🔷 the text on images is easy to read
🔷 it doesn't cover any important objects behind it (e.g. faces or products)
🔷 text contrast is good everywhere, not only on images
2/5. Navigation.
Don't hide navigation under hamburger icons on desktop devices.
I needed to make a pill component that should have had a 1px border.
But when on hover it should be doubled.
It wasn't that easy, and here is why.
If you simply make a 2px border on hover it will increase the height and width of the pill.
Since you don't know in advance what the width is, and probably the pill might be multiline, I don't think using fixed height/width is a good solution.
Instead, what I did is - I used shadows.
The first border is 1px shadow, and the second border (in the hover state) is 2px shadow.