Here are the number of tweets in past few days Delhi CM @ArvindKejriwal made on oxygen and lack of availability in the national capital.
@ArvindKejriwal Here is his tweet on availability of beds in Delhi. March 30. Today is April 23 (2/n)
@ArvindKejriwal Here is Kejriwal on remdesivir. Since Kejriwal has neither tweeted on scarcity nor has he assured of enough beds, one can assume remdesivir supply is not a concern in Delhi (3/n)
@ArvindKejriwal Here are the latest tweets on COVID patients being helpless about lack of availability of beds in Delhi. These are just the last few ones. There are many, many such distress messages (4/n)
@ArvindKejriwal Here are people sending SOS for remdesivir in Delhi. Kejriwal has not ONCE tweeted about scarcity of remdesivir in national capital. (5/n)
@ArvindKejriwal So, the only crisis during this second wave of coronavirus Delhi is facing is on oxygen? When people in Delhi are begging for beds and remdesivir on social media, why is Kejriwal only speaking about oxygen? What about other essentials? WHAT ABOUT BEDS? (6/6)
@ArvindKejriwal Here is an update. Will continue to update this thread with whatever info I come across.
Wonder what the 'war room for oxygen' led by Sisodia is busy doing
Kejriwal crying for oxygen, but refuses to figure out transportation, etc. Raghav Chadha can personally go and set up WIFI for farmers at border, but for oxygen, they are waiting for instructions. WHAT PATHETIC LOSER!
Sources tell me one of his close aide who has earlier been a 'union leader' of sort before taking up politics is trying to get his own takers to take a cut. Thank Kejri govt for giving you oxygen se azadi.
Sources tell me this leader has been sitting on tankers list because of huge black marketing opportunity. Also why Delhi govt has not been vocal about lack of bed and remdesivir supply, when people are begging for non-oxygen beds as well.
I really hope that once we tide over this, an inquiry is set and all communications, letters, memos are checked and scrutinised to see who all messed up where. Twitter pe rone se achha kaam hi kar lete yeh log.
Cannot believe this has to be told. Kejriwal cannot put his arms up and say we can't do anything. You cannot rid yourself of the responsibility.
So, not only AAPiyans, but even those who represent AAPiyans in court of law are liars. Kya zeher hai yeh.
Court asks him to arrange for transport, he continues to talk about product. Ask them to provide tankers instead if they have spare. You've been a bureaucrat, an IRS officer. Surely you know how communication works.
6:25 pm Kejriwal tweets he is writing to CMs of other states for oxygen. 6:36 pm AAP tweets the same. Both say he *will* do it, not that he has already done that. Hope Kejriwal updates us when he finally writes to other CMs.
Kejriwal spent 150 crore in advertisements from Jan-March 2021. Do note while overall India is having second wave, Delhi is in fourth wave of pandemic…
See the four peaks of active cases? Yea, Delhi is on its fourth wave of coronavirus pandemic.
Adding to the thread so it does not get lost in the chaos.
I lived through the Godhra carnage and subsequent riots in Gujarat. I saw what was happening around me and how media was reporting, including mainstream media in Gujarat.
Over the years, I have become skeptical when it comes to movies, books which suggest they are the truth about Gujarat riots.
Mostly because they almost always want to show their version of truth - that too about the riots. But not the burning alive of 59 people which triggered the riots.
For the first time, a movie is showing that the carnage was a pre-planned conspiracy. Not 'cooking stove' theory or 'cigarette butt' theory.
Here are some of my thoughts on the movie + the carnage and subsequent riots.
1. Movie does not shy away from the fact that the mob that set the train on fire was a Muslim mob. That it was not just a random 'crowd' which decided to set the train on fire over an imaginary scuffle.
2. Speaking of imaginary scuffle, that theory along with the 'abduction of Muslim girl' theory (Sofiyabano as mentioned in the Mehta-Nanavati Commission Report) are both authoritatively false. This is something the Commission also found in the investigation and it is shown in the film also. The film gets extra point for showing how people in a 'particular community' dominated area, where 'Sofiyabano' lived, would cheer when Pakistan was winning and India was losing. This is true even today in some parts of India. In popular narratives, owing to 'responsible media', the criminals, especially religiously motivated, are not shown as is. As it could be 'provocative'. Such is the state of our country where truth is provocative.
3. The movie shows that stones were pelted at the bogey. Without shying away from showing who were pelting those stones. Further, witness testimony video (likely based on the Commission report) where witnesses are saying that they heard the shouting 'maaro, kaato' directed at them. As per the report, announcements were made from the nearby masjid to gather a crowd.
4. Media indeed played a huge role in instigating subsequent riots. And spreading falsehoods. While initial reports did not deny the karsevaks were burnt live, subsequent theories were floated. Did you know who was the first one to suggest 'short circuit' theory was Mukul Sinha of Jan Sangharsh Manch? Who Mukul Sinha? Question is - whom was he trying to protect?
5. In 2004 when UPA government came to power, Lalu Yadav, who was the Union Railway Minister set up one person Banerjee Commission that submitted its first interim report in January 2005. It termed the Godhra carnage as 'accident'. Siddharth Varadarajan, who now runs propaganda portal The Wire, used this Banerjee Commission report back in 2005 as Editor of The Hindu and said how the Sabarmati Express fire was an 'accident'. But also mentioned how it was surrounded by an angry mob. To him I ask, why, then, was an angry mob surrounding a burning train? And why were they not making an effort to douse the fire?
Hello, @HMOIndia@AmitShah Pls take cognisance of following tweet and every single person who has retweeted and liked this tweet for possible terror sympathisers in the valley.
On 26 July 2008, 8 year old Yash Vyas with his 10-11 year old brother Rohan and father, Dushyant Vyas, stepped out of home to learn how to cycle. (1/n)
At around 7:30/7:45 (he’s not too sure of time), his father got a call. He worked at the Civil Hospital and he rushed there with his both sons. Ambulances started rolling in. There were serial bomb blasts in the city (2/n)
Just then another blast took place near the trauma centre at civil hospital. The place where victims of other blasts were bring brought in. Yash’s brother Rohan had burnt beyond recognition. (3/n)
Shaktisinh Gohil, Adhir Ranjan, all laughing and smiling like even they don't believe in the slogans they are raising. No wonder the party is reduced to a joke.
dude bros think Gandhi family simping will win them elections when Gandhi family itself is struggling to find their relevance.
What is the easiest way to ‘show a woman her place’? Attack her family, her character and easiest of all, her daughter. In our very own David vs Goliath fight, @smritiirani defeated @RahulGandhi on the family seat and clearly the wound is still raw. (1/n)
So now with election season again setting in slowly, Congress has resorted to dirty politics. This time, they have taken on her daughter. 18-year-old Zoish and accused her of running an ‘illegal bar’. ‘Sanskar’ is invoked to insinuate women who work in bars are of disrepute (2/n)
And while any work, including working in a bar, demands as much dignity as being an MP from Wayanad, the intention with which it was thrown around was to clearly assassinate their characters. How low does one stoop? (3/n)