So many of you have been incredibly helpful in my efforts to source more explicitly anti-racist urbanism materials to incorporate into my @nyutandon#DesignofCities class. Paying it forward, below is a weekly reader of the writings/videos I've assigned thus far:
Resuming posting my #DesignofCities class reading/watching list:
Wk 9: Reshaping the City
VIDEO: American Makeover Episode 2: Seaside, the City of Ideas
Wk 9: Reshaping the City
VIDEO: Arlington's Smart Growth
Wk 9: Reshaping the City
TEDX TALK: @DunhamJones Retrofitting suburbia
Wk 9: Reshaping the City
Supplementary Reading: @andreperryedu 's "Know Your Price" (because there was no way I could choose just one chapter to assign!).…
Wk 10: Whose City?
TEDX TALK: What we don’t understand about gentrification | Stacey Sutton
Wk 10: Whose City?
TEDX TALK: From the Mouth of a Gentrifier | Makenna Marshall
Wk 10: Whose City?
READING: “They’re Not Building It for Us”: Displacement Pressure, Unwelcomeness, and Protesting Neighborhood Investment by @SteveDanley & Dr. Rasheda Weaver…
Thinking of my #AAPI friends & how to make "sense" of this hate. @BreneBrown's post gets at its root & provides resources for how to fight it. One thing that comes to mind that isn't mentioned directly is how much hate has to do with fear of losing power.
Esp. losing "White" power, stemming from illogical thinking that this is a 0 sum game; that if there are winners, then there must be losers; that amplifying voices of the powerless & striving for equity means you'll be striped of something you feel you're entitled to or "earned."
So we must understand that while hate crimes & hate-based violence are horrific, vile, atrocities, the false thinking that often precedes it itself is a grave threat & we must work to combat & eradicate both hateful actions - and thinking.