The Rockefellers and population control; A timeline..
One of the families connected to the power elite is the Rockefeller family, as former Congressman William Dannemeyer has recounted that David Rockefeller told him that some men are born to rule, but most men are born to be ruled.
Therefore, it would be useful to look at a chronology regarding the Rockefellers and population control:
1. August 1904 - EVERYBODY'S MAGAZINE publishes Thomas Lawson's "Frenzied Finance," in which he reveals that Standard Oil (Rockefeller) agents are..
"in every hamlet in the country," and that once someone is within their network, "punishment for disloyalty is sure and terrible, and in no corner of the earth can he escape it."…
2. 1910 - The Eugenics Record Office is established at Cold Spring Harbor in New York. It is funded by the Carnegie Institute, and will receive funding from the Rockefeller Foundation which will be founded in 1913.…
The Rockefeller Foundation also will fund Nazi Dr. Ernst Rudin's eugenics research at the Kaiser Wilhelm Brain Research Institute in Berlin.…
At the Third International Congress on Eugenics held in New York in 1932, Rudin will be unanimously elected president of the International Federation of Eugenic Societies.
Rudin and other Nazis will be transported to the Congress on George Herbert Walker's and Prescott Bush's Hamburg-Amerika Lines.…
3. 1911 - John D. Rockefeller, Jr., forms the Bureau of Social Hygiene, and in 1914 the Rockefeller Foundation will help organize and fund the American Social Hygiene Association…
"for reconsideration of public attitudes toward prostitution." Via the National Research Council, the Rockefeller Foundation's Medical Division for many years will fund the horrible sex research of Alfred Kinsey.
In the early 1900s, Rockefeller introduces Margaret Sanger to the monied elite who help her form the Birth Control League that will become Planned Parenthood.
She eugenically advocates limiting "dysgenic stocks" such as Blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Catholics, as well as "slum dwellers" such as Jewish immigrants.
4. August 1912 - Frederick Gates, head of the Rockefeller General Education Board (GEB, founded in 1902), writes in THE WORLD'S WORK that, "in our dream we have limitless resources, and the (rural) people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand."
5. March 27, 1922 - THE NYT reports that New York City Mayor John Hylan said: "One of my first acts as mayor was to pitch out, bag and baggage, from the educational system of our city the Rockefeller agents" who supported "the kind of education the coolies receive in China."
6. April 11, 1933 - Rockefeller Foundation president Max Mason assures trustees that in their program, "the Social Sciences will concern themselves with the rationalization of social control,...the control of human behavior."
7. Fall 1937 - Rockefeller Foundation gives a grant to Princeton University to study the influence of radio on different groups, and a grant by the GEB will be made to study how the broadcast of "The War of the Worlds" fit into the Princeton Project.
8. 1937 - Robert Havighurst becomes director of the GEB and suggests the "global servant" concept and educating youth for some form of world citizenship.
9. 1939 - Rockefeller Foundation organizes a series of secret seminars involving communications scholars with the aim of manipulating Americans to accept involvement in World War II.
This is part of a larger effort before 1945 whereby the Rockefeller Foundation underwrites Harold Laswell and Walter Lippmann, who advocated a world in which elites ruled by manipulating mass sentiment.
10. March 27, 1942 - Senator Harry Truman refers to the Standard Oil (Rockefeller) dealings with the Nazis as "approaching treason."
11- 1945 - Rockefeller Foundation medical director Alan Gregg begins search for an institution that will see if wartime psychology could be relevant for civilian society. Regarding this, the foundation will fund the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.
12- 1950-51 - Rockefeller Foundation chairman John Foster Dulles takes John D. Rockefeller III on a tour of Third World countries stressing the need eugenically to control the growth of non-white populations.
13. 1952 - John D. Rockefeller III and John Foster Dulles found the Population Council to fund population control measures.
14. 1959 - Rockefeller Brothers Fund (for whom a young Henry Kissinger has worked) publishes THE MID-CENTURY CHALLENGE TO U.S. FOREIGN POLICY, in which one reads:
"We cannot escape, and indeed should welcome, the task which history has imposed on us. This is the task of helping to shape a new world order in all its dimensions - spiritual, economic, political, social."
15. September 1961 - Former Rockefeller Foundation president Dean Rusk (Rhodes scholar) as Secretary of State publishes "Freedom From War" detailing a 3-stage disarmament plan,
including, "the disbanding of all national armies...other than those required to preserve internal order and for contributions to the United Nations Peace Force."
