UPDATED🧵: A lot of new facts have emerged since I last did a thread on a possible lab escape of Covid-19, so I'm compiling some of the latest findings on the subject.
*All these are factual information which makes an unfettered investigation paramount*
A quick recap: It starts with an outbreak of severe unexplained pneumonia cases in 2012, which saw six miners hospitalized. Three of them died, and the cause for their illness was suspected to be due to "SARS-like CoV". The symptoms were almost indistinguishable from COVID-19.
In the past few months, it has been covered in most of the major media outlets, but here is the original post from May last year: (This thread is a goldmine )
From a 2016 PhD thesis supervised by Gao Fu, it became known that four of the miners had SARS positive antibodies. The author recommended a long-term sampling of the mine.
Note: The assay could be cross-reactive to different SARS-like CoVs.
In a nutshell: They haven't been forthcoming about their trips to the mine, the motive behind their trips, & all the CoVs they sampled. The project under which they sampled the mine (2013FY113500) was under review in Sep 2019, & the project database has been conveniently deleted.
2/ Many journalists have since tried to visit the mine, but were blocked under one pretext or another.
3/ On PREDICT, GVP & CVP: This is important because there was a renewed effort in 2018 to survey coronaviruses in South China, and find the viruses that could pass to humans.
The thing to note here, is that no data is available since the project started.
4/ On WIV Project Grants: This is vitally important because these are the specific research projects that WIV was actually doing prior to the outbreak:
- Determine the cross-species transmissibility of SARS-like coronaviruses between different hosts.
5/ On WIV Tenders: This is rarely discussed, and unless you've been following us, you've probably never heard of it -- critical WIV bio-safety installations were being upgraded/renovated in 2019, so something getting past the lab doesn't seem "unlikely".
9/ CAS Special Project 1: This is particularly noteworthy given that many of the WIV projects are thematically associated with this project, and can be explained in this context.
The project description is very interesting really:
In sum, whether or not the virus spilled over from WIV, there is an enormous information void surrounding these projects, and not only that but Chinese authorities and their western collaborators have gone to great lengths to prevent any further inquiry.
So whether you think lab origin is likely or not (it's a matter of opinion and IMO it's a reasonable and a better-supported theory, and I'm not even going into the genomic arguments), but these are uncontested facts, and it needs to be investigated thoroughly and honestly.
Bottom line: These are the specific research that was being done, review the records for these projects, examine lab operations, have direct access to the lab personnel, notebooks, tender documents, databases, stored virus samples and sequences, and resample the Mojiang mine.
Bonus: Timeline of Wuhan Institute of Virology projects and tenders (2018-2020)
Kristian Andersen and Robert Garry, co-authors of the Proximal Origins paper had testified that they had met with CIA agents. science.org/content/articl…
Just came across something striking: Wuchun Cao, a serving Colonel in the Chinese PLA, was a key presenter in the China Virome Project (part of the Global Virome Project).
This is really interesting. 🧵
If you've been following this story, the 'China Virome Project (CVP)' might ring a bell. For those who haven’t, here’s some background from @mattwridley and me: unherd.com/2022/04/did-vi…
So, what’s a PLA scientist like Wuchun Cao doing here?
For context, he was involved in a 'major project' with Shi Zhengli and now serves on the Scientific Advisory Committee at WIV.
The project was focused on identifying the next pandemic pathogen.
Interestingly, all the three unpublished ACE2 sequences (likely from Mojiang) are from R. pusillus.
According to EHA's R01 renewal, R. pusillus (Rpu) was among the most sampled species of bats. Yet, WIV has published next to nothing on Rpu's so far. ecohealthalliance.org/wp-content/upl…
Of note: R. pusillus has been proposed as a likely host of SARS2’s progenitor.
1/ Just musing here, but when the Mojiang miners died clearing bat droppings, it stands to reason that WIV would have left no stone unturned to investigate the cause, especially after they made advancements in NGS, genetically engineered cell lines and reverse genetics in 2017-18
2/ Li Xu, 2013: “the analysis of these 6 cases of unknown pneumonia..may be considered as follows: caused by "SARS-like CoV"
Wang, 2014: “it is likely that the 6 miners were infected with the pathogen carried by bats”
Canping, 2016: “4 people carried SARS virus IgG antibodies”
3/ WIV, 2017: “establish genetically engineered cell lines dedicated for virus isolation which will provide significant improvement over current cell lines..without having to relying on cytopathic effect (CPE) as all current methods do.” web.archive.org/web/2021081821…
Theory: In 2017, US lifted the #GoF moratorium. Subsequently, EcoHealth, through their DEFUSE proposal provided the WIV and parts of Chinese military with the necessary action plans and work protocols to create enhanced viruses. One of these enhanced viruses escaped the Wuhan lab
I'm not implying anything insidious here. My proposition is: WIV conducted the DEFUSE work using their own funding, with the involvement of Chinese military.
Did NIH fund this research? No.
Did NIH funding support the research? Likely, yes.
Did NIH know about it at the time? Idk
EHA/NIH funded research at WIV, which successfully modified bat coronaviruses previously unable to infect humans, and successfully modifed them to make them even more infectious in human-like cells.