No, The Times own version of its strategy is flawed. Without the huge audience that free brought, The Times would not have been able to convert the number of readers it has to subscription.…
Later, the same story demonstrates the point: You have to have large sampling (read: free) to convert people to subs (read: paid).
Frustrating that the story about the WSJ barely touches the GOP elephant in the room: Murdoch's politics and the right's racism. This is his bully pulpit.…
Oops. Left out the most revealing quote.
The larger point: If one wonders how Murdoch--or any proprietor--promulgates a worldview through his (yes, his) publication, these snippets provide a small case study. How is, say, the internet covered? Or race? Editors & culture exert influence. They are black boxes.
BTW, whatever became of the vaunted committee that was supposed to oversee & assure the "independence" of Dow Jones & the WSJ. Independence from whom? It's owner? Yeah, sure.
Original slate:…
Latest sighting:…
What has it ever done?
Grrrr. *its.
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Before I give up on @Morning_Joe and switch forever to CNN in the morning, I thought I'd see whether @JoeNBC & @morningmika would acknowledge reaction to their Mar-a-Lago pilgrimage. Nope. Football, then the Tyson fight as a "media story." But they are the media story.
Joe says they want to an event last night. "A lot of people came up to us, hugging us, saying, tell us everything is going to be ok." No, Joe. We deserve hugs, not you. You have no basis to tell us fascism is going to be ok. Your have sold out for access.
Next comes Rev. Al to absolve Joe and Mika. Sell-out. Joe says there's a "massive disconnect between social media and real world"--"real" are the sycophants who called them. They ignore our criticism, fingers in ears. Willie prostrates himself kissing their rings. Bye, Joe.
Oh, Lord. Joe and Mika went to Mar-a-lago. "What we did agree on," Mika said, "was to restart communications." Access. "He seemed interested in finding common ground with Democrats." Credulity. They revert to their mean.
Mika: "We know this will be a consequential presidency. The question is whether it will be constructive. It will take a new approach from all sides from both parties and a leader who can bring them together and only time will tell whether Donald Trump is that leader." Yeesh.
"Don't be mistaken: We're not here to normalize Donald Trump," Joe says after having done just that. "Obey in advance.
.@CJR gave me the opportunity to write the story I've so wanted to write about the wave of liberal anger with the NY Times, Washington Post, et ilk, over campaign coverage, quoting many journalists and exploring theories.…
@jbouie @jayrosen_nyu @Sulliview @JamesFallows @MarkJacob16 @NormOrnstein @atrupar @davidfolkenflik @IfBooksPod @NewsJennifer @Will_Bunch @GregTSargent @froomkin @ParkerMolloy @johnrobinson @chrislehmann @JoyAnnReid @JoeNBC @morningmika Me, disagreeing with Joe Kahn: "I would define journalism’s role in this moment differently: to report on the imminent threat of fascism in the context of history. But first, one must recognize it."…
Times & Post editors demand Harris outline policies.
She delivers a major speech and informative interview on economic policy.
The editors BURY it. (Post then buried it even lower.) This isn't news judgment. It's petty vindictiveness.
Fucking #BrokenTimes, #BrokenPost.
It gets even worse. Much worse. The #BrokenTimes story is 3 takeaways, carping that she "had roundabout answers to open-ended questions" and "a hard-hitting Harris interview is still yet to come" and she might not win the Senate. This is AG's petulant vendetta, not journalism. 2/
And the #BrokenPost pushes a pedantic Kessler "fact-check" and carps that she "offers few specifics." Bullshit. 3/
Lewis Clephane, founder of the Republican Party: "In those days it was a crime to be called a Republican, and every man who was then known as a Republican was denounced as an Abolitionist. We have fought the battle." Its first platform: 1/…
Clephane recounts fears of insurrectionists almost prevented Lincoln's inaugural parade; the party prevailed. He also notes how an insurrectionist mob attacked the Republican "Wide Awakes." Yes, woke. Ironies aplenty. 2/
I came to this researching his younger brother, James, for my book on the Linotype. Here is a fascinating biographic sketch of Lewis Clephane by his son: 3/…
Shorter Sulzberger: First they came for Black, Latino, LGBTQ, Muslim, immigrant, pregnant, & poor people--their rights & their speech--but now that Trump could come for us... 1/
How the quiet war against press freedom could come to America (Gift link)
Here, A.G. sets up a strawman. No, we critics are not asking The Times to "cast aside neutrality and directly oppose Trump". We are asking The Times to give Trump's peril to *other* people the kind of attention he gives it here regarding danger to news media 2/
A.G. also cannot resist one more petulant snipe at Joe Biden for not granting him the interview he thinks of as his birthright, as his privilege of press and power. That is telling. 3/