16. 1968 - James Simon Kunen's THE STRAWBERRY STATEMENT is published and includes a report from a meeting of the radical Students for a Democratic Society,
which indicated they "were offered ESSO (Rockefeller) money to make a lot of radical commotion so they (left wing of ruling class) can look more in the center as they move more to the left."
17. March 11, 1969 - Vice-President of Planned Parenthood-World Population Frederick Jaffe's "Activities Relevant to the Study of Population Policy for the U.S." is printed containing a memo to Population Council president Bernard Berelson.
It includes examples of proposed measures to reduce U.S. fertility, such as,
-encourage increased homosexuality
-fertility control agents in water supply
-encourage women to work
-abortion and sterilization on demand
-make contraception truly available and accessible to all
18. March 20, 1969 - Dr. Lawrence Dunegan attends a meeting of Pediatric physicians in Pittsburgh where the speaker is Dr. Richard Day, national medical director of Planned Parenthood from 1965-68.
Dr. Dunegan recounts that Dr. Day said that in the future there will be hard-to-cure diseases created, and that cures for nearly all cancers had been developed but were being hidden at the Rockefeller Institute so that populations would not increase.
19. July 1, 1970 - Senate Appropriations hearings are held for the Department of Defense and refer to eminent biologists who believe that within 5 to 10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent (infective micro-organism),
an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.
Tentative plans to initiate a program to develop such an agent were discussed by the National Research Council.
(remember it was via the National Research Council that the Rockefeller Foundation funded Alfred Kinsey's research).
Hearings in the British House of Commons from April 8 to May 13, 1987 regarding AIDS will include the following:
"Every biological scientist who has dispassionately studied the virus and the epidemic knows that the origins of the virus could lie in the developments of modern biology...
...Some who know perfectly well what has happened are deliberately fudging scientific data to keep the heat off them and fellow members of their molecular biological 'club'."
20. 1970 - David Rockefeller becomes chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) until 1985. During this time, Rhodes scholar Richard Gardner will write "The Hard Road to World Order" in the CFR's FOREIGN AFFAIRS (April 1974),
in which he will advocate that,
"an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece-by-piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault."
21. March 7, 1972 - The Rockefeller Commission on Population issues a report advocating population control, stating that further growth of the American population could cause economic problems, and that..
"in any case, no generation needs to know the ultimate goal or the final means, only the direction to which they will be found."
In other words, they will control population, but they're not going to tell us how!
22. August 10, 1973 - THE NEW YORK TIMES publishes an article by David Rockefeller praising "the social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership," despite the fact that tens of millions of innocent people have been slaughtered by the Communist dictatorship there.
23. 1973 - The Trilateral Commission is begun by David Rockefeller and will issue a report stating that "population planning should be an integral part of social and economic development."
24. 1973 - George H.W. Bush praises the Population Crisis Committee (PCC) for having played a "major role in assisting government policy makers and in mobilizing United States' response to the world population challenge."
The PCC was founded by General William Draper, Jr. (vice-chairman of Planned Parenthood), and is largely funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
25. 1973 - THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION by John D. Rockefeller III is published and applauds sexual liberation and the "humanistic revolution" while disparaging "old-fashioned nationalism."
26. 1974 - CFR chairman David Rockefeller (and other globalists) encourage David R. Young to form in early 1975 Oxford Analytica, which will be the first private-sector, overt, global intelligence network.
Among its clients will be the U.N., NATO, the World Bank, Chase Manhattan Bank, Bechtel, ChevronTexaco, Shell Oil, IBM, etc. And among its members will be Rick Warren, mega-church pastor and author of THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE, who is also a member of the CFR.
27. 1974 - Toward the end of the year, John D. Rockefeller III addresses delegates to the Population Tribune in Bucharest, Rumania, and declares that,
"population planning must be a fundamental and integral part of any modern development program, recognized as such by national leadership and supported fully."
28. December 10, 1974 - The National Security Council's NSSM 200, "Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests," is marked "classified" and "confidential."
It is proposed by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (formerly with the Rockefeller Brothers Fund) and will be given final approval by National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft.
