to accurately describe the wholesale slaughter of babies in the womb. 3/19
Galatians 3:28 tells us two important truths that are often missed by focusing solely on the description of a people that have transcended physical, ethnic, cultural, and class differences. 2/20
1) Those differences are only transcended in Christ Jesus. If laying aside our differences to unite around our common humanity were possible without Christ, this verse would not be remarkable. It is literally describing a miracle. 3/20
One of the challenges we had to overcome early in the effort to sound the alarm about Critical Race Theory was regular folks who recognized the problems but didn’t know how to articulate their concerns without sounding racist. 1/8
Nationalism has the same problem. Folks are concerned about globalism and haven’t quite figured out how to articulate those concerns without automatically triggering the negative response we’ve been conditioned to have by the postwar liberal consensus. 2/8
It’s pretty wild to see anti-woke leaders who helped articulate the concerns of regular folks about CRT turn on them because of their concerns about globalism. Where is the charitableness you exhibited before? 3/8