The document states that, "if future numbers are to be kept within reasonable bounds, it is urgent that measures to reduce fertility be started and made effective in the 1970s and 1980s....(Financial) assistance will be given to other countries..
...considering such factors as population growth... Food and agricultural assistance is vital for any population sensitive development strategy... Allocation of scarce resources should take account of what steps a country is taking in population control...
There is an alternative view that mandatory programs may be needed...."
29. 1975 - Rockefeller Foundation president John Knowles in the annual report states:
"The web of interdependence is tightening. We are one world and there will be one future - for better or for worse - for us all.
Central to a new ethic of making less more is controlled economic growth which conserves scarce resources, provides equitable distribution of income and wealth...
...It is also necessary to control fertility rates at the replacement level and to achieve zero population growth as rapidly as possible."
30. November 1977 - The Soviet NEW TIMES reports that David Rockefeller just sent a message to Kremlin leaders saying: "My congratulations on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the October Revolution."
This is despite the fact that the Soviets have killed tens of millions of innocent people...
31. December 1980 - Archbishop Peter Proeku Dery of Ghana says that, "the World Bank denied loans to Ghana until my country agreed to institute a nationwide contraception and family planning policy.
There was also pressure to legalize abortion, although the Church and the people have so far been able to prevent this. For how long, I don't know. The World Bank's attitude shows a total disregard for the beliefs of the people of the Third World."
Some years later, Kofi Annan of Ghana will receive the approval of the power elite to become U.N. Secretary-General, and he will do nothing to stop the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Rwandans.
Now ... Tell me.. How does it feel to know that the Rockefeller Foundation is also funding the ID2020 project?
End of the thread..
Rest needed...
You will find here the links to all the Rockfeller's buddies..
75 ans et 6 mois avant le 7 octobre, le massacre de Deir Yassin – 9 avril 1948.
Deir Yassin est un des pires massacres sionistes commis contre les Palestiniens. Des civils palestiniens sans défense ont été torturés avant d'être massacrés et leurs corps mutilés.
Les dirigeants de la Haganah ont admis que le massacre « avait déshonoré la cause des combattants juifs et déshonoré les armes juives et le drapeau juif ».
Ils ont minimisé le fait que leurs milices avaient renforcé l'attaque terroriste, même s'ils n'ont pas participé à la barbarie et aux pillages lors des opérations de « nettoyage » qui ont suivi.
Le Contrôle De La Population.
À un moment donné, l'élite a au moins tenté de dissimuler au grand public son enthousiasme sans bornes pour le contrôle de la population, mais maintenant, elle n'essaie même plus de le cacher.
En janvier 2020, une nouvelle étude alarmante qui prône le contrôle de la population mondiale comme l'une des solutions à "l'urgence climatique" à laquelle nous sommes confrontés a été publiée dans la revue BioScience.…
Ce document, signé par 11 258 « scientifiques » de 153 pays différents appelle ouvertement à une réduction de la population humaine de notre planète.
La Police, La Mafia et La Loge : L'Obscure Trinité Corruptrice.
Opération Tibérius
En janvier 1997, The Guardian a publié pour la première fois une photo considérée comme unique.
Elle perce le mur du secret qui entoure l’une des organisations les plus mystérieuses de Grand-Bretagne en révélant un grand rassemblement de policiers londoniens portant gants blancs, écharpes brodées et tabliers en peau d’agneau…
La Lucis Trust est la maison d'édition qui imprime et diffuse le matériel des Nations Unies. C'est une mise en accusation dévastatrice de la nature New Age et païenne de l'ONU.
La Lucis Trust a été créé en 1922 sous le nom de Lucifer Trust par Alice Bailey en tant que société d'édition pour diffuser les livres de Bailey, de Blavatsky et de la Société Théosophique.
L’éprouvette du pangolin.
Ou comment l'histoire de l'origine de la fuite du Covid d'un laboratoire est passée de la «théorie du complot» au débat gouvernemental.
Décembre 2019
Un groupe de cas d'une mystérieuse maladie respiratoire est signalé dans la ville chinoise de Wuhan, les premières traces d'un virus qui "tuerait des millions de personnes" dans le monde dans la pire pandémie depuis des décennies..
16 février 2020
Le sénateur Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) devient l'un des premiers politiciens à avancer la théorie selon laquelle le coronavirus est né dans un laboratoire, soit comme un virus créé artificiellement, soit comme un virus naturel qui s'est échappé